CBDRM is introduced as the best medium, platform and a unique mechanism at the local level in empowering vulnerable communities, strengthening disaster preparedness and local resilience towards developing a more resilient community to emerging hazard, systemic risk and compound disaster. The effort towards increasing public awareness holistically demands community preparation and preparedness on disaster risk reduction.
Pilot Project on Utilization of State-of-Art Communication Technologies for CBDRM and Disaster Emergency Management with the collaboration of Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC). There is a need to further strengthen community DRM Capacity and reduce human losses through non-structural measures, such as emergency response and preparation for rapid recovery, which strongly connected with the enhanced public awareness, and strengthened community capacities. Hazard and risk maps with evacuation information are essential for people to take appropriate and prompt actions in a case of a disaster.
ICT tools and applications for CBDRM contribute to the improved community-based DRR (CBDRR) activities by providing safety information, early warning as well as enhancing DRM knowledge, and have contributed to the support of the community members in disasters. In Japan, various ICT tools and applications for community’s disaster management have been developed and introduced by local governments, media, and private companies. By using ICT tools such as mobile phone applications and GIS-based information management system, it becomes easier to collect, manage, update and share such information.