+60 3-2203 1517       mjiit.utm.my               

Don't feel hesitate to contact us!

Contact Us:

Dr. Mohamed Sukri Mat Ali
Academic Manager (Postgraduate)
Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT)
University Teknologi Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur,
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra (Jalan Semarak),
54100 Kuala Lumpur,

Tel: +603 2203 1247
Website: https://mjiit.utm.my/
E-mail: sukri.kl@utm.my

Master of Sustainable Systems (Taught Course)

This programme provides students with the latest developments, knowledge and applications of sustainable systems. The programme’s strength lies in its multidisciplinarity, arming students with the right tools to address the complex sustainability.

Entry Requirements
Bachelor’s degree in science, technology or engineering or in a related field with CGPA 3.0/4.0.
International students must obtain a minimum TOEFL score of 550 or IELTS 6.0 or equivalent qualification.

Compulsory courses (5 courses):

  • Applied Sustainable Systems,
  • Life Cycle Assessment,
  • Sustainability Management and Policy,
  • Green Economy,
  • Industrial Ecology and Cleaner Production.

Elective courses (3 selected courses):

  • Environmental Impact Assessment,
  • Smart Communities,
  • Renewable Energy,
  • Sustainable Food Systems,
  • Integrated Water Science and Technology,
  • Integrated Solid Waste Management,
  • Low Carbon Cities.

University and Faculty Courses (Select 2)

  • Japanese Language,
  • Research Methodology,
  • Seminar Pembangunan Isu-Isu Sosial dan Ekonomi Global,
  • Philosophy of Science and Social Development,
  • Dynamic Leadership,
  • Organization Behavior and Development,
  • IT Project Management
  • Malaysian Society and Culture.


For any inquiries,
feel free to contact us at:


Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra,54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Phone: +60 3-2203 1517
Mobile: +60 19-793 3799
Fax: +60 3-2203 1266

Website: https://mjiit.utm.my/
Email: mjiit@utm.my


Contact Us-2021
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