On 17 May 2017, Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Center (DPPC) organized International Symposium on Disaster Risk Management 2017 in collaboration with University of Tsukuba (Japan), Disaster Prevention Research Center (DPRC), National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan), and Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia).
The objectives of the symposium were to (1) identify capacity building needs in DRM of disaster managers, disaster management agencies and organizations and (2) understand how capacity building needs can be met through training, research and field practice utilizing experiences from Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan and Indonesia.
There were more than 130 participants in the symposium, ranging from government agencies, universities/research institutes, NGOs and companies.

In the morning session, welcoming remarks were given by Prof Datin Dr Rubiyah Yusof, Dean of MJIIT, followed by keynote speeches from YBhg. Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Zaini bin Ujang, Secretary General, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water Malaysia (KeTTHA) Malaysia and PPj. (PA) Tuan Haji Norhafifi Haji Ismail, Director of Policy Planning and Coordination, Malaysian Civil Defence Force (APM). In addition, presentations by DRM experts from Japan, Taiwan and Indonesia attracted great interest from the participants.
In the afternoon session, the participants themselves broke out in focus discussion groups (FGDs) to provide inputs on DRM capacity building needs in the region. Facilitated by students of Master of Disaster Risk Management (MDRM), the groups discussed on three thematic issues including DRM Technology and Innovation (Group 1), DRM Policy and Planning (Group 2) and Community Resilience through DRM (Group 3).
Each group identified and listed out the capacity building issues, challenges, problems and needs based on each theme and proposed collaborative action plans between research institutes and DRM agencies and organizations.
At the end of the symposium, the establishment of the Regional DRM Capacity Building Working Group was announced to follow up the action plans suggested by the participants.
The next ISDRM 2018 is planned to be hosted by Gadjah Mada University in Jogjakarta, Indonesia