+60 3-2203 1517       mjiit.utm.my               


At MJIIT, research is categorized into focus areas under several ikohzas and center.

Research @ MJIIT is classified into several distinct groups of ikohzas. Unlike typical research groups, ikohzas at MJIIT are formal structures for collaborative research. Each is led by a senior academic with group members comprising academics and researchers of similar interests, and students as junior members.

Within this framework, the Senpai-Kohai relationship or mentoring concept is realised from the moment a research student is admitted into the programme and becomes a member of the ikohza. Junior members are nurtured and closely supported by their seniors, and there is strong collaboration and continuous guidance from professors and other senior members of the research group.


Innovation, Technology Management & Business

15. Intellectual Property and Innovation


Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Centre (DPPC)

Added opportunity is given to students with technical background and management experience wishing to pursue postgraduate degrees in Management of Technology, in topics related to the research themes.


For any inquiries,
feel free to contact us at:


Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra,54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Phone: +60 3-2203 1517
Mobile: +60 19-793 3799
Fax: +60 3-2203 1266

Website: https://mjiit.utm.my/
Email: mjiit@utm.my


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