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12 External Evaluators for 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition

12 External Evaluators for 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition

The department of Chemical Process Engineering (CPE) had organised the annual design seminar and exhibition on 4th April 2019 (Thursday) at Bilik Ilmuan 1 & 3, Anjungan Menara Razak. The programme provided a platform for the 12 groups of final year students of Bachelor of Chemical Process Engineering to present their final year capstone design project to the industrial and external evaluators. Students exhibited their designed plant on agricultural waste to wealth, palm oil processing, and natural gas processing plants.

The CPE design project committee (led by Prof Dr Ezzat Chan bin Abdullah) had ensured high participation from the external parties for the design project, to bridge the gaps between academic and industrial expectations, as well as to enable the students to converse technically with industrial players and academicians.  These initiative ultimately aimed to prepare the students for their future undertaking. These initiatives include the following:

  1. Three industrial experts are appointed to supervise 12 design project teams, who have visited the students for 8 times throughout one and half semester, namely Ir Mohamad Anwar Ahmad , Mr Hong Wai Onn,  Mr Chen Ching Liang.
  2. Three industrial experts and nine external academicians  are invited to evaluate the design project during the 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition.
  3. Experience sharing by industrial expert during the 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition by Ir Johan Adam Leong on his career as a chemical engineer to all CPE students.
  4. Design seminars by industrial experts on individual equipment design.

The industrial and external academician evaluators were invited for the evaluation during the 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition, their names listed as follows:

  • Ir Johan Adam Leong – Enquest
  • Mr Faris Ibrahim – Petronas GTS
  • Ms Aida Mastura – Gamuda
  • Prof Mohammad Khalid – Sunway University
  • AP Dr Norliza Abd Rahman – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • AP Dr Mohd Shahbudin Mastar@Masdar – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • AP Dr Rashimi Gangasa Walvekar – Taylor’s University
  • Ir Dr Nor Yuliana Yuhana – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Dr Joseph Ho Yong Kuen – Monash University Malaysia
  • Dr Ban Zhen Hong – Xiamen University Malaysia
  • Dr Woon Kok Sin – Xiamen University Malaysia
  • Dr Tan Chee Keong – University Malaya

The 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition was a very successful event that the evaluators were happy with the works completed by the students. Some very positive feedback were received by the industrial partners, such as:

With my past experiences in evaluating design project in other universities, I would say, finally i can see some lights in the tunnel for future chemical engineers.

Great that all the supervision sessions went well, the students are very vocal and committed. They are great.

The students were excellent in the presentation, they have very good understanding of their own design. Overall, the quality of the projects are up to standard.

The design teams were awarded in the categories of Best Presentation Award and Best Design Award. The Best Design Award was won by “Group 5 – Oleo Kakoki Sdn Bhd” supervised by Prof Dr Tomoya Tsuji, and the team consisted of Nabilah binti Mohd Radzi, Nur Ayuni binti Abdul Manan, Mariana binti Jaman, Lee Peoy Ying, Mohd Amzar Najmi Mohd Nasher and Muhammad Syamil bin Lokman.

Sharing Session by Ir Johan Adam Leong

The Winner of the Best Design Award 2019

Participants of the 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition

MJIIT Organized Workshop on How to Get Yourself Employed to Guide Final Year Students on Job Hunting

MJIIT Organized Workshop on How to Get Yourself Employed to Guide Final Year Students on Job Hunting

Kuala Lumpur, 7 April. -The Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) had organized a Workshop on How to Get Yourself Employed (HTGYE) on 6th and 7th April 2019 for final year undergraduate students. The workshop aimed at assisting the graduating students to have better insight on job hunting process for employment purposes. It  was attended by 230 students from the  Mechanical Precision Engineering, Electronic System Engineering, and Chemical Process Engineering disciplines and was coordinated by Prof. Dr. Aminaton Marto.  In this   1 day seminar followed by a mock interview session workshop, a total of 21 Professors and lecturers from MJIIT were involved as the presenters and facilitators. The Dean of MJIIT, Prof. Dr. Ali Selamat started the event by delivering a welcoming address. He said that the workshop was important as it could help all MJIIT students to secure job in the near future.

Dean of MJIIT, Prof. Dr. Ali Selamat gave the welcoming address before workshop started

The modules and facilitators of the seminar are as follows:
Module 1: What Employers Look for When Recruiting? (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koji Iwamoto, Ir. Dr. Zool Hilmi and Dr. Mohd Fitri)
Module 2: Strategies on How to Get Yourself Employed (Dr. Mohd Azizi, Dr. Shahira Liza, and Dr. Kamyar)
Module 3: Writing a Good Resume (Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda, Assoc. Prof. Mohd. Fauzi, Dr. Li.ew Peng Yen, and Dr. Khairunnisa)
Module 4: How to Make a Positive First Impression for Job Interview (Dr. Rahayu Tasnim, Prof. Dr. Masafumi Goto and Prof. Dr. Aminaton Marto)
Module 5: Pre-Interview Preparation; Facing a Job Interview (Dr. Mohamma.d Ali Tareq and Ir. Dr. Pauziah)
Module 6: Surviving Your First Job (Prof. Dr. Masafumi Goto and Dr. Norhuda)

Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda shared tips on how to write a good resume

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koji Iwamoto shared his experiences based on the module entitled ‘What Employers Look for When Recruiting’

Students were told that besides local and other international companies,  there are about 1,300 Japanese companies in Malaysia that could be their potential employers.  In order to facilitate students to go through the job application process steadily, they were required to prepare a resume based on a job advertisement sample. Students worked in groups, with 8 members for each group.  On the following day, they attended a mock interview. The panel interviewers were MJIIT lecturers and professors who mostly had vast experience working in the industry before. They were Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda, Prof. Dr. Masafumi Goto, Prof. Dr. Koichiro Mashiko, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iwamoto, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Fauzi, Dr. Muhammad Sukri, Ir. Dr. Zool Hilmi, Dr. Mohd Azizi, Dr. Jun Ishimatsu, Dr. Akbariah, Dr. Liew Peng Yen, Dr. Mohd Ali Tareq, Dr. Norhuda, Dr. Shahira Liza, Dr. Khairunnisa, Dr. Nor Ruwaida, Dr. Kamyar, and Dr. Mohd Fitri. At the end of the workshop, a post-mortem session took place between interviewers and students to discuss ways to improve the students’ performance in job hunting process based on their performance in the mock interview.

Question and answer session



Academic Staff : Koichiro Mashiko

Prof Koichiro Mashiko
PhD (Osaka University, Japan)
Electronic Systems Engineering Department

Email: k.mashiko@utm.my
Tel:03 2203 1307
Research Interests
  • Embedded System Design with emphasis on Mixed-Signal Design
  • Design Methodology of LSI Chips and Systems
  • Device Physics with emphasis on Memories
Previous Position
  • April/1/2009 – Marcg/31/2015: General Manager and Director of Kobe Design Center, A-R-Tec Corp., Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
  • April/1/2008 – March/31/2009: Senior Manager, Planning of R&D, Renesas Technology, Inc. Itami Japan
  • September/5/2002 – March/31/2008: Senior Researcher,  STARC    (Semiconductor Technology Academic Research Center), Yokohama, Japan
  • July/16/1993 – September/1/2002: Manager, Novel Circuit Architecture Group,  Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Itami, Japan.
  • August/25/1990 – July/15/1993: Research Staff, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, U.S.A
  • April/1/1977 – August/15/1990: Researcher, Mitsubishi Electric LSI Development Center, Itami, Japan
  • Fifth Generation Computer Project (1988-1990)    (ICOT: Institute for new generation computer technology)      Sub Theme: “PSI(Personal Sequential Inference Machine)
  • b)  Dream-Chip Project (2010-2011)   (ASET: Association of Super-Advanced Electronics Technology)    Sub Theme: “Ultra-wide Bus SiP 3D Integration Technology
Activities Chairman/Committee Member

  • 1994-1998:    Program Committee @ IEEE VLSI Circuit Symposium
  • 1999-2002:    Technical Committee @ IEEE CICC
  • 2001-2002:    Voting Member @IEEE 802.3ae Committee(10Giga Ethernet)
  • 2003-2005:    Topic Chairman and Program Committee @ IEEE ASP-DAC
  • 2002-2009:    Program Committee @ IEEE VLSI-DAT(Taiwan)
  • 2006-2009:    Program Committee @ IEEE A-SSCC
  • 1988:    IR100 Award(256Kb Dual Port RAM)
  • 1997:    R&D100 Award(1.9GHz IF Cordless Transceiver)
  • 2000:    R&D100Award(2.5Gbps 0.18um SOI-CMOS Mux/Demux)
Selected Publications a) Keynote/Invited

  1. Invited Talk:  How to Design Low-Power Digital Cellular Phones
    K. Mashiko @International Symp. on Low Power Electronics and Devices pp.177-180, Aug-96.
  2. Invited Talk: “Challenge and opportunity in analog and RF electronics,”
    K. Mashiko @ASICON 2005. 6th Int. Conf. on ASICs, Volume 1,
    pp.1205-1209, Oct-05.
  3. Panelist @ ISSCC1987 Evening Discussion “DRAM Cell Structures and Technologies”, Feb-87.
  4. Panelist @ ISSCC1998 Evening Discussion  “Deep Sub 1V, SOI or Bulk CMOS?”, Feb-98.
  5. Organizer of Panel Discussion @ IEEE AP-ASIC   “Academia/industry collaboration in SOC design education: Wishes and reality.”, June-04.

b) Journal
International Referred Journal

  1. K. Mashiko, T. Kobayashi, H. Miyamoto, K. Arimoto, Y. Morooka,
    M. Hatanaka, M. Yamada and T. Nakano, “A 70ns 256K DRAM with Bit-Line
    Shield,”  IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.SC-19, No.5, pp.591-596,
  2. K. Mashiko, M. Ngamoto, K. Arimoto, Y. Matsuda, K. Furutani, T. Matsukawa,
    T. Yoshihara and T. Nakano, “A 4-Mbit DRAM with Folded-Bitline Adaptive Sidewall-Isolated Capacitor (FASIC) Cell,”  IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.SC-22, No.5, pp.643-650, Oct-87.
  3. T. Nakura, K. Ueda, K. Kubo, Y. Matsuda, K. Mashiko and T. Yoshihara,
    “A 3.6-Gb/s 340-mW 16:1 Pipe-Lined Multiplexer using 0.18 μm SOI-CMOS Technology,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.35, NO.5, pp.751-756, May-00.
  4. S. Maeda, Y. Wada, K. Yamamoto, H. Komurasaki, T. Matsumoto, Y. Hirano,
    T. Iwamatsu, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Ipposhi, K. Ueda, K. Mashiko, S. Maegawa and M. Inuishi, “Feasibility of 0.18 μm SOI CMOS Technology Using Hybrid Trenh Isolation with High Resistivity Substrate for Embedded RF/Analog Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol.48, No.9, pp.2065-2073, Sep-01.
    (and about 20 papers more)

Other Journal

  1. K. Mashiko, K. Ueda, T. Yoshimura, T. Hirota, Y. Wada, J. Takasoh and K. Kubo, “Ultra Low Power Operation of Partially-Depleted SOI/CMOS Integrated Circuits, “IEICE Trans. Electron, Vol.E-83-C, No.11, pp.1697-1704, Nov-00.
  2. Y. Yamaguchi, T. Ipposhi, K. Ueda, K. Mashiko, S. Maegawa, M. Inuishi and T. Nishimura, “Partially Depleted SOI Technology with Body-Tied Hybrid Trench Isolation for High-Speed System-On-a-Chip Application,”  IEICE Trans. Electron, Vol.E84-C, N0.12, pp.1735-1745, Dec-01.
  3. H. SAN, A. HAYAKAWA, Y. JINGU, H. WADA, H. HAGIWARA, K. KOBAYASHI, H. KOBAYASHI, T. MATSUURA, K. YAHAGI, J. KUDOH, H. NAKANE, M. HOTTA, T. TSUKADA, K. MASHIKO, and A. WADA, “Complex Bandpass ΔΣAD Modulator Architecture without I, Q-Path Crossing Layout IEICE Trans Fundamentals, Vol.E89-A, No.4, pp.908-915, Apr-06.

(and about 20 papers more)

c) Book/Book Chapter

  1. 1  “Neuro-computer Engineering” Chapter 5, Kogyo Chousakai, 1992.
    2  “System LSI: Application and Technology”, Chapter 8、Science Forum, 2000.
    3 ”Digital Systems Engineering (translation)”, Chapter 1,2,4, Maruzen, 2003.
    Original: “Digital Systems Engineering;” by William J. Dally & John W. Poulton)

d) Proceedings of International Conference

  1. K. Mashiko, T. Kobayashi, W. Wakamiya, M. Hatanaka and M. Yamada, “A 70ns 256K DRAM with Bitline Shielding Structure,” ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp.98-99, Feb-84.
  2. K. Mashiko, Y. Morooka, K. Yasuda, T. Kobayashi, M. Yamada and T. Nakano, “A CMOS Dual Port Memory with Serial Read/Write Function for Graphic Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol.CE-32, No.3, pp.636-643, Aug-86.
  3. K. Arimoto, T. Yamagata, H. Miyamoto, K. Mashiko, M. Yamada, S. Sato and H. Shibata, “AN EFFECT OF FILLER-INDUCED-STRESS TO DRAM SENSE AMPLIFIER,” VLSI Symposium Dig. Technical Papers, pp.92-93, Jun-85.
  4. K. Mashiko, M. Nagatomo, K. Arimoto, Y. Matsuda, K. Furutani, T. Matsukawa, T. Yoshihara and T. Nakano, “A 90ns 4Mb DRAM in a 300mil DIP,” ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp.12-13, Feb-87.
    (and more than 22 papers more)


HALEA Skin Care- A Research Based Product By MJIIT Researcher

HALEA Skin Care- A Research Based Product By MJIIT Researcher

KUALA LUMPUR, 19 Februari 2019 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) would like to announce the launch of HALEA skin care – a natural product based on research conducted in Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT). The product is produced by A.M. Zaideen Ventures Sdn Bhd which is a spin-off company of UTM.

HALEA Natural Skin Care’ is a product based on research on ‘Lempoyang’ which is also known as ‘wild ginger’. The scientific name of the ginger is Zingiber Zerumbet which can be found in tropical forest. .

It is rich with anti-oxidant that nourishes your skin especially for anti-aging. The active ingredients in the wild ginger are effectively extracted by research and water based extraction process conducted in Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

The founder of ‘HALEA Natural Skin Care’, is Dr. Mariam Firdhaus binti Mad Nordin which is also a senior lecturer in MJIIT. In the process of extracting the natural resources, she has designed a few equipment after obtaining research grants from the government.

Her experience in designing laboratory equipment and production tools as well as her research experience in extracting agricultural products during her attachment in McGill University, Canada, has also contributed to the success in the production of  ‘HALEA Natural Skin Care’

In addition to that the ‘Halal’ concept has also been promoted in the production, and economic benefits are also been shared with the society through community based distribution network that encourage entrepreneurial spirit and job creation among the students, lecturers and the general public.

MJIIT Alumni Made History as the Youngest Director in the Leave a Nest Company

MJIIT Alumni Made History as the Youngest Director in the Leave a Nest Company

Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. has made a historical announcement of the appointment of Mr. Abdul Hakim Sahidi as a new Director of the company. He made history as the youngest Director in the Leave a Nest company at the age of 26 years old.

Abdul Hakim holds a Bachelor of Electronic System Engineering from MJIIT, UTM and has 2 years’ experience of heading the Strategy Development Division at Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and later was appointed to be the Director position.

Throughout  his two years experiences,  he has made significant contributions in getting local partners in Malaysia and one of it  the is the joint venture lab between Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and Malaysia-Japan International Institute Technology (MJIIT) on early this year. It is the first collaboration of Biotechnology Laboratory and Incubator platform to foster partnership and cooperation in supporting the needs of Malaysian researchers and biotechnology start-ups.

5 Electronic System Engineering Students Selected for KCCP-Tokai Program in Japan

5 Electronic System Engineering Students Selected for KCCP-Tokai Program in Japan

Kuala Lumpur, Jan 22 – Five of MJIIT students from Electronic System Engineering Department, ESE have been selected for the 2019 Innovative Asia Short Term Program, Tokai University (KCCP-Tokai program) on 17th February to 2nd March 2019 at Tokai University, Japan.  The five successful students are ms. Putri Nor Azila Tajudin, Mr. Yap Hong Yeu, Mr. Saravid Suchaad, ms. Sharifah Munawwarah and Ms. Naja Aqilah Hisham.

The two weeks program is organized by JICA Yokohama Center (YIC) Japan in partnership with Tokai University. The following expenses will be provided for the participants by JICA which include allowances for travelling, accommodation, meals, living expenses, outfit, and free medical care during the program.

Soft Launching Joint Venture Lab between Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) at UTM

Soft Launching Joint Venture Lab between Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) at UTM

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is pleased to announce that it is holding the soft-launching joint venture lab between Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and Malaysia-Japan International Institute Technology (MJIIT), its first Biotechnology Laboratory and Incubator in collaboration with MJIIT, UTM.

The event is scheduled as follows:
Date   :        19 January 2019
Time  :         9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Venue :        UTM Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra (Jalan Semarak), 54100, Kuala Lumpur.

The first collaboration of Biotechnology Laboratory and Incubator, platform to foster partnership and cooperation in supporting the needs of Malaysian researchers and biotechnology startups. Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and MJIIT, UTM Kuala Lumpur will organize for a joint laboratory called Nest-Bio Venture Lab with support from MEMO-Bio (Metabolic Engineering & Molecular Biology) innovative Kohza (iKohza) for 4 years starting from 2019. MEMO-Bio iKohza is a research group that specializes in genetic engineering and waste utilization at MJIIT, UTM. Nest-Bio Venture Lab will have an incubator for biotechnology startups and incubates will have the privilege to use the lab space, access to one of a kind, high-end machines such as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) machine, and obtain expert consultations from MJIIT, UTM.

The collaboration is also to support the grooming of effective science communication skills among postgraduate candidates through human resource training. Apart from that, Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and MJIIT, UTM will develop and conduct educational programs such as science workshop for young researchers from secondary and primary schools in the near future.

Assoc. Prof. Dr Norhayati Abdullah appointed as MyCEB’s Kesatria Malaysia – Conference Ambassador

Assoc. Prof. Dr Norhayati Abdullah appointed as MyCEB’s Kesatria Malaysia – Conference Ambassador

KUALA LUMPUR, 4 Dec – Congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhayati from Malaysia Japan Institute of Technology (MJIIT), UTM for being appointed as Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MYCEB)’s Kesatria Malaysia.

The Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Mohamaddin bin Ketapi confers the appointment, today.

Dr Norhayati in her role as Kesatria Malaysia, has to promote the benefits of hosting and/or inaugurating international conventions to the industry peers and colleagues.

Kesatria Malaysia, also known as Conference Ambassador in other countries, is selected among thought leaders in their field of expertise and recognised for their professional achievements in bidding for and hosting international conferences.

Malaysia has been the location for a long list of prestigious international conferences that provide excellent case studies on how to be a successful host, thus it is the local host of these international conferences that MyCEB seeks to engage and facilitate in transmitting their experiences.

Previously, the Director of the Centre of Engineering Education UTM, Prof. Dr. Khairiyah binti Mohd Yusof and Senior Director of the Institute of Future Energy UTM, Prof. Dr. Arshad bin Ahmad were also selected as Kesatria Malaysia.

With the appointment, it is hoped that Dr Norhayati can bring UTM and Malaysia names to become more prestigious in the eyes of the world.



Three UTM students participate in the 8th International Conference on Gross National Happiness

Three UTM students participate in the 8th International Conference on Gross National Happiness

SHAH ALAM, 16 November 2018 – Three students were being selected to represent Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) as the participants of the 8th International Conference on Gross National Happiness (GNS).
UTM team led by Dr. Akbariah Mohd Mahdzir were represented by Anis Fahizha Fahim from Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) with Mac Foster Sulai Anak Langkau and Lee Ern Tung(Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics).

Dr. Akbariah said that the idea of forming a network of Young Happiness Ambassadors was to share the young peoples’ perspectives, experiences, actions and solutions in the GNH discourse.
“Besides contributing to the GNH discourse, the young happiness ambassadors would advocate or promote GNH in schools, universities, colleges and youth organisations in order to mobilise a youth movement that champions the four pillars of GNH.

“The formation of the YHA’s network and the establishment of YHA Charter are some of the outstanding outcomes of the GNH conference,” said Dr. Akbariah.
The three UTM participants have joined the nineteen Young Happiness Ambassadors from Malaysia together with another 150 delegates from 12 countries at the international conference held from 14th to 16th November hosted by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Shah Alam.
This conference was held based on the collaboration between the Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia and the Centre for Bhutan Studies & GNH (CBS & GNH).
The Centre for Bhutan Studies and GNH Research (formerly The Centre for Bhutan Studies) is a research institute located in Thimphu, Bhutan established in 1999 with the purpose of promoting research and scholarship in Bhutan.

This conference aim was to provide a creative platform for inspirational exchanges, interaction and scientific debate on research related to Gross National Happiness in areas not limited to Public policy development, Economic system, Education, Spirituality, Life Styles & Health, Cultural Communication, Tradition & Heritage, Ecosystem Resilience Measurement and Index.
The three days conference was officially opened by Pro-Chancellor of UiTM, YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Panglima Dr Abdul Rahman Arshad. Also attending the ceremony was President of the Centre for Bhutan Studies & Gross National Happiness, Mr. Dasho Karma Ura.