Cross-Section Polisher



Brand : JEOL
Model : IB-19510CP
 Details of Instrument JEOL’s Cross Section Polisher produces pristine cross sections of samples – hard, soft, or composites – without smearing, crumbling, distorting, or contaminating them in any way. There is no precedent for a cross sectioning instrument of this type for SEM, EPMA, and SAM sample preparation. The ability to create perfect cross sections of paper, shale, yeast, latex beads, coatings, and wire bonds, or to create a mirrored surface on soft materials such as gold, polymers, ceramics, and glass has greatly enhanced research and analysis.
 Operation Hours  9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
 Status  Available for Booking
-(For Booking)
03-2203 1527