From left: Dr. Akbariah Mohd Mahdzir, Dr. Rahayu Tasnim, Mr. Rudy Ludinata, Mr. Zurik Azaham, Dr. Sumiaty Ambran

One of the branding initiatives of MJIIT is to strengthen and upgrade the “ABC’s” of our support mechanism, and in particular, the line-up of our support staffs. In self-branding researches, it is proven that branding encompasses “what people ‘see’ in us”, and with this, “both visual and mental images” of us indefinitely shape how others perceive us.

This mental “image”, according to researches, are processed in our brains in split seconds, based on three variables:

The way we COMMUNICATE – 7%

It’s evident that people construct long lasting mental images based on how we “look like”; i.e. how ‘professional’ we look? how confident we ‘appear’? what specific values are we promoting/’appearing’ with?…and the list of mental inquiries continues.

Mr. Rudy giving his talk.

On the 9th of August 2019, MJIIT kick-started it’s inaugural support staff development program, a series of training and field trips (real-life exposures) tailored to motivate and guide MJIIT’s support team in self-branding efforts.

Mr. Rudy Ludinata, a reputed image consultant for government officials was invited to kick-start the 1st workshop under this 10-months program. All our support staffs joined the workshop and it became an “instant hit” as Mr. Ludinata unveiled major “crimes” in professional grooming and appearance and how may MJIIT staffs self-brand themselves to ‘appear’ more professional and efficient.

We look forward to an impactful ‘image’ transformation soon and we hope that all will join hands to make this happen. InshaAllah.

よくやった Yoku yatta, well done everyone!

Mr. Zurik Azaham presented a souvenir to Mr. Rudy as a token of appreciation at the end of the talk.

The attendees posing with Mr. Rudy at MOT Student Lounge Room, Level 10, MJIIT.