During 21-25 November 2017, the DPPC members joined a series of Science and Technology related meetings in DRR in Tokyo Japan.
On 21-22 November, Dr. Khamarrul Azahari Razak joined the Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI) Book Series Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting. Discussions ranged from GADRI’s progress during 2017, GADRI appointment to the Science and Technology Advisory Group (STAG) of the UNISDR, GADRI Book Series, election of new Board Members and the 4th Global Summit scheduled for March 2019.

From 23-25 November, Prof. Masafumi Goto (DPPC Director), Dr. Khamarrul Azahari Razak and Dr. Shohei Matsuura jointed the Global Forum on Science and Technology for Disaster Resilience 2017 held in which prominent scientists and practitioners gathered at the Science Council of Japan to discuss in detail on the role of Science and Technology stakeholders for implementing the 4 priority actions of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR). DPPC members contributed as panel experts to provide inputs to the policy paper that was later consolidated in the outcome document, Tokyo Statement 2017.
The meeting was chaired by Prof. Toshio Koike, Director of ICHARM and attended by prominent figures including Dr. Robert Glasser, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for DRR and head of UNISDR, H.E. Hachiro Okonogi, Minister of State for Disaster Management, Prof. Gordon McBean, President of the International Council for Science (ICSU), Prof. Junichi Yamagawa, President of Japan Science Council and Kyoto University and Crown Prince of Japan, Naruhito.
MDRM lecturers, Prof. Kenichi Tsukahara (Kyushu University) and Prof. Norio Maki and many other DPPC collaborators were also present at the Forum.