During 22-29 March 2018, DPPC members visited Thailand and Viet Nam to promote its DRM program.
After visiting Thailand, DPPC members visited Viet Nam to take part in joint technical workshop with Viet Nam National University, Hanoi University of Science (VNU-HUS) and the Viet Nam Institute of Transport Science and Technology (ITST) on landslide monitoring and preventive measures. The workshop started with a presentation by HUS that introduced several case studies for monitoring slope failures in northern regions in Viet Nam, followed by a report by ITST on the outcomes of the SATREPS project, “Development of Landslide Risk Assessment Technology Along Transportation Arteries in Viet Nam” funded by JICA-JST that was implemented during 2012-2017. Dr. Khamarrul presented on the recent disaster resilient cities project with the Federal Department of Town and Country Planning Peninsular Malaysia.
On the same day, DPPC members visited Viet Nam Institute of Transport Science and Technology (ITST) to observe some of the testing equipment that was used including slope failure experiment device and portable ring shear apparatus that tests strength of the materials of different sizes.
On 28 March, DPPC members flew to Da Nang to visit the landslide monitoring site at Hai Van Pass that had been established by the SATREPS project. The site was chosen because it is the path of the national railway system that serves as an important transportation artery that connects North and South regions of Viet Nam. ITST continues to monitor this mountain slope after the project has concluded to apply the experiences to monitor other vital transportation sites around the country.
The last visit in Vietnam was to Da Nang University, University of Education, which has been taking part in numerous DRM projects, especially those related to community based DRM and local DRM planning. Partnership and collaboration with local universities are important particularity when conducting in-depth work at the local level.