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MJIIT’s DRM Program Board of Study (BoS) Meeting

MJIIT’s DRM Program Board of Study (BoS) Meeting

On 19 April, the renewed Board of Study (BoS) had its first meeting to discuss about the new membership, terms of reference and next steps to build partnership to improve MJIIT’s DRM Program. Professor Dr. Ali Selamat chaired the meeting that was participated by experts and from Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia and Philippines shown below.

From government agencies:

  1. Mr. Zainan Azman Abu Seman, Deputy Director General, National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA), Prime Minister’s Department
  2. Ir Rohani Binti Ahmad, Director of HTC, Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  3. Ir. Che Hassandi Abdullah, Director, Centre of Excellence for Engineering and Technology (CREaTE), Public Work Department, Ministry of Works
  4. PPJ (PA) Norhafifi Hj. Ismail, Director of Policy Planning and Coordination, Civil Defense Force (APM), Prime Minister’s Department
  5. Dr. Azhari Mohamed, Director, Department of Surveying and Mapping (JUPEM), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  6. Dr. Dzul Khaimi Bin Khailani, Senior Principal Assistant Director, Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government

Malaysian and international experts:

  1. Dato’ Haji Zakaria Mohamad, DPPC fellow and Scientific Expert Panel to NaDMA, Malaysia
  2. Hariyati Shahrima Abdul Majid, Malaysian Medical Relief Society (MERCY Malaysia)
  3. Dr Alwi Abdul Rahman, Head of the Selayang Hospital Emergency, Trauma and Disaster Management Department, Malaysia
  4. Professor Dr. Jun Asanuma, Chair of DRM Subcommittee, Tsukuba University, Japan
  5. Professor Dr. Kaoru Takara, Co-chair of DRM Subcommittee and Dean of Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS), Kyoto University, Japan
  6. Mikio Ishiwatari, Senior Advisor, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan
  7. Dr. Ir Djoko Legono, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
  8. Professor Dr. Andres W.C. Oreta, Civil Engineering Department, De La Sallle University, Philippines

Originally established to design the Master of Disaster Management (MDRM) Program, the previous BoS has completed its role and the new members will now take on new a function that involves support for reviewing and improving the MDRM program and taking part in professional training and research and field activities of MJIIT’s DRM program.

Active discussions were held among the experts on the next steps for the BoS, including joint publications and regional DRM conferences that could be organized in Malaysia as well as other countries of the BoS members. The next BoS meeting is planned to be held on the occasion of the Japan-ASEAN Science and Technology Innovation Platform (JASTIP) Regional Conference that is planned to be organized in Kuala Lumpur this October.

DPPC Outreach Program in Viet Nam

DPPC Outreach Program in Viet Nam

During 22-29 March 2018, DPPC members visited Thailand and Viet Nam to promote its DRM program.

After visiting Thailand, DPPC members visited Viet Nam to take part in joint technical workshop with Viet Nam National University, Hanoi University of Science (VNU-HUS) and the Viet Nam Institute of Transport Science and Technology (ITST) on landslide monitoring and preventive measures. The workshop started with a presentation by HUS that introduced several case studies for monitoring slope failures in northern regions in Viet Nam, followed by a report by ITST on the outcomes of the SATREPS project, “Development of Landslide Risk Assessment Technology Along Transportation Arteries in Viet Nam” funded by JICA-JST that was implemented during 2012-2017. Dr. Khamarrul presented on the recent disaster resilient cities project with the Federal Department of Town and Country Planning Peninsular Malaysia.

On the same day, DPPC members visited Viet Nam Institute of Transport Science and Technology (ITST) to observe some of the testing equipment that was used including slope failure experiment device and portable ring shear apparatus that tests strength of the materials of different sizes.

On 28 March, DPPC members flew to Da Nang to visit the landslide monitoring site at Hai Van Pass that had been established by the SATREPS project. The site was chosen because it is the path of the national railway system that serves as an important transportation artery that connects North and South regions of Viet Nam. ITST continues to monitor this mountain slope after the project has concluded to apply the experiences to monitor other vital transportation sites around the country.

The last visit in Vietnam was to Da Nang University, University of Education, which has been taking part in numerous DRM projects, especially those related to community based DRM and local DRM planning. Partnership and collaboration with local universities are important particularity when conducting in-depth work at the local level.

DPPC Outreach Program in Thailand

DPPC Outreach Program in Thailand

During 22-29 March 2018, DPPC members visited Thailand and Vietnam to promote its DRM program and discuss about the possible future collaborative activities with key DRR stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific Region. The mission was headed by Dr. Khamarrul Azahari Razak, MDRM Program Coordinator, accompanied by Dato’ Zakaria Mohamad, DPPC fellow and Science & Technology Advisory Board member of the National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA) and Dr. Shohei Matsuura, JICA Expert to MJIIT.

At the United Nations Secretariat for International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), Asia Pacific Regional Asia Pacific Office, DPPC discussed with Mr. Animesh Kumar, Deputy Head of Office and Mr. Timothy Wilcox, Programme Management Officer on future roles of science, technology and academic group for training and providing expertise to facilitate the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: SFDRR (2015-2030). The team also expressed support to UNISDR in working with the National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA) Malaysia and other partners to properly implement the Sendai Monitor as well as launching of ARISE Malaysia to strengthen resilience of the private sector.

On the same day, DPPC members visited Chulalongkorn University and received by Assistant Professor Dr. Chatpan Chintanapakdee (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), Dr. Natt Leelawat (Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), and Dr. Puntita Tanwattana (Environmental Research Institute). Chulalongkorn University recently launched its new 2-year postgraduate program, “Master of Science on Risk and Disaster Management (RDM)” in which will offer a series of DRM-related courses by various departments (from February 2018). The multidisciplinary approach to DRM similar with DPPC showed opportunities of both sides to collaborate in the future. (RDM program: http://www.rdm.grad.chula.ac.th/)

On 26 March, DPPC members visited the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and greeted by Professor Pennung Warnitchai, Head of Department of Construction and Infrastructure Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Dr. Indrajit Pal, Assistant Professor and Chair of Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Management (DPMM), Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad, Associate Professor, Regional and Rural Development Planning, School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD), Dr. Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Assistant Professor, Remote Sensing and GIS, School of Engineering and Technology (SET) and Ms. Vineeta Thapa, Senior Program Officer DPMM. DPMM also takes the interdisciplinary approaches to disaster management and targets both full time and professional training programs with backgrounds ranging from civil engineering to medicine. Discussions focused on future joint academic and research activities and international conference in the Asia Pacific region. (DPMM program: http://dpmm.ait.ac.th/wp/)

On the same day, DPPC members visited the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and received by Mr. Aslam Perwaiz, Deputy Executive Director. ADPC with its long-standing reputation as the “one stop center” for providing professional training and project implementation in the AP region can offer many hints to DPPC to become one of the regional training and research hub in ASEAN. Discussion ranged from possibilities of student internships at ADPC and credit transfer of training programs. While ADPC expressed interest in building closer partnership with science and technology stakeholders, both sides promised to follow up on detailed collaboration, such as organizing a regional conference in the near future. (ADPC website: http://www.adpc.net/igo/?)

DPPC & MDRM Open Day 2018

DPPC & MDRM Open Day 2018

The Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Centre(DPPC) and MDRM Open Day 2018 was held on 19th April 2018 at UTM Kuala Lumpur in the presence of MJIIT management, DRM agencies, NGO’s and experts from Malaysia and Japan. This program was aimed to introduce the latest activities in training, research and other projects of DPPC amongst stakeholders involved in disaster risk management areas. This program also targeted prospective MDRM students by exposing them to the programme after its 2 years implementation. This program has divided into two session; morning sessions that focused on knowledge sharing session in DRM practices from Malaysia and Japan; and afternoon session that involved engagements with DRM volunteer groups.

The day kicked off with the opening address by MJIIT Dean, Prof. Dr. Ali Selamat followed by talks by Dr. Matsuura on “Role of Science and Technology for Disaster and Climate Change Resilience” and Prof. Dr. Shinji Egashira on “ICHARM’s Role in Supporting DRM Agencies and Experts Through Research and Training”. The program continued with talks and presentation by DPPC partners including, Prof. Dr. Kaoru Takara, Dean of Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability(GSAIS), Kyoto University ; Dr. Hariyati Shahrima Abdul Majid, MDRM lecturer from MERCY Malaysia; Dato’ Haji Zakaria Mohamad, DPPC Fellow and Scientific Expert Panel to NADMA and Dr. Rashdan Hj. Rahmat, MDRM alumni.

The program continued in the afternoon with engagement session with volunteer groups on capacity building needs for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management. During this one-day program, a meet and greet session was held in parallel in which participants were able to get more information regarding to the DPPC activities and also MDRM programme from the faculty members and current students. Many participants had shown their interests with the research activities conducted by DPPC and also MDRM and CPT programmes organized by MJIIT.

For photos of this event, please visit HERE

Visit to MERCY Malaysia

Visit to MERCY Malaysia

MDRM Program visits MERCY Malaysia to understand the realities of disaster response and risk reduction from the field

On 16 March 2018, the MDRM program visited MERCY Malaysia as part of the MMJD 1293 Healthcare in Emergencies and Rehabilitation course work. This visit was organized by Dr. Aznah Nor Anuar, course coordinator and senior lecturer of MJIIT. MERCY Malaysia is one of the key players that have been active in the field of humanitarian support and disaster risk management, not only in Malaysia, but also globally. As so, the MDRM students were able to acquire hands-on knowledge on how DRM/DRR planning and actions are taken on the actual field. We would like to thank MERCY Malaysia for their continuous understanding and support to the MDRM program.

Schedule Activity
02.00 p.m. Arrive at MERCY Malaysia
02.00 p.m. – 03.00 p.m. Introduction Talk – about organization of MERCY Malaysia, the establishment journey, global partnership and involvement of mercy in humanitarian mission in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) by Mdm Rossimah Mohamed, Head of Quality and Accountability.
10.00 a.m. – 11.00 p.m. Demonstration on PPE and Decontamination Operation
03.00 p.m. – 04.00 p.m. Talk on Strategic Initiative of MERCY Malaysia in Disaster Risk Reduction – Building Resilient Communities and School Preparedness Programme by Mr. Shah Fiesal Hussain, Head of Humanitarian Development Center.

Lesson Learned:
• MERCY Malaysia is an international non-profit organisation focusing on providing medical relief, sustainable health-related development and risk reduction activities for vulnerable communities, in both crisis and non-crisis situation
• Building Resilient Communities (BRC) is MERCY Malaysia’s holistic approach towards disaster risk reduction by building the level of resiliency in communities which are vulnerable to disasters and hazards such as floods, earthquakes, typhoon and volcano eruptions through workshops, trainings hazard mapping, disaster simulations and action plan designing and implementations. It moves beyond the traditional disaster management approach of simply focusing on response, rehabilitation and rebuilding after a disaster event by involving the whole community which are: local government, communities, children and youth, health facilities and private sector
• Among the crucial DRR programmes conducted by MERCY Malaysia is the School Preparedness Programme. The programme is designed to raise awareness amongst students of the hazards they face and to help schools to minimise the risks posed by natural disasters, such as the seasonal floods in many parts of Malaysia, or earthquakes in China. Schoolchildren are taught simple, hands-on activities to prepare them to take responsibility for their own safety in the event of an emergency.Called the School Watching Workshop, the programme introduces a “Community-Based Hazard Mapping’’ tool to help school communities to identify hazards and risks in and around the schools and then devising solutions to make it a safer place.MERCY Malaysia also conducts Training of Trainers workshops with teachers and School Watching Workshops directly with students

For photos of this event, please visit HERE

Visit to Hospital Selayang

Visit to Hospital Selayang

MDRM Program visits Hospital Selayang to understand emergency preparedness in Malaysian hospitals.

On 16 March 2018, the Master of Disaster Risk Management (MDRM) program visited the Emergency Unit of Hospital Selayang as part of the MMJD 1293 Healthcare in Emergencies and Rehabilitation course work. This visit was organized by Dr. Aznah Nor Anuar, course coordinator and senior lecturer of MJIIT.The MDRM students will have an opportunity to visit a similar emergency hospital (DMAT) in Japan during their Japan Attachment Program, expected to be implemented at the end of July 2018.We would like to thank Datuk Dr Mohamed Alwi Hj Abdul Rahman, Head Emergency Department, Hospital Selayang Kepong, Senior Consultant Emergency Medicine and Disaster Management, and his colleagues for their support to the MDRM program.

Schedule Activity
09.00 a.m. Arrive at Hospital Selayang
09.00 a.m. – 10.00 a.m. Talk on Hospital Selayang Strategic Initiative of Hospital Selayang towards Disaster Risk Reduction specifically on these 3 topics:
• Emergency in Public Health
• Mass Gathering Emergency Preparedness
• Hazards of Toxic Gas Preparedness
by Datuk Dr Mohamed Alwi Hj Abdul Rahman
10.00 a.m. – 11.00 p.m. Demonstration on PPE and Decontamination Operation
11.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. QA session on demo activity between UTM delegates and Selayang Medical Response Team

Lesson Learned:
Humanitarianism in health care embraces the idea of people administering humane treatment(s) to assist others in the safest and most cost effective manner(s).
Humanitarianism drives people to save lives, alleviate suffering, and promote human dignity
Humanitarianism in Medicine embraces the humanitarian aspects of all healthcare and healing paradigms, respects life and the premise to “do no harm, encourages treatments in “Traditional Medicine.”, emphasizes self-care and personal empowerment and promotes prevention and inexpensive, and most cost-effective, health care.

For photos of this event, please visit HERE