+60 3-2203 1517       mjiit.utm.my               


A company that is exploiting a university or research institution intellectual property. The university or research institution may or may not own equity in the company. However, the royalty (running royalty and upfront fees) will be charged by the parent organisation due to exploiting the IP rights based on the negotiation.”

In this context a joint venture company is defined as a spin-off company if the company exploiting the University IPs.


She Empire Sdn. Bhd

Sustainable Industrial Revolution and Innovation Sdn. Bhd

AM Zaideen Ventures
Sdn. Bhd

Ai and Automation Solutions
Sdn. Bhd

For any inquiries,
feel free to contact us at:


Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra,54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Phone: +60 3-2203 1517
Mobile: +60 19-793 3799
Fax: +60 3-2203 1266

Website: https://mjiit.utm.my/
Email: mjiit@utm.my


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