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Quasi-Zenith Satellites System (QZSS) Demonstration in Malaysia Satellites Report for Disaster and Crisis Management (DCReport)


The Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Centre (DPPC) of Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), as a leading research center in promoting a transdisciplinary approach for local resilience agenda towards achieving the UNDRR Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. In this high-impact project, we provide local expertise, demonstrationsites, and research-oriented project assistance in supporting the demonstration of disaster and crisis reporting (DC Report) of the QZSS facilitated by the Cabinet Office of Japan and Asian Disaster Reduction Centre (ADRC) from Kobe, Japan. The demonstration will use provisional disaster information provided by the DRM agency to evaluate how the prototype equipment and system will work in coding/decoding messages that willbe sent to QZSS, received from QZSS, and transferred between devices.


The Satellites Report for Disaster and Crisis Management (DC Report), facilitated by the National Space PolicySecretariat, Cabinet Office Japan (CAO-NSPS), is a crucial platform for disseminating vital crisis managementinformation via the Quasi-Zenith Satellites System (QZSS). The DC Report is a service that to publish crisis management information from organizations for disaster prevention. The information is transmitted via Michibikisatellite.

This strategic service capitalizes on QZSS’s ability to transmit essential disaster information, including earlycyclone or flood warnings, to ground receivers. These warnings are then efficiently communicated through diverse methods such as alarms, sirens, voice messages, and text, leveraging wireless networks. This feature holds particular significance for areas with limited or no internet or cellular connectivity, ensuring timely communication with those in need. Moreover, QZSS remains invaluable even in regions with established telecommunication infrastructure, as conventional systems can prove unreliable during severe disasters.

To prepare for the practical deployment of this service, a validation demonstration will be conducted to ensure QZSS’s enhanced capacity for disseminating the DC Report to Malaysia. The Japanese GNSS constellationQZSS, referred to as “Michibiki,” and operated by the Japanese Government, has demonstrated consistenteffectiveness since its official launch with a 4-satellite constellation in November 2018.

Furthermore, the Japanese Government has successfully tested a disaster early warning system utilizing one of its QZSS satellites to transmit information from weather monitoring institutions. This initiative aims to significantly contribute to improved disaster prevention in the Asia-Pacific region, with a specific focus on supporting evacuation efforts and managing relief activities in remote areas, such as mountainous regions. Notably, this system’s utility extends beyond mere warning transmission; it has proven valuable in facilitatingcomputer connectivity between evacuation shelters and disaster response centers, as demonstrated throughsimulations.


Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Center (DPPC), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur in collaboration with Salford University, the United Kingdom will be organising an International Seminar on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience 2023 themed “Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (DR3) into Risk-Informed Sustainable Development” to explore the best practical practices in the field of disaster risk management, promote the local disaster risk reduction agenda, and strengthen the level of resilience local due to global climate change.

We are very excited to invite to exchange experiences, as part of our commitments to UNDRR Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. This seminar involves experience exchange from the United Kingdom as well as various local stakeholders to ensure that the best practices, benchmarking, and local actions are shared in order to prevent future disaster risk.

The details of the program are as follow:
Date : 27 July 2023 (Thursday)
Time : 8.00am – 5.00pm
Venue : Dewan Seminar, Menara Razak, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur

Through this program, the participants are expected to gain fundamental knowledge in disaster risk reduction for societal resilience based on global, regional and local best practices; improved understanding on multi-scale disaster risk, preventive strategies; and understanding risk governance, communication and investment to address future systemic risk, cascading hazards and compound disaster.

Please confirm your attendance at the link provided below by Monday, 24 July 2023
FREE ADMISSION (RVSP) @ https://forms.gle/LSVqxRfRJzUZLBBcA

# Kindly disseminate to your colleagues and network.
If you need any invitation letter for official purposes. Kindly inform us through dm or email dppc@utm.my
Your attendance and support are very much appreciated.

Looking forward to seeing you at UTM Kuala Lumpur on 27th July 2023 (Thursday) !!!
Your support and cooperation are very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Have a great day.

MJIIT Environmental and Disaster Management Programme Open Day For October 2023 Intake

MJIIT Environmental and Disaster Management Programme Open Day For October 2023 Intake

The MJIIT Environmental and Disaster Management Programme Open Day was held at Dewan Azman Hashim, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur on 13th June 2023. The open day was officiated by YBhg. Datuk Khairul Shahril Idrus, Director General of the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA), Prime Minister’s Department. The open day was also attended by YBrs. Prof Ts. Dr Abd Latif Saleh, Pro-Vice Chancellor of UTM Kuala Lumpur.

This open day aims to showcase the Master of Disaster Risk Management (MDRM), Master of Sustainable System (MMJS), and Master of Sustainable and Environmental Science (MMJJ) programs at MJIIT for prospective students and organizations seeking to strengthen their subject matter experts (SMEs).

In Disaster Risk Reduction initiatives, NADMA is well aware of the UTM effort due to active collaboration for the past five years and continuing until now with the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Center (DPPC), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT). Among the NADMA-DPPC, MJIIT collaborative projects that are being implemented are:

  1. Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) for the Development of Resilient Disaster Recovery Strategies in Pasir Mas, Kelantan
  2. The Review of the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
  3. Women and Children Empowerment Program in Disaster Risk Management 2030


A talk and sharing session on various topics related to Environmental and Disaster Management was conducted by prominent speakers:

Keynote Speech 1: “Transdisciplinary Approach and the Role of Science and Technology for DRR” by Prof Dr Kuniyoshi Takeuchi, Prof Emeritus of Yamanashi University and Founding Director of ICHARM

Keynote Speech 2: “Earthquake Disaster Risk Reduction Programs in Malaysia” by Prof Ir Dr Azlan Adnan, Professor of Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTM Skudai Johor.

The open day continued with a sharing session with research centers in MJIIT to promote MJIIT environmental and disaster research center.

Sharing Session: Co-Creation of Sustainability, Resilient and Zero Carbon Community, Malaysia-Japan Advanced Research Centre (MJARC), moderated by MJARC’s Manager and two panelists from Hokkaido University and UTM Sustainable Campus.

Ts. Dr Pramila a/p Tamunaidu (Manager MJARC), Prof Dr Kazuei Ishii (Professor at Hokkaido University), Prof Ts Dr Mohd Fadhil bin Md Din (Director, UTM Sustainable Campus)

The next session is the introduction of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Center (DPPC) by Dr Khamarrul Azahari Razak (Director of DPPC) to promote the MJIIT disaster research centre. DPPC is working towards realigning its commitment and rejuvenating its strategies to the UNDRR Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

The next agenda includes sharing sessions on Post-Graduate Programs offered by the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department (ChEE) by Assoc. Prof Dr Azila bte Abd Aziz (Head of ChEE) and Master in Disaster Risk Management (MDRM) by Dr. Liew Wai Loan (Program Coordinator).


There was also be a Meet and Greet Session to promote the Master of Disaster Risk Management (MDRM), Master of Sustainable System (MMJS), and Master of Environment and Sustainability Science (MMJJ). This session was be moderated by Ts. Dr Abd Halim bin Md Ali. During this session, four alumni was be invited to share their testimonies during their study.

Dr Shahrul Nizam Ahmad Zamzali (Alumni MDRM), Ir Ts. Haslinda Mohamad Hamran (Alumni MDRM), Miss Barbara Siman Anak Dominic Demong (Alumni MMJS), Mrs Ummu Alya Hashim (Alumni MMJJ)

After the lunch break, there was be two open MDRM lecture sessions: MDRM Open Lecture 1: Introduction to Chemical, Biological, Radical, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) by Datuk Dr Mohamed Alwi Hj Abdul Rahman, Hospital Selayang, and MDRM Open Lecture 2: Healthcare in Emergency and Rehabilitation from Japan’s Experience by Assoc. Prof Shinji Akitomi, Tokyo Hikifume Hospital, Japan.


The Emergency Department of Hospital Selayang, under the guidance of the Head of Department Datuk Dr Mohamed Alwi Hj Abdul Rahman and an emergency physician, Dr. Hazlina Moh Noh, conducted a demonstration on Chemical Incident Response in collaboration with the HAZMAT team.

Unfortunately, a van carrying barrels of chemicals had an accident. The HAZMAT team conducted a scene size-up and set up their mobile decontamination area. The medical team set up their medical base in the Yellow Zone. The medical team sent the information to MECC, according to the pneumonic METHANE, which stands for Major incident, Exact location, Type of incident, Hazard, Access: ingress and egress, Number of casualties, EMS availability. The HAZMAT team extracted the patients from the Red Zone to the decontamination area.

For more details about the Demonstration Chemical Incident Response, kindly visit our social media:

Launching Ceremony of ERS Programme and iKhoza

It’s time for the launching ceremony of the Environmental Resilience and Sustainability (ERS) Programme and iKohza, which was further reinforce MJIIT’s efforts to provide the best Japanese-style engineering education and research in Malaysia to our students and partners. This launching ceremony was be officiated by YB Ts. Zahir Hassan, Member of Parliament Wangsa Maju and also an alumnus of the MDRM Programme.

The open day comes to an end, and the closing ceremony was be conducted by Prof Dr Masafumi Goto, Deputy Dean of Liason & Internationalization and Head of ERS iKhoza. Prof Goto was mention the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Subcommittee (soon to be re-branded as “ERS Subcommittee”) of the Japan University Consortium (JUC) that has been supporting MJIIT in facilitating educational and research activities with Japanese partners. Indeed, it is our partnership and the learnings from Japan that have made MJIIT’s programs unique and effective.


Thank you everyone for joining MJIIT EDM Programme Open Day. 

Credit video of the programme by UTM Office of Strategy & Corporate Affairs (OSCA), UTM Kuala Lumpur: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1011553270215566

Makmal Hidup “Living Lab”: Pembelajaran Dari Banjir Hulu Langat Kajian Kes Tindak Balas & Kesediaan Bencana

Makmal Hidup “Living Lab”: Pembelajaran Dari Banjir Hulu Langat Kajian Kes Tindak Balas & Kesediaan Bencana

Pada 16 Disember 2021, berlaku lekukan tropika (tropical depression) di pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia, dan kemudiannya meliputi kawasan utama Semenanjung Malaysia, membawa hujan lebat tiga hari yang menjejaskan lapan negeri di seluruh semenanjung.

Hal ini telah mengakibatkan aliran puing dan tanah runtuh di hulu dan lereng bukit, banjir sungai, pantai dan bandar yang telah meragut lebih 50 nyawa, menyebabkan lebih 12,000 keluarga kehilangan tempat tinggal, menjejaskan lebih 40,000 orang, dan menyebabkan kerosakan dan kerugian yang bernilai bilion ringgit.

Hujan yang direkodkan adalah melebihi purata hujan selama sebulan dan telah menyebabkan bencana berkaitan sedimen, empangan, dan air telah menyebabkan sungai melimpah, menenggelamkan banyak kawasan, merosakkan kawasan perumahan, mengganggu infrastruktur kritikal, memutuskan jalan-jalan utama dan menjejaskan penyediaan perkhidmatan penting seperti air, makanan, kesihatan dan telekomunikasi.

Kejadian cuaca ekstrem termasuk hujan lebat yang lebih kerap akan menjadi lebih biasa akibat daripada perubahan iklim. Perubahan iklim telah menyukarkan ahli klimatologi untuk meramal cuaca dengan tepat. Untuk mengurangkan isu ini, selain daripada menambah baik sistem pemantauan cuaca, pakar dan aktivis telah menggesa tindakan diambil untuk mengurangkan kesan perubahan iklim.

Selaras dengan pendekatan perhubungan pembangunan kemanusiaan (HDN), semua usaha perancangan tindak balas, pemulihan, kesiapsiagaan dan daya tahan yang dibuat oleh MERCY Malaysia meliputi semua aspek pengurangan risiko bencana (DRR). Program ini merupakan inisiatif strategik untuk menyetempat dan mengkontekstualisasikan DRR peringkat tinggi dan strategi daya tahan bagi kawasan yang terdedah kepada risiko seperti Hulu Langat.

Program ini berjalan selama dua hari iaitu:



Hari Pertama berlangsung pada 28 Mei 2023 bertempat di Hulu Langat.

Agenda utama program pada hari tersebut lebih kepada lawatan lapangan dan program Pemerkasaan Wanita dan Kanak-kanak dalam pengurangan risiko bencana di Hulu Langat bersama peserta agensi kerajaan dan agensi swasta, badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan komuniti.

Sesi lawatan teknikal terbahagi kepada lima (5) tema yang berbeza untuk setiap tapak;

Tema 1: Persediaan Bencana dan Sistem Awal Bencana (EWS)

Tema 2: Kelangsungan Hidup (Membina Masyarakat Berdaya Tahan)

Tema 3: Infrastruktur Berdaya Tahan

Tema 4: Penempatan dan Tempat Tinggal Berdaya Tahan

Tema 5: Hak Ketersediaan Air Berish

Program ini juga mendapat liputan pihak media BERNAMA di mana Dr Khamarrul Azahari Razak, Pengarah Pengarah, Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Center (DPPC), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur dan juga merupakan Exco Mercy Malaysia ditemubual oleh pihak BERNAMA. Beliau menjelaskan melalui program ini masyarakat mampu mendapatkan maklumat berkenenaan proses Pembangunan Bingkas Pulih (Build Back Better) di kawasan terjejas akibat bencana, kerjasama rentas sektor dalam menuju masyarakat berdaya tahan. Untuk mendengar dengan lebih lanjut sesi temubual boleh ke:

Hari Kedua berlangsung pada 29 Mei 2023 bertempat di Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur.

Pada hari kedua program ini adalah lebih kepada majlis pelancaran pelan induk makmal hidup berdaya tahan Mercy Malaysia, sesi plenari contoh makmal hidup dan sesi perbincangan teknikal bersama pakar bidang dari pelbagai sektor, latar belakang,  kepakaran dan pengalaman hidup.

YBhg. Dato’ Ahmad Faizal Mohd Perdaus, Presiden MERCY Malaysia beliau berkata semasa sesi ucapan aluan “MERCY Malaysia berusaha untuk menggunakan pengetahuan yang dibangunkan daripada kerja-kerja kemanusiaan di Hulu Langat untuk menyokong penyelidikan, penglibatan masyarakat dan aktiviti pendidikan serta mengembangkan konsep Makmal Hidup di seluruh Malaysia.” – Sumber: BERNAMA

Majlis Pelancaran Pelan Induk Makmal Hidup Daya Tahan (Resilience Living Lab Master Plan) telah disempurnakan oleh YBhg. Tan Sri Datuk Wira Azman Hj Mokhtar, Ahli Pemegang Amanah MERCY Malaysia dan Pengerusi, Lembaga Pengarah Universiti Malaysia hari ini.

Dalam ucapatama beliau, Tan Sri Azman menjelaskan kaedah terbaik untuk beradaptasi dalam mengatasi krisi yang timbul akibat bencana  daripada kerentanan kemanusiaan dan risiko sistemik adalah melalui pendekatan Humanitarian Development Nexus (HDN).

Semasa sesi plenari, Profesor Dr Terrence Fernando, Salford University UK memberi penerangan terperinci berkenaan penerokaan teknologi dan contoh praktikal Makmal Hidup di Sri Lanka, UK dan Parkistan untuk sebagai penanda aras untuk disuaipakai di Malaysia.

Agenda hari kedua diteruskan dengan sesi perbincangan teknikal bersama pakar bidang dari pelbagai sektor, latar belakang,  kepakaran dan pengalaman hidup. Sesi perbincangan terbahagi kepada empat (4) kumpulan iaitu;

Kumpulan 1: Penglibatan Komuniti dalam Penilaian Risiko Bencana

Kumpulan 2: Penglibatan Komuniti dalam Keperluan dan Kesan Akibat Bencana

Kumpulan 3: Komuniti, Kebudayaan dan Sejarah – Pembangunan Modal Insan Berdaya Tahan

Kumpulan 4: Mewujudkan persekitaran komuniti berdaya tahan melalui Program Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management (CBRRM)

DPPC Training Booklet 2024

This DPPC Training Booklet contains basic information regarding the training programs offered, its objectives and outcomes, and course synopses applicable in the 2024 session. This Booklet also provides the training calendar and monthly training schedule, together with list of our experts. It is hoped this Training Booklet can provide necessary information, especially to practitioners, about the training programs, the procedures of its programs and the benefits of choosing our programs. This Booklet will be useful for potential clients/participants as part of a learning plan for their collaboration/training, as well as being a reference for understanding the structure of courses or programs run by DPPC.

DPPC offers the internationally accredited scope of training and services in disaster preparedness and mitigation. Specification includes; Research, Master of Disaster Risk Management (MDRM) and short-term Certified Professional Training (CPT), Laboratory, and also Micro-credential Course (MC). All training courses are implemented by a lecture team consisting of prominent Malaysian and Japanese DRR experts who are selected from the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Sub-Committee members of the Japan University Consortium (JUC) that consists of 30 top Japanese universities and research institutes. Our programs are also offered by approved education partners amongst private higher institutions.

For integrating education/training with research and field practice activities, we offer opportunities for both potential collaborators and practitioners to collaborate with any of the partner universities, research institutes, government department/agencies, NGOs/CBOs, international organizations and private companies in Malaysia, Japan and other countries throughout the Asia-Pacific region, beyond educational activities.