+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my


The 4th Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium 2016 (MJTS 2016) will take place on 25th – 26th August 2016, at the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Enhance communication between researchers, engineers and students in tribology field from Malaysia and Japan.

General information

Theme for keynote speech/invited talks:  Basics of Tribology
Chairman:  Kanao Fukuda, Prof. Dr., MJIIT UTMKL, Malaysia
Co-Chairman:  Yoshinori Sawae, Prof. Dr., Kyushu University, Japan
Conference secretary: Jun Ishimatsu, Dr., MJIIT UTMKL, Malaysia
Date:  25th – 26th August 2016
Venue:  MJIIT UTMKL, Malaysia
Fee:  None


  • The proceedings book for MJTS 2016 is now available here.  new

  • The program for MJTS 2016 is now available here.  new


  • If the applicant encountered problem during the submission of the extended abstract or did not receive a reply to acknowledge the receipt of your submission please re-submit your extended abstract to aszaid3@live.utm.my


  • The deadline for submissions to MJTS2016 has been extended to 15th July 2016



Tentative program (Symposium)

25th August 2016 (Thu) 9.30am Opening remarks
Keynote speech #1

“Different Facets of Tribology”

Prof. Dr. Salmiah bt Kasolang, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

Keynote speech #2

“Sustainable Tribology”

Prof. Dr. Shinya Sasaki, Tokyo University of Science, Japan

Photo session
12.00pm Symposium Lunch
2.00pm Invited speech #1

“Simulation Studies of Micro/Nano Tribology”

Prof. Dr. Hitoshi Washizu, University of Hyogo, Japan

General session #1
Coffee break
General session #2
26th August 2016 (Fri) 9.00am Invited speech #2

“Cutting Tool wear condition Monitoring (TCM) and Dynamic Assisted Tooling for Turning process”

Prof Dr. Jaharah bt A Ghani, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

General session #3
Coffee break
General session #4

Tentative program (Special visit for foreign participants)

26th August 2016 (Fri) 2.00pm Visiting Malaysian Rubber Board
27th August 2016 (Sat) 9.00am Visiting Royal Selangor

General session

Theme: All aspects in tribology field

Submit 2 pages of extended abstract following this template , and complete this application form to mjts2016@outlook.com by 15th July 2016

( 30th  June  2016)  (31st May 2016)

Acceptance notice will be sent to applicants within 14 days after the deadline date.

On a later date, an “attendance application form” will be made available that is targeted towards attendees/non-presenters. The function of this form is for us to gauge the number of attendees for catering, number of seats, etc.

MJTS 2016 Excellent Paper Award

For applicants who would like to be considered for the MJTS 2016 Excellent Paper Award, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

– The applicant’s extended abstract must be submitted and presented during MJTS 2016.
– The applicant’s full paper, which was based on the extended abstract, has to be submitted and accepted by journal of choice (either Tribology Online or Jurnal Tribologi) by the end of 2016.


The awardees will be notified via email and published on MJTS 2016  page of TriPreM website.


Certificates will be provided to keynote speakers, invited speakers, award winner, presenters and registered attendees.

Organized by


Tribology and Precision Machining i-Kohza

Supported by


Japanese Society of Tribologists


Malaysian Tribology Society


For inquiries, please send your email to mjts2016@outlook.com, fukuda.kl@utm.my or faidhi.radzi@hotmail.com.