International Short Course on Disaster Risk Management 2017, Tainan
Following signed MoU and MoA between NCKU and UTM MJIIT-Disaster Preparedness & Prevention Center (DPPC), nine representatives from various Malaysian Governmental agencies participate in the first series of the International Short Course on Disaster Risk Management 2017 at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan scheduled from 29 October – 11 November 2017. The short course is intended for experts of various background involved in disaster risk management related areas. NCKU shared their experiences in dealing with disaster for example, data integration for the use of disaster prevention, forecasting and early warning, mitigation works and plans that have been implemented in Taiwan through a series of lectures, discussions, exercises, presentations and field trip. The first team consisted of representatives from Humid Tropics Center Kuala Lumpur, Department of Mineral & Geoscience Malaysia, Malaysian Meteorological Department, Public Works Department of Malaysia, Ministry of Works, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Indah Water Consortium Sdn Bhd, Water Supply Division, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water and Universiti Sains Malaysia.