Due to the successfulness of our Workshop Series 1, we are glad to inform that we will organize a new Workshop Series, which is MJIIT Microscopy Laboratory Workshop Series 2 and MJIIT Microscopy Laboratory Workshop Series 3. For this time, we are focusing on the operation of FESEM (EBSD) and Intermediate level of STEM. We are pleased to welcoming all related industries and researchers to join our MJIIT Microscopy Lab Workshop Series. 

We are pleased to welcoming all related reseracher to participate in a MJIIT Microscopy Lab Workshop Series 2 & 3 to be held on 22nd – 29th March 2018 at Microscopy Laboratory, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Campus



The main topics covered in these course are:

Workshop Series 2:
 Application of channeling contrast to dislocations in materials
2)  STEM technique for observation of dark field images
3)  Application of STEM to characterization of materials.

Workshop Series 3:
1)  Fundamentals of EBSD
2)  Tensile test out of SEM
3) Installation of device
Application Requirement:
1. Complete the registration form first before make the payment. We will notify you for the payment.
2. Participation is only confirmed after payment is made.
3. Payment is non-refundable upon cancellation.

Details on the workshop can be found in the brochure, as attached.

For registration, please click here:  https://goo.gl/ETFR3K

Should you require further information about the workshop, please feel free to contact us via email:microscopy.mjiit@utm.my or call us at +603-2203 1527

We look forward for your participation and contribution and we thank you for your continuous support to MJIIT Microscopy Laboratory.