+60 3-2203 1517       mjiit.utm.my               


Contact Us:

Prof. Madya Dr Azwadi Che Sidik
Deputy Dean Academic
Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT)
University Teknologi Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur,
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra (Jalan Semarak),
54100 Kuala Lumpur,

Tel: +603 2203 1211
Website: https://mjiit.utm.my/
E-mail: azwadi@utm.my

Industrial Training (IT)
is a student placement in an industry or outside organization (locally or abroad) for a period of TWELVE (12) weeks. The word ‘industry’ here includes the whole of engineering activities such as consultancy, research and development, manufacturing etc. and the industry can be local or overseas. The training serves as an exposure to the real work environment so that the student can relate theories learned in class and apply them in the workplace to prepare them for their future career as a professional engineer.

The IT is designed for a student to practice knowledge gained at university in the workplace as part of the fulfillment of the Bachelor Degree Award. It is compulsory for every MJIIT undergraduate student to undergo Industrial Training for a specified period of time under the course code of SMJG 3206. The primary objective of the IT is to strengthen and broaden the students’ understanding of current practice and knowledge of the latest developments through exposure to a real-working environment and obtained during the training period.

In addition, the students are also expected to relate and apply their theoretical knowledge to solve real problems, understanding the requirements of clients and society as a whole. Subsequently, the knowledge gained during IT is expected to be useful for the students to undertake life-long learning as well as to give them sufficient knowledge useful in obtaining employment upon graduation. There are two (2) models of IT adopted at MJIIT :

  • Model 1 :  12 weeks in Industry in Malaysia.
  • Model 2 :  12 weeks in Industry in Japan

Students may download the MJIIT IT MANUAL and Related IT forms through ITS (http://its.utm.my/itsv4/).

There are two types of Industrial Training schemes for MJJIT undergraduate students (depending on degree programmes):

  • Latihan Industri (Industrial Placement)
  • Latihan Penyelidikan (Research Placement)

MJIIT maintains a list of employers which includes previous placements, as well as others who have shown an interest. While this is not an exhaustive list, for many it will give an indication of the sorts of jobs and companies which are appropriate.



For any inquiries,
feel free to contact us at:


Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra,54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Phone: +60 3-2203 1517
Mobile: +60 19-793 3799
Fax: +60 3-2203 1266

Website: https://mjiit.utm.my/
Email: mjiit@utm.my


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