Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) is primarily the responsibility of local governments and communities. While national government and other stakeholders may provide support to plan and implement DRRM measures, it is important first to understand the DRRM capacity of the locality and the level of risks they are facing.
In this light, the National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA) Malaysia and JICA held a series of discussions and agreed to jointly conduct a survey of high-risk states in Malaysia on DRRM capacities of local governments in Malaysia.
This survey will also investigate how local governments, organizations and communities are coping with COVID-19 pandemic since the enforcement of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in March 2020. The lesson learnt, best practices and local recommendation will be compiled and used to support NADMA and state-related agencies to formulate and national- and local DRR and resilience strategies, as required by the Global Target E, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
The survey consists of four components, (1) Baseline Information, (2) Local Disaster Risk Profile (3) Needs Assessment and (4) Policy Recommendation/Intervention.
It is expected that the final report of this survey will become one of the supplementary documents of the forthcoming Malaysia National Disaster Management Plan currently being drafted by NADMA.
To implement the survey, a joint survey team has been established, consisting of NaDMA (chair), DPPC/MJIIT, JICA and a technical consultant team.