HOD’s Welcome Notes – ウェルカムノート部門長

Assoc Prof Ir Dr Azura binti Hamzah
Head of Department ESE
The complex challenges of the digital world have led to a large development in the field of engineering and information technology. Thus, wide research and job opportunities emerged in various fields such as artificial intelligence telecommunication, engineering, multimedia, GIS technology, fibre optics, nanotechnology, computer networks, the internet of things, social media, communication and more others.
We aim at the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering (ESE) to help students in getting a solid foundation in electronic engineering by offering electronic at system level at bachelor’s program that is adopted by Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia (EAC), Malaysia. We at ESE was instrumental in adopting Malaysia’s EAC accredited engineering programmes as the accredited program substantially equivalent to the engineering degrees of the signatories of the Washington Accord.
The ESE department covers a broad engineering field that encompasses many subfields including those that deal with power, instrumentation engineering, telecommunications, semiconductor circuit design, and many others. In specific, we offer five elective areas including Communication, Embedded Systems, Biomedical, Automation and Material Science.
Graduates from this programme can be employed as production engineers, instrumentation engineers, maintenance engineers, design engineers, sales/marketing engineers or pursue postgraduate degrees. They are not easy but have high chances in Japanese industries and companies since they have acquired appropriate knowledge, experience and Japanese working culture while studying at MJIIT.
We would like to welcome you here in the ESE Department to help us in supplying to Malaysia and ASEAN region graduates whom companies will be looking for. You are most welcome whether you are a high school student, a potential graduate student considering advanced study through a Masters degree, a company or an industry representative looking for a partner to assist you with a research problem.
Lastly, we would like to invite you to explore our website and discover all the information available about our expertise, bachelor and master programs.
Konnichi wa! Hello!
Come Be Part of Our Japanese-Based Engineering Education in Malaysia!
Enrollments are Open for September 2020 Intake!
The Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) of UTM Kuala Lumpur is a special Government-to-Government Project of Malaysia and Japan under the Look East Policy. MJIIT offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in engineering and technology businesses with a Japanese education style. Nestled in the heart of Kuala Lumpur (and in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia), MJIIT welcomes you to be part of a successful track record, seeing graduates securing job positions in Japanese companies in Japan, Malaysia and other parts of the region, as well as setting up technology-based businesses in Japan and Malaysia.
While others only have ONE reason for you to join them, MJIIT offers TEN!
またね Mata ne’
UPU Code of MJIIT Programmes:
Bachelor of Mechanical Precision Engineering (UT6524004)
Bachelor of Electronic System Engineering (UT6523004)

MJIIT offers a full-time 4-year
Bachelor of Electronic Systems Engineering (ESE)
Alumni Testimonial