+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my
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DPPC Science and Technology Related Meeting, Tokyo

During 21-25 November 2017, the DPPC members joined a series of Science and Technology related meetings in DRR in Tokyo Japan. On 21-22 November, Dr. Khamarrul Azahari Razak joined the Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI) Book Series Meeting and...

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World Bosai Forum IDRC 2017

During 25-29 November 2017, the DPPC team visited Sendai Japan to participate in the World Bosai Forum IDRC 2017 organized together with Bosai Kokutai – National Conference on Promoting Disaster Risk Reduction 2017, and 2017 Bosai Industry Fair in Sendai. Total number...

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DPPC Visit to Philippines

On 13-17 November 2017, the DPPC members joined the Regional DRR conference of the Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform (JASTIP) Working Package 4 (WP4: Disaster Management) held at Seda Vertis North Hotel in Manila, Philippines. The members also...

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DPPC Sabah Field Trip

On 5-8 November 2017, the DPPC team took on a field mission in Sabah with 2 key purposes: (a) to promote the DPPC program to the local DRM stakeholders for possible joint activities and (b) to conduct field survey to formulate a research project on effective low-cost...

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Tsunami and Earthquake Public Awareness Program, Penang

On 5 November 2017, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI) through its agency, Malaysian Meteorological Department (MMD), in collaboration with several disaster related agencies such as National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA), Fire and...

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DID-DPPC Joint Seminar 2017

On 28 September, DPPC and DID organized the first joint seminar that gathered over 60 participants from different DID departments at both federal and state levels. Professor Emeritus Kuniyoshi Takeuchi of Yamanashi University presented on 2 topics, “Transdisciplinary...

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