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MMJP 1123 Quantitative Data Analysis for Disaster Management

Course Schedule: TBA (2nd Semester)
*Full time students are required to attend all lectures. Please check for schedule updates with course coordinator.


Course Synopsis:
This course emphasizes the use of quantitative data analysis methods and approaches particularly statistical-based techniques in analysis and assessment related to disaster management. Each statistical technique is applicable for specific analysis and has specific prerequisites. The selection of appropriate statistical techniques and parameterization should be anchored to the research questions and hypotheses. This course critically addresses the exposure of current quantitative data analyses for understanding and solving the issues and problem related to disaster risk management.


Course Coordinator:
Dr. Aizul Nahar
Senior Lecturer

Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Center (DPPC)
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E-mail: aizulnahar.kl@utm.my