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News from the Media Room of Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) UTM:

On 17th July, 2019 marks the day of the first ever Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu’s (KADA) official visit to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (UTMKL), specifically to MJIIT UTM. We would like to express our appreciation and gratitude towards YB Senator Datuk Haji Husam bin Musa, Dato’ Frankie P. B. Cheah from the Green Master Global Fine Food Sdn Bhd, KADA board of directors, and delegates, for dropping by and journeying all the way from Kelantan. This visit comes with the purpose to discuss on the potential collaborations between KADA and MJIIT UTM.

Prof. Dr. Ali bin Selamat with YB Senator Datuk Haji Husam bin Musa, Dato’ Frankie P. B. Cheah.


The visit started off with the welcoming remarks and introduction to MJIIT UTM by the Dean, Prof. Dr. Ali bin Selamat. Next, we introduced and briefed on the professional services offered by MJIIT UTM. During the visit, what MJIIT may instantaneously offer to KADA was also discussed.

Inside the meeting room at Level 17, Menara Razak, UTMKL.

After the meeting, the guests were brought to have a look-see at the Advanced Precision Laboratory. Right after, they were entertained to lunch at Residensi UTMKL. Impressed by the services offered by the Gurney Mall @ Residensi UTMKL, YB Senator Datuk Haji Husam bin Musa even bought a few UTM wellness products to be promoted back in Kelantan.

Advanced Precision Laboratory visit.

Lunch at Residensi UTMKL.

We hope to be visiting KADA soon to kick start all the projects discussed today. InshaAllah.

Exchanging of token of appreciation between Prof. Dr. Ali Bin Selamat and YB Senator Datuk Haji Husam bin Musa.