We are pleased to welcoming all related industries and researchers to join our three-day MJIIT Microscopy Lab Workshop Series – 1: Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope (FETEM) & Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM), to be held on 6th – 8th February 2018 at Microscopy Laboratory, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Campus.  


About Our Workshop:


Advanced microscopy of FETEM is an essential technique in micro/nano-characterization to gather information on sample structure, defects, particle size and elemental composition/distribution. Efficient use of advanced microscopy equipment requires operators /researchers to have good knowledge on micro/nano-characterization; and sufficient skills in operation. 

The Microscopy Laboratory of MJIIT organizes a series of workshops where a small number of trainees study thoroughly practical knowledge and skills in micro/nano-characterization, starting from Series 1 : FETEM/STEM. 

The main topics covered in these course are:

1) Basic theory of FETEM/STEM & Sample Preparation

2) Demonstration on sample preparation using FIB-FESEM (FEI Helios Nanolab G3), and sample imaging using the FETEM (JEOL JEM-2100F) 

3) Hands-on practice on using FETEM/STEM

For registration, please click here: https://goo.gl/ZD71DM.

Should you require further information about the workshop, please feel free to contact us via email:microscopy.mjiit@utm.my or call us at +603-2203 1527

We look forward for your participation and contribution and we thank you for your continuous support to MJIIT Microscopy Laboratory.