“Engineering Geology and Geothechnics for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Agenda and Community Resilience ~ Continent to Continent Initiatives”
Special Session for the 14th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG on 28 February 2024 (Wednesday) at 3.30 pm
On behalf of the organizers, we would like to thank for your great support to the 14th Asian Regional Conference of IEAG, which is hosted by International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) and Malaysia Society for Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics Malaysia (SEGRM), on 27-29 February 2024 at UTM Kuala Lumpur. See more information @ https://www.arc14.asia.
You will be cordially invited to participate in the special session on “Engineering Geology and Geotechnics for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Agenda and Community Resilience: Continent to Continent Discussion“, to be held on28 February 2024 (Wednesday) 03:30 pm (GMT+8).
Kindly attend our special session, as follows:-
Date: 28 February 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 03:30 pm (Malaysia time, GMT +8)
Via Cisco WebEx platform
Join link for participant: https://utm.webex.com/utm/j.php?MTID=ma565b0912a993e38cc0e997abb972589
Webinar number: 2522 576 6576
Webinar password: Ch7J5PfE7Mp (24755733 from phones and video systems)
Your time and cooperation are very much appreciated.
KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Jan. – Bengkel Training of Trainers (ToT) merupakan anjuran bersama Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Center (DPPC), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), TNB Genco dan TNB Research Sdn Bhd. Bengkel ToT juga melibatkan pemegang taruh Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara (NADMA), Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia (APM) dalam pembangunan modul pembelajaran dan pengajaran pengukuhan daya tahan dan kesiapsiagaan komuniti menghadapi risiko bencana berasaskan empangan.
“Senario bencana yang diberikan semasa sesi latihan membuka ruang kepada komuniti untuk sentiasa bersedia dan melahirkan masyarakat berdaya tahan” – Tn Muhammad Fauzie Ismail, Ketua Penolong Pengarah Seksyen Pembangunan Komuniti & Sosial, (NADMA), Jabatan Perdana Menteri
Ketua Unit Kejuruteraan Awam dan Geoinformatik, TNB Research Sdn Bhd, Ts Dr Rashidi Sabri Muda berkata hampir 40% empangan besar di Malaysia dikategorikan sebagai berisiko dan sebahagiannya berusia lebihi 50 tahun, maka aspek keselamatan empangan dan kesiapsiagaan komuniti yang menetap di hilir empangan sangat dititik beratkan.
Bengkel ToT ini merupakan siri terakhir (Siri 3) selepas Kuala Kangsar, Perak (Siri 1), Kenyir, Terengganu dan Pergau, Kelantan (Siri 2). Bengkel ToT yang berlangsung selama 3 hari bermula 22-24 Januari 2024 yang diadakan di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur dan TNB Research Sdn. Bhd. (TNBR) Kajang, Selangor adalah untuk sesi pembelajaran dan pengajaran yang melibatkan komuniti Kg. Gajah, Perak dan komuniti Cameron Highlands, Pahang seramai 24 orang turut dihadiri oleh wakil dari Stesen-Stesen Janakuasa Sungai Perak & Cameron Highlands.
Sesi Perkongsian: Program strategik dan inisiatif keselamatan empangan TNB
Segala input, idea, cadangan dan maklumat yang diberikan oleh komuniti setempat akan digunapakai semasa sesi latihan simulasi di komuniti Kg. Gajah, Perak dan Cameron Highlands, Pahang pada bulan Mac 2024.
Modul latihan ToT dikendalikan oleh jurulatih-jurulatih profesional untuk setiap lima (5) modul pembelajaran dan pengajaran yang ditawarkan bagi mencapai objektif-objektif program untuk meningkatkan kesedaran dan kefahaman, mewujudkan mekanisme komunikasi risiko, memperkasakan pelbagai pihak pemegang taruh empangan dan memberikan kepimpinan dan pemilikan program.
Modul 1-3 dikendalikan pada hari pertama oleh Dr Khamarrul Azahari Razak, Pengarah DPPC MJIIT-UTM dan Dato’ Zakaria Mohamad, Profesor Adjung UTM; Pengerusi Persatuan Bencana Geologi dan Daya Tahan Komuniti (NGDRC).
Modul 1: Mengendali dan menilai risiko bencana berasaskan empangan
Modul 2: Memahami sistem amaran awal dan pengurangan risiko bencana berasaskan komuniti
Modul 3: Merangka pelan pengungsian bencana
Modul 4 dikendalikan pada hari kedua oleh En. Roslan Ab Ghani, Ahli Bersekutu DPPC MJIIT-UTM; Pengerusi Persatuan Pengurusan Bencana Kebangsaan (NADIM) bersama Ir. Ts. Dr Sumiaty Ambran, Pensyarah Kanan MJIIT-UTM.
Modul 4: Mempelajari komunikasi risiko
Modul terakhir iaitu modul 5 dikendalikan oleh Dr Khamarrul Azahari Razak, Pengarah DPPC MJIIT-UTM sebelum sesi pembentangan kumpulan (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta) yang dinilai oleh panel dari wakil UTM, NADMA, APM, TNB Genco dan TNB Research Sdn. Bhd.
Modul 5: Memperkasakan Local Champion dan Tindakan Setempat
“Lokaliti pengetahuan setempat amat penting dalam pengurusan risiko bencana” – Kapt (PA) Mohammad Dzaifullah Marzuki, Penolong Pegawai Pertahanan Awam (APM), Program Kemahiran Teknikal, Akademi Latihan Pertahanan Awam (ALPHA)
Sesi penyampaian hadiah
Pada hari terakhir, para peserta berpeluang mengikuti sesi lawatan teknikal di TNB Research Sdn. Bhd. Antara aktiviti yang dilakukan semasa sesi lawatan adalah melawat sistem solar terapung di atas air, stesen mengecas EV untuk kereta elektrik, pengenalan organisasi TNBR dan pendedahan berkenaan kegunaan algae bagi pengurangan karbon.
Sesi Lawatan Teknikal di TNB Research Sdn. Bhd, Kajang, Selangor
Sistem Solar Terapung (FSPV)
Stesen Pengecas EV
Algal Carbon Fixation Research Center
Green Sediment Brick
Bengkel ToT penting untuk meningkatkan kapasiti tempatan menghadapi bencana dengan lebih baik, memajukan pemahaman setempat tentang risiko bencana dan mengukuhkan tahap daya tahan komuniti berasaskan sains dan teknologi, selaras dengan komitmen nasional terhadap pencapaian sasaran global yang ditetapkan oleh UNDRR Kerangka Sendai dalam Pengurangan Risiko Bencana 2015-2030 (UNDRR Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030).
The fifth Malaysia Urban Forum (2023), scheduled from 4th to 8th November in Kuching, Sarawak bringing together a diverse array of stakeholders, policymakers, experts, academia and practitioners to deliberate on urban issues and sustainable development. This annual gathering is an inclusive national-level platform that brings multiple stakeholders together around for dialogue, knowledge exchange and collaboration aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by urban areas in Malaysia that aligns with the National Urban Agenda (NUA) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
It’s also a great pleasure that Dr. Khamarrul Azahari, the director of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Center at Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, has been invited as a panelist for a series dialogue session as follows:
Women’s Assembly – Fostering Change: Women, Gender & Development
Children’s Assembly – Eating Healthy and Playing Smart: Empowering Children’s Voices
Resilience and Richness: Harnessing Cultural Capital for Sustainable Development
Special Session 10: Impact Climate Change to Marginalized Group
In conjunction with Malaysia Urban Forum (MUF) 2023, DPPC had an opportunity to explore smart partnerships in disaster risk management and gain firsthand insights into the strategies, challenges and innovations from related stakeholders. Here’s a breakdown of the new opportunities and partnerships in future between DPPC and DRR Stakeholders in Sarawak during collaborative meeting:
YBhg. Datu Dr Chai Khin Chung, Director of Sarawak Security and Enforcement Unit Department of Premier of Sarawak
YS PPj (PA) Mokhtar bin Samat, Director of Civil Defence Force (APM) Sarawak State
YBrs. Mr Mohammad Haffizie bin Putit, Director of National Security Council (MKN) Sarawak State
YBhg. Datu Khiruddin bin Drahman @ Hussaini Director of Fire and Rescue Department Malaysia, Sarawak State
In conclusion, the amalgamation of the Malaysia Urban Forum 2023 with a series of courtesy visits to agencies specializing in disaster risk management in Kuching, Sarawak, marks a significant step toward holistic sustainable urban development. This combined initiative offers a unique platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and the formulation of resilient strategies necessary to safeguard urban areas from multi-hazard disasters. By leveraging the insights garnered from these engagements, stakeholders can pave the way for a more resilient, adaptive, and sustainable urban future in Malaysia.
As participants engage in these events, they contribute not only to the discourse on urban resilience but also to the practical implementation of strategies that can truly make a difference in ensuring the safety and well-being of urban populations in the face of adversities.
The Science and Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (STDR3) Week 2023 was held on 3 till 6 October in Kundasang, Sabah, in conjunction with the National Preparedness Month (BKN) and the UNDRR International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 2023 celebration. The STDR3 Week 2023 was hosted by the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) of Malaysia, Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Center (DPPC), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur, Sabah State Disaster Management Committee, Malaysian Civil Defence Force (APM), Department of Mineral and Geoscience (JMG), UNICEF Malaysia, Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Research Institute (SEADPRI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) Kobe, Japan, Natural Disaster Research Center (NDRC), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), and MERCY Malaysia. The strategic partnerships and combined efforts underscored the importance of multi-sectoral collaboration in mitigating the impact of geological hazards. This is the third time that DPPC and strategic partners conducted this STDR3 week. The previous event was held back in 2019 and 2020 respectively.
The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Sabah, Sarawak Affairs and Special Duties), Our Honourable Datuk Armizan bin Mohd Ali has successfully officiated STDR3 Week. During his speech, he highlighted that this program was in line with the government’s commitment and one of the national disaster management strategic steps implemented through the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) through a whole-of-nation approach to reduce the negative impact of climate change as stated by YAB the Prime Minister in his presentation speech of the Kajian Separuh Penggal Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12 (KSP RMKe 12) in the Dewan Rakyat on 11 September 2023. Datuk Mohd Hanafiah Bin Mohd Kassim (Permanent Secretary of Ministry Science, Technology and Innovation MOSTI, Sabah) and Mr Zamakhshari bin Hanipah Deputy General Director, Development and Disaster Preparedness Section, National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA), Prime Minister’s Department, were also present to witness this momentous event.
This high-impact program focused on the implementation of science and technology in disaster risk reduction (DRR), with an emphasis on stakeholders, local agencies, decision-makers, and vulnerable groups exposed to various hazards and disasters. In addition, various technical methods and learning modules will be discussed to identify geological hazards and take risk reduction measures and build resilience for vulnerable groups. The STDR3 Week 2023 brought together experts, scientists, government officials, and international organisations to share insights, knowledge, and technological advancements aimed at enhancing disaster preparedness and resilience.
Empowering women and children in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience towards equitable resilience
In the past year, NADMA together with DPPC-MJIIT-UTM and UNICEF has collaborated on a project known as Women & Child-Centred Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (WCDR3) with an aim to empower vulnerable women and children in disaster risk reduction for societal resilience by equipping them with knowledge and a platform to voice out their concerns as well as ideas for a more equitable decision-making process as part of a building disaster resilience community. This project is unique through its localised module which was strengthened by local strategic partners that enables each community to understand its own resilience and risk elements with science-backed evidence from the local agencies.
Being the 5th program held under the WCDR3 project, the Kundasang’s module had undergone vast improvements to ease the assimilation of knowledge for women and children. On the 3rd October 2023, a total of 81 students from SK Mesilou participated in the program, moderated by Dr. Kogila Vani a/p Annammala.In order to accommodate all the students from Standard 4, 5 and 6 to join in the activities, eight station games were designed. By applying the principles of Play-to-Learn, common games such as Snake and Ladder, Telefon Karat, and Bingo were incorporated with Disaster Risk Reduction elements to make it educational and fun. Students gained exposure and basic knowledge about disasters and actions to be taken when it happens. Visual cue cards, interesting imagery and audio also play a major role in the game design process.
On the same day, activities held at Mesilau Hall were attended by 37 local community women from Kg. Mesilau. With the great enthusiasm of Sabahan, an active Focus Group Discussion was held to gain understanding on the local disaster, risk and challenges faced by the community from a women perspective. A brief knowledge sharing session was given by Dr. Sumiaty Ambran, a Sabahan herself, about the importance of women’s role in disaster, disaster risk and resilience as well.
Knowledge Empowerment and Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop held on 4th October 2023
Knowledge Empowerment and Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop in schools was a continuation of DRR capacity building activities through the experience of Phase 1 and 2 last year by SEADPRI – UKM. This phase focuses more on primary students. Targeted students by exploring their opportunities and capacities to change the stigma of society and stakeholders about children being only passive victims when disaster strikes. Through this workshop, students foster knowledge about the basics of DRR and how to handle emergencies, in addition to be able to improve the system and delivery of information in national disaster management and increase their capacity. Children are a positive catalyst towards a resilient community, especially when provided with the knowledge to explore future resilient community opportunities.
Test Run ICT Tools and application for Community Based Disaster Risk Management held on 5thOctober 2023 for Mesilau and Dumpiring Communities
It was the pioneer project for the Use of Latest Communication Technology for CBDRM and Disaster Emergency Management, in collaboration with the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) under the ASEAN-Japan Work Plan on Disaster Management for the Asia-Pacific project through the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management in Malaysia, will be held on the third day of the STDR3 Week. The need for the implementation of this project is to further strengthen the capacity of community DRM (Disaster Risk Management) and reduce human losses through non-structural measures, such as emergency response and rapid recovery preparedness, closely related to increasing public awareness and enhancing community capacity. Comprehensive hazard and risk maps with evacuation information are crucial for the public to take appropriate and timely actions in dealing with disaster situations.
In addition to the informative sessions, the STDR3 Week also featured interactive workshops with children and women, focus group discussion with experts from agencies, and test-run using ICT Tools for earthquake scenarios in Kundasang, Sabah. These practical elements allowed participants to gain hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of the issues at hand.
Climate-induced disasters are already impacting lives and communities. The earthquake in Sabah on the 5th of June 2015 caused a series of landslides that resulted in a high number of human and economic losses. When disaster strikes, children get cut off from schooling, nutrition, and health care. They can lose critical social services and protection, while finding themselves in hazardous environments. Children whose families live in poverty are more impacted by disasters and the consequences of climate change.
The increasing frequency and severity of disaster events means that communities need immediate action to build resilience. The Science & Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Week aims to empower children, young people and women with the knowledge and tools to contribute towards community resilience.
The event concluded with a call to action for all stakeholders and communities, emphasising the need for a comprehensive, holistic approach to disaster risk reduction and resilience. The knowledge and insights gained during the STDR3 Week 2023 will undoubtedly contribute to the global efforts in reducing the impact of disasters and building more resilient communities.
“Emerging technologies and transdisciplinary approach towards strengthening risk-informed urban resilience”
Parallel Sessions for the Eight Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-8) on 24 October 2023
Today, some 56% of the world’s population live in cities. East Asia and the Pacific notably being the world’s most rapidly urbanizing region, with an average annual urbanization rate of 3 percent. As more people live in cities, more urban dwellers will be affected by natural hazards while the frequency and severity of natural disasters increases. On the other hand, high risk can also be accompanied by low vulnerability when paired with the right environment. Cities could be one of the safer places to live in when a disaster strikes with much higher levels of access to services, infrastructure, technology, and information than in rural areas. Being the forefront of the technology industry, the city infrastructures enable risk monitoring, sharing information with the public, gathering data contributions to DRR and resilience programs is increasingly valuable in response. This presents a huge opportunity to explore new and innovative technology platforms, apps and other innovations with urban dwellers.
This parallel session on “Emerging Technologies and Transdisciplinary Approach Towards Strengthening Risk-informed Urban Resilience” will provide a unique opportunity to better understand risk-informed urban development using Trans-Disciplinary Approaches (TDA) and the role of technology-based data-gathering required for resilience planning focusing on risk communication to promote All-of-Society towards effective Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). In this event, we will hear the importance of transdisciplinary approaches and how innovative technology is supporting cities and vice-versa to address urban challenges and systemic risk, with a specific focus on data gathering and its effective application to strengthen urban resilience, Build Resilience Community (BRC) and facilitate humanitarian nexus in disaster recovery. We will also explore ways to create synergies between technological innovation and approach in urban planning processes towards a risk-informed society by developing strategic foresight for transformational change. Case studies will be drawn from Asia Pacific countries with experience of using information and data gathered in innovative ways to foster DRR, including best practices from impact-based Multi-hazard Early Warning System, Living Labs, localizations, and advanced technology for digital platforms to support decision-making processes.