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Laboratory Equipment
Stereo microscope (Leica EZ4 W) & Compound Microscope (Leica DM750 & ICC50W)

Freeze Dryer
Freeze Dryer (Scientz-10ND)

UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Hach DR6000)

Laboratory Turbidimeter
Laboratory Turbidimeter (Hach TL2350)

Others Laboratory Equipment
- Benchtop Centrifuge (Brand: Thermo Scientific, Model: Multifuge)
- Mini Centrifuge (Brand: Thermo Scientific, Model: Pico 17 Centrifuge)
- Microbiological Incubator (Brand: Thermo Scientific, Model: Heratherm)
- Shaking Incubator (Brand: Thermo Scientific, Model: SHKE6000-ICE)
- Shaking Water Bath (Brand: Isotemp)
- Digital Overhead Stirrer (Brand: Thermo Scientific, Model: 2002)
- Digital Flow Heater / Cooler (Brand: Eyela, Model: HS-1)
- Process Pumps for Tube Elements (Brand: Watson Marlow)
- Process Pumps Drive (Brand: Watson Marlow)
- Water Purification System (Brand: Thermo Scientific)
- Biological Safety Cabinet (Brand: Thermo Scientific)
- Autoclave (Brand: Hirayama)
- Ultra Low Temperature Freezer -80°C (Brand: Thermo Scientific)
- Laboratory Freezer -20°C (Brand: Thermo Scientific)
- Analytical & Precision Balance (Brand: Ohaus)
- Benchtop pH Meter (Brand: Ohaus)

- Electrochemical oxidation
- Anaerobic digestion
- Treatment of pharmaceutical residuals
- Aerobic granular sludge
- Wastewater Treatment
- Microalgae-bacteria aerobic granular sludge for wastewater treatment
Researcher: Laila Dina Amalia Purba
- Removal of pharmaceutical residuals in Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)
Researcher: Yasmin Munirah binti Mat Zaini
- Biotransformation of Caffeine, Gliclazide and Prazosin in an Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor
Researcher: Nur Alyaa Zahida Azizan
- Aerobic microgranular sludge technology for complete nitrogen removal in domestic wastewater treatment
Researcher: Thilagavathi Arumugham
- Electrochemical process for treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME)
Researcher: Rakhmania
- Treatment of Restaurant wastewater (RWW) using microalgae
Researcher: Imran Ahmad
- Application of microalgal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge for old landfill leachate treatment and lipid production
Researcher: Dhaneswara Ilmasari
- Characterization of microalgae-bacteria aerobic granular sludge using municipal wastewater
Researcher: Sasmitha Aulia Zahra
For more information/reservation, kindly contact:
Mrs. Nurain Abd Jalil – nurainj.kl@utm.my