On 11th February 2015, TriPreM received guests from Chosei High School. From a group of 12 students, three students were delegated to TriPreM to present their school projects.

The visit to MJIIT is part of a week-long trip to Malaysia, where the students from Chosei High School visit various schools and tourism spots in Malaysia, exchanging knowledge and experience while broadening their horizons through intercultural exposure.


The students were very impressive in both their presentation skills and the amount of effort that was put in their projects. TriPreM hopes that the students will continue to work hard to improve themselves even further.

The following is a quote from the description of Chosei High School:

“One of the highlights of Chosei is the Super Science High School (SSH) program, which has been implemented here since 2010. SSH is a designation given to top-performing schools in the sciences by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology in Japan). Students study advanced topics in science. Some students have gone abroad to multiple countries to give scientific presentations and share scientific knowledge.”

The website for Chosei High School may be reached here.