MDRM Seminar & Open Day 2016
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with the support of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japanese University Consortium (JUC) and University of Tsukuba Japan are hosting the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Seminar 2016, together with the Open Day of the Master of Disaster Risk Management (MDRM) at UTM Kuala Lumpur. The Seminar was officiated by Tuan Mohd Ariff bin Baharom, Deputy Director General, Planning & Preparedness Sector, National Disaster Management Agency, Malaysia. Officers from the Malaysian Civil Defense Department were also there for a demonstration on Disaster Management.
MDRM Seminar 2016 aims at bringing together stakeholders, prominent figures, leading academic scientists, professors, and especially prospective post-graduate students who are interested to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of Disaster Risk Management. We are aiming to discuss and advance our understanding on disaster risk reduction towards building a disaster resilient community in Malaysia. This event is accompanied by the Board of Studies (BOS) DRM MJIIT members, funding agencies, and Japanese University Consortium (JUC) representatives in such a way that the respective participants will be able to get a glimpse of this Masters Course and the current activities of disaster risk management in Malaysia.
MDRM is an initiative by the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur with the support of the Japanese University Consortium (JUC) that offers the first Master’s degree by coursework in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Malaysia.
It aims to foster highly skilled human resources who can be leaders in the field of disaster risk management in the public and private sectors in Malaysia and the ASEAN region in general. The MDRM course is offered to full time (1 year) and part-time (3 years) students. Similarly, certified Professional Training Courses are also offered. MDRM is implemented as a joint collaboration between lecturers of MJIIT-UTM and prominent Japanese universities and institutions. Students will have an opportunity to also join a 2-week programme in Japan to obtain hands-on field experience and acquire great knowledge in Disaster Risk Management. MJIIT-UTM Kuala Lumpur has taken a great initiative by leading multi-disciplinary disaster research and providing a better platform to advancing disaster risk toward developing a disaster resilient society in a changing climate.
MDRM Seminar & Open Day 2016 media release on Bernama —>http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v8/newsindex.php?id=1268861 (subscription required)
Below are some of the moments captured during the meeting and press release of the event. For more photos of the events please visit MJIIT Official Facebook Page.

Courtesy Visit to Public Works Department of Malaysia (JKR)
On 15 of June 2016, a delegation from UTM Kuala Lumpur, consist of lecturers from UTM Razak School and DPPC MJIIT visit the Public Works Depatment (JKR), Training Division. Upon arriving, the chairperson welcome and thanked us for this visit. The chairperson starts the meeting by explaining the purpose of this meeting, which are:
1. To introduce postgraduate courses offered by Razak School to JKR officials
2. To introduce DPPC and MDRM courses to JKR officials
3. To collaborate with JKR in terms of technical and research expertise
As usual, this meeting starts with self-introduction by everyone. The meeting continues with presentation from Razak School academic staff regarding to Razak School itself and several new courses offered by Razak School which related to sustainability development. After that, the Deputy Director of DPPC, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhamad Ali Yuzir give a short presentation on DPPC followed by short presentation on MDRM course by Dr. Khamarrul. During the sharing session, all of the participant discuss with each other on how to enhance the collaboration between UTM and JKR in terms of technical and research. The meeting finished with souvenir giving ceremony and group photography session.

Courtesy Visit to Malaysia Civil Defence Force (APM)
On 9 June 2016, a courtesy visit to Malaysia Civil Defence Force (APM) was held at their headquarters just near UTM Kuala Lumpur. Upon arriving APM headquarters, the chairperson of this meeting welcome thanked us for the courtesy visit. The meeting kick-off with explanation of purpose of this meeting by the chairperson. This visit aims to introduce DPPC and MDRM course to APM official and at the same time create a collaboration with APM in terms of technical and research expertise. The meeting continues with self-introduction by everyone in order to get to know more between each other’s background. After that, Dr. Khamarrul Azahari Razak, MDRM course coordinator and DPPC member give a presentation on DPPC and MDRM course. One of the APM official, PPj. (PA) Haji Norhafifi Bin Haji Ismail share some his experience teaching in UTM with subject related to disaster risk management. During the Q & A session, a lot of questions had been raised, for example PhD course in disaster risk management, MJIIT scholarship and credit exemption for MDRM course. This meeting finish with souvenirs giving ceremony and group photography session.

Flagship Project on Integrated Study on Disaster Management in Malaysia
This meeting was held on 2nd of June 2016 at Meeting Room 3, Level 2 MJIIT UTM KL. The participant of this meeting consist of disaster risk management experts from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Malaya, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, JICA experts, DPPC members and DPPC associate members. Started at 10.00 a.m., the chairperson, Prof. Datin Dr. Rubiyah Yusof welcomes all of the participant to this meeting followed by a brief introduction about Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) and Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Centre (DPPC). Chairperson end her welcoming remarks by explaining the objectives of this meeting, which are:
i. To create a platform for benefits to the nation in terms of disaster risk management
ii. To collaborate with other universities in Malaysia in order to gain better results
iii. To establish useful collaboration for Malaysia and can be example for other Asian countries
The meeting continues with brief introduction about education background and research interest by all the participant. Prof. Masafumi Goto, whom the Director of DPPC, proceed with in details explanation about DPPC and continued by presentation by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhamad Ali Yuzir regarding to the integrated study cluster proposal. Four component of flagship study was proposed by DPPC, which are:
Component 1 |
: Development of natural disaster vulnerability index for Malaysia (Leader: Dr. Shohei Matsuura) |
Component 2 |
: Machine learning and drones for disaster response and relief operation (Leader: Ir. Dr. Zool Hilmi) |
Component 3 |
: Flood and landslide forecasting (Leader: Prof. Dr. Ismail Abustan from USM) |
Component 4 |
: Aftermath counter measure on water supply and sanitation in disaster area (Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhamad Ali Yuzir) |
RM 2 million will be allocated for the four component studies for two years’ period (RM 500k for each component) and this money allocation can only be used for asset purchasing. Several issues were raised regarding to this money allocation, such as traveling expenditure for researchers and how the assets are managed in Malaysia. After that, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhamad Ali continue his presentation by presenting the cluster one and five in details followed by presentation by Ir. Dr. Zool Hilmi for component two. The meeting concluded with group photography session.

Seminar Cerun dan Risiko
anjuran bersama
BS Consultancy & Management Service dan Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur
TARIKH: 30 Mei 2016
MASA: 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
TEMPAT: Bilik Seminar MOT, Level 10, MJIIT, UTM KL
***For more photos of the event please visit MJIIT Official FB Page***