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Humanitarian Supply Chain Training at the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD)

Humanitarian Supply Chain Training at the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD)

MDRM Program Attends 1-day Humanitarian Supply Chain Training at the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD)

On 20 March 2018, the Master of Disaster Risk Management (MDRM) program visited the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD) in Shah Alam as part of the MMJD 1293 Healthcare in Emergencies and Rehabilitation course work. This visit was organized by Dr. Aznah Nor Anuar, course coordinator and senior lecturer of MJIIT and Ms. Azura binti Ibrahim, National Consultant of UNHRD.We would like to thank Ms. Azura and the UNHRD team for accepting the MDRM students for the training and sharing their rich experiences in humanitarian operation management.

Schedule Activity
9.00 a.m. Introduction – UNHRD Roles, Objective of Training and Definition of Humanitarian Supply Chain. Basically the 3 main objectives of the training and UNHRD expectations are:
Capacity building:
To review, agree on and assimilate basic concepts on the subjects of Humanitarian Supply Chain, Interagency Coordination, Preparedness and Information management.
To share experiences, to present different operational approaches and to suggest possible standards of operation.
To facilitate a direct encounter between some of the major field actors involved in the emergency responses.
10.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. Emergency Supply Chain
• Discuss what the humanitarian supply chain and its component parts (sourcing to beneficiary)
• Discuss the phases of an emergency and key responses
• Discuss the basic needs of disaster affected population and prioritisation during emergencies
11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Logistics and Assessment Planning
• Discuss the objective and timing of a logistics assessment
• Discuss the appropriate scope and content of a logistics assessment
• Discuss how logistics networks are designed and configured
01.00 p.m. – 02.00 p.m. Visit to Warehouses and Emergencies Hubs
• Discuss the function of warehouses and operational support equipment
• Discuss the criteria used to assess suitable sites for logistics bases
• Discuss the equipment deployed to support operational setup in emergencies
02.00 p.m. – 03.30 p.m. Disasters and Unsolicited Donations
• Discuss some myths and realities of disasters
• Discuss what to do and what not to do
• Discuss what to donate and what not to donate
03.30 p.m. – 04.30 p.m. Medical Logistics
• Discuss scope of a Medical Supply Chain
• Discuss the specific Supply Chain characteristics and features that are required for medical aid programmes
• Discuss what medical items are used in medical aid programmes

Lesson Learned:
• The UN Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD) in Kuala Lumpur supports in emergency preparedness and response in Asia. In addition to procuring, storing and rapidly dispatching items on behalf of humanitarian partners, it also hosts a variety of trainings that provide participants with first-hand, practical emergency response experience. The depot was built in 2012 and is generously made available by the Government of Malaysia.
• In addition to the depots’ warehousing facilities, UNHRD is pleased to provide a range of fully equipped training services and facilities across the Network where various humanitarian trainings can be held. Moreover, as part of WFP’s efforts to enhance emergency preparedness and disaster response, humanitarian organizations can also use UNHRD’s training facilities for scenario-based exercises and simulations to prepare local partners, government counterparts, contractors and WFP staff for the field.

For photos of this event, please visit HERE

Visit to SMART Selangor Command Centre (SSCC)

Visit to SMART Selangor Command Centre (SSCC)

A visit to Smart Selangor Command Centre (SSCC) was held on 17th January 2018 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Plaza Perangsang, Shah Alam. Twenty-five (25) participants including fives (5) lecturers and observer from Counter Measures & Mitigation Planning course’s, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT); and EBC-K Research Group’s, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur joined this trip to SSCC. This visit also is one of the program’s schedule for the course Control Measures and Mitigation Planning.

SSCC plays a big role in gathering and managing data of disaster in Selangor compound and disaster trans-state boundaries. All the data acquired will be taken into account for further action by the state government or National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA). This academic visit was led by Dr Khamarrul Azahari Razak as a Course’s Coordinator were received an overview briefing about Selangor Disaster Management Unit (SDMU) that delivered by Mr Ahmad Fairuz Mohd Yusof, Director of SDMU. The program was stated with introduction of the drone team or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Unit, and then deep brief on SSCC operations. The visit finish at 2.00 p.m

Below are some of the moments captured during the program. For more photos of the program please visit MJIIT Official Facebook Page.

Tsunami and Earthquake Public Awareness Program, Penang

Tsunami and Earthquake Public Awareness Program, Penang

On 5 November 2017, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI) through its agency, Malaysian Meteorological Department (MMD), in collaboration with several disaster related agencies such as National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA), Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM), Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), Malaysia Civil Defence Department (APM), MERCY Malaysia, Deparment of Social Welfare (JKM), local authorities and other agencies organized a Tsunami and Earthquake Public Awareness program in Teluk Bahang, Penang. This program aims to give awareness to the local communities especially locals whom living in high risk area, like Teluk Bahang. Two of the DPPC members whom are Dr. Khamarrul and Dr. Matsuura were invited to join the program and share their thoughts and experiences to the local communities.

International Short Course on Disaster Risk Management 2017, Tainan

International Short Course on Disaster Risk Management 2017, Tainan

Following signed MoU and MoA between NCKU and UTM MJIIT-Disaster Preparedness & Prevention Center (DPPC), nine representatives from various Malaysian Governmental agencies participate in the first series of the International Short Course on Disaster Risk Management 2017 at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan scheduled from 29 October – 11 November 2017. The short course is intended for experts of various background involved in disaster risk management related areas. NCKU shared their experiences in dealing with disaster for example, data integration for the use of disaster prevention, forecasting and early warning, mitigation works and plans that have been implemented in Taiwan through a series of lectures, discussions, exercises, presentations and field trip. The first team consisted of representatives from Humid Tropics Center Kuala Lumpur, Department of Mineral & Geoscience Malaysia, Malaysian Meteorological Department, Public Works Department of Malaysia, Ministry of Works, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Indah Water Consortium Sdn Bhd, Water Supply Division, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water and Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Visit to Defense Geospatial Division, Ministry of Defense Malaysia

Visit to Defense Geospatial Division, Ministry of Defense Malaysia

On 25 October 2017, DPPC members visit the office of Defense Geospatial Division, Ministry of Defense Malaysia at the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia from 9.30 a.m. until 11.00 a.m. Delegations from DPPC are Prof. Masafumi Goto, the Director of DPPC; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Yuzir, Deputy Director of DPPC; Prof. Aminaton Marto and Dr. Sumiaty Ambran. Representatives from the geospatial divisions are Kol. Hj. Zakaria Abdul Rahman, the Deputy Director of Defense Geospatial Division; Lt. Kol. Sr Abidin Hj. Daud, Director of Geospatial Development Section; Lt. Kol. Norazlin Pamuji, Director of Geospatial Services Section; Mej. Faizal Fitri Mansor and Faizah Bakri, Senior Deputy Director.

During this visit, Prof. Goto introduce DPPC to the representatives and the function and expertise of DPPC in terms of disaster risk management. Prof. Goto also did some promotion of MDRM to the representatives. This visit was held to get in details information about the division function and purpose, which is to prepare a comprehensive and integrated defense geospatial services for defense and security purposes. This visit also aims to collaborate with the division in terms of research and exchanges of data/information for shared use. With this courtesy visit, we hope that the Defense Geospatial Division could provides relevant data such as topographical maps, cadastral maps, thematic maps and underground utility maps for disaster risk planning and management purpose.

DID-DPPC Joint Seminar 2017

DID-DPPC Joint Seminar 2017

On 28 September, DPPC and DID organized the first joint seminar that gathered over 60 participants from different DID departments at both federal and state levels. Professor Emeritus Kuniyoshi Takeuchi of Yamanashi University presented on 2 topics, “Transdisciplinary Approaches to Disaster Management: Case studies from Asia” and “Integrated Flood Analysis: Overview of IFAS/RRI models and field application,” while DID officer and DPPC member each introduced their respective activities in flood mitigation measures and research.

DPPC proposed to jointly develop a research project with DID in the next few months on priority issues to be raised by Humid Tropics Centre (HTC) of DID.