The Science and Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (STDR3) week is hosted by the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Center (DPPC), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Malaysia-Japan Linkage Office, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) with the support of various strategic partners at federal, state and local level, and private sector as well as NGOs.
This high-impact program focused on the implementation of science and technology in disaster risk reduction (DRR), with an emphasis on stakeholders, local agencies, decision-makers, and vulnerable groups exposed to various hazards and disasters. In addition, various technical methods and learning modules will be discussed to identify geological hazards and take risk reduction measures and build resilience for vulnerable groups. The STDR3 Week 2024 brought together experts, scientists, government officials, and international organisations to share insights, knowledge, and technological advancements aimed at enhancing disaster preparedness and resilience.
The STDR3 Week 2024 comprises of several primary agenda to accelerate the global agenda particularly the UNDRR Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) 2015-2030, 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development, Paris Agreement, regional agenda and national aspiration on disaster risk, and resilience strategies, as follows:-
- Community-Led Disaster Risk Reduction (CLDRR)
- School Resilience and Disaster Education (SRDE)
- International Workshop and Field Practices on Disaster Risk Management (IDRM)
This multi-sectoral platform provides a new insight into locally-led and nationally-supported landslide disaster risk reduction strategy, by empowering an impact-based early warning system for debris flow and landslides, integrating with the innovated LTIK approach and strengthening local champions in the vulnerable regions. Remarkably, we demonstrate regional benchmarking, national commitment, and local wisdom to reduce the number of human- and economic losses through an impact-based early warning system, led by vulnerable community and powered by humanizing technology for building societal resilience
![[EN] STDR3 YAN KEDAH (V6. 08 Aug)](