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“Bringing Science to the Local Levels”
DPPC/MDRM participation to Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR 2016), 3-5 November 2016, New Delhi India.

On 2-5 November 2016, the DPPC/MDRM team participated in the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR 2016) organized by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and the Government of India in New Delhi India. AMCDRR has brought together over 3,000 participants that included decision makers, government officials, scientists/researchers, bi-lateral and multi-lateral organizations, community-based organizations and private companies to discuss on the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) in making the Asia-Pacific Region more resilient to disasters.

UNISDR’s Asia Science Technology Academic Advisory Group (ASTAAG) in particular, focused its discussion on the role of science and technology to further strengthen DRR. Together with the continuation of advancing technology and research for DRR, the group emphasized the importance of connecting science with different stakeholders in various sectors and especially linking it with the local authorities and communities. Utilizing the comparative advantage of universities and research institutions possessing both scientific knowledge and community linkages, the group acknowledged its increasing role to assist governments on evidence based decision-making and action planning.

At AMCDRR, DPPC/MDRM team were able to exchange views about the role of academic researchers with various participants including officials of National Disaster Management Agencies, members of ASTAAG, researchers of other universities/research institutions, NGOs and students. The team members participated in thematic sessions on the four priority actions of the Sendai Framework and technical sessions such as Ecosystems-based DRR, Private Sector Engagement in DRR, Risk Assessment and Multi-hazard Mapping and Community Resilience. In addition, the team proactively promoted the DPPC and MDRM program, which received great interest from disaster professionals and students, allowing the DPPC/MDRM program to join and be a part of the DRR network in the Asia-Pacific Region.

While participation to such conferences commonly can become a one-time event, the DPPC/MDRM program is already planning next steps to “bring science to the local levels.” Such activities have already been taken, including field visits to Selangor Hulu Langat River Basin and community based DRR activities in Rantau Panjang. The program will continue to bring its research outcomes to communities and government agencies to assist facilitation of evidence-based actions for achieving the goals of national DRR plans and the Sendai Framework through training, research and field practices.


AMCDRR5 at New Delhi India, 3-5 November 2016


DPPC-MDRM-MJIIT-UTM Booth at the Asian Ministrial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) in New Delhi India


Visitors at DPCC-MDR-MJIIT-UTM booth at the AMCDRR


DPPC team with the Malaysian Delegation at the AMCDRR


Dato’ Zaitun Ab Samah, Director General of the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) at our booth

DPPC team with Prof. Rajib Shaw, Executive Director of the International Programme Office of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) Programme and Co-chair of UNISDR’s Asia Science Technology Academic Advisory Group (ASTAAG)


Our new friends at AMCDRR


DPPC team with JICA delegation at AMCDRR


DPPC team with MERCY Malaysia at AMCDRR


DPPC team with Dr. Laura Kong, Director of UNESCO-IOC–NOAA International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC)