いけばな(Ikebana) Workshop 2
いけばな Workshop 2 was held with Mitsuko Sensei on 12 Jan. Unlike the previous one, the arrangements were left to the imagination and creativity of each participant. Now, what do you think of their work?
Karuta Workshop with Special Guests Pusat Ambang Asuhan Jepun, Universiti Malaya
9 Jan 2024, Karuta Workshop with special guests from Ambang Asuhan Jepun, Universiti Malaya.
To AAJ students, all the best in your study in Japan soon. To Takei sensei, thank you for coming with the students.
To MJIIT students, thank you for joining and supporting. We hope everyone enjoyed the experience.
JLCC Welcomed students and lecturers of INTEC Education College
2 Feb 2024, JLCC welcomed students and lecturers of INTEC Education College
The students are doing preparatory course to pursue their studies to Japan. They learn Japanese language intensively and currently at intermediate level after just a few months. Thus we decided to hold Japanese language games with them. We hope they enjoyed the experience.
.Thank you INTEC and all the best to the students. Come again to MJIIT after your degree if you are looking for post graduate programs!
Nihongo Cafe with students from Kagoshima Technical College
29 Feb 2024, Nihongo Cafe with students from Kagoshima Technical College. Thank you for joining us!
Nihongo Cafe with students from Kurume Institute of Technology
12 Mar 2024, Nihongo Cafe (Ramadan month so Nihongo no-Cafe ) with students from Kurume Institute of Technology. Thank you for joining and hope everyone enjoyed.
Bousai (Disaster Prevention) Work
Today we had the BOUSAI (Disaster Prevention) workshop. We introduced various tips and know-hows on how to face earthquakes. MJIIT students who have the opportunity to visit Japan, please remember today’s tips and protect yourselves well. Prevention is better than cure. Thank you to all participants and Niigata University students.
Koto Workshop
On 26th April, we held a Koto workshop, where we invited four professional Koto performers from Plumeria Koto Ensemble.In the first half of the event, they explained the history of the Koto and then performed 2 songs live for the audience.In the second half of the event, the participants had a chance to play and experience the instrument, where they were individually guided by the professionals. Lastly, the participants also played and performed their newly-learned song, “Sakura” together. It was amazing and we had a great time.Thank you very much for this valuable experience.
In the ALEPS Ekiden Half-Marathon that was held yesterday, our own MJIIT Yosakoi Club was invited to participate in the event as performers. We performed two dances, “Yochore” and “Yosakoi Soranbushi”. We were very happy and grateful to see many people watching our performance. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the organizers of this event for giving us such a precious opportunity, and also to all the Yosakoi Club members who practiced hard with me.
Onomatope Workshop
We held an “ONOMATOPE Workshop” this week. The theme for this workshop was “FOOD”.
In the first half of the workshop, various onomatopoeias related to food such as “ふわふわ(fuwa-fuwa)” and “もちもち(mochi-mochi)” were introduced through a quiz. Then, in the second half of the workshop, we played 2 innovative games, known as the “Onomatope Karuta” and “Onomatope Post-it” to help participants remember the onomatopoeias learnt in a fun way
In the “Onomatope Post-it” game, participants were asked to come up with Malaysian food that matches the onomatopoeias learnt, and interestingly, we had quite an intense competition Malaysia.
Surprisingly, there were a lot of Malaysian food than can be used with the Japanese onomatopoeias, and it was a lot of fun!!
Thank you to everyone who participated!
Takoyaki Workshop
We held our 2nd session of Takoyaki workshop yesterday.
Like the previous session, seats were fully taken up in minutes this time as well.Due to the overwhelming response from the previous session, we upsized the amount of ingredients and prepared batter for 300 takoyaki this time. However, everything ran out quickly and we were amazed by everyone’s appetite.
For yesterday’s workshop, we invited not only students but also staff members as well. We hope everyone had a great time interacting with each other while making takoyaki. We plan to hold this event again, so please look forward to it!
Session with Oikawa Kohji Sensei
31 May 2024, session with Oikawa Kohji sensei.
Thank you Oikawa sensei 笈川幸司 先生 for coming to MJIIT and for introducing Oikawa sensei’s unique ways to excel in speaking skills. It was a great experience for us. Our students enjoyed the activities that sensei had introduced to them and we are sure they have benefited from the experience.
Congratulations to the winners in JLfest 2024
Congratulation to MJIIT team represented by Yat Yaw Huei (3rd yr CPE), Ahmad Afif (2nd yr MPE), Safuan Hakim (2nd yr SE) and Afif Haziq (1st yr SE) for securing the 2nd Prize in JLFEST 2024 e-poster competition on 8 June 2024.
We asked them some questions and these are the answers:
- What were the challenges? And what was the most difficult task?
(Yat) A lot. I have never become a leader before in any group-based competition. So as the leader of group for the first time, I have a lot to consider, like setting schedule for finding information, finding title, translation of scripts into Japanese and etc. And as you know, being university students mean you have a lot of assignments to handle. Besides, your teammates also have some dates must sit for test and also for family time.
Therefore it is quite challenging to find time where everyone is free to have discussion. The design of the poster could be one of the components need to be taken care as we need to make a design that makes audience understand what we try to tell them. I have been going through a lot of sleepless nights for this competition, but the most challenging task, umdeniable is editting video, I can say this is more difficult than translation work as you need to ensure the video made is a quality one that can persuade your audience to be attracted to your title.
- How did you work in the group?
(Afif Haziq) I discuss with our group about the topic and then we divide tasks between ourselves. I searched information about the sushi that can be put in the poster and prepared my script. After that, we sent our work to sensei so that it can be checked and corrected.
- Did you expect this result? What about other teams?
(Ahmad Afif) I wasn’t really sure what place we would get. I was hoping for at least the top half rankings since it was the first time for some of us but Yat senpai was very confident we would be in the top 3. Other than that, there were some really attractive posters like the one about Japanese toilets and the eggs. At this point, I’m just grateful the judges liked ours enough to get us to 2nd place.
- What are the things that you wished you could do better?
(Safuan) I feel like we did our best already! however for me personally, I wished I shouldn’t have hesitated to answer the judge’s question as I was afraid to share my thoughts since it was scary haha.
- How do you feel today after hearing the result?
(Safuan) 本当に良かったです!Definitely surprised and happy as we all did our best and brought back good results for JLCC and MJIIT! it was a fun experience and I learned so much throughout the competition.
We are very proud of their achievement! We hope this will motivate the juniors to participate in the same competition next year!
Welcoming Ms. Kitamura Mari, a new Japanese language teacher at MJIIT. Let’s welcome Mari sensee!Welcome Ms.Kitamura Mari
4 April, Career Talk by CEO of ASIA to Japan was held at Seminar Room 2, Level 9. We hope the information shared was a useful one to all the participants. Check out ASIA to Japan website to know more information about career in Japan. Thank you very much Mr. Sampei, Ms. Riri. Thank you to all participants. Thank you Dean Prof. Ali, Deputy Dean Dr Nurul and Dr Wira for the support. Last but not least, thank you Mr Fitri and Ms Faezah for the technical support!Career Talk by CEO of ASIA to Japan
Ms. Sophia, MJIIT PhD student, visited JLCC today to donate Onomatopoeia collection book “ONOMATOPE The Fantastic World of Japanese Symbolic Words” to MJIIT. Come to JLCC to check out the Japanese onomatopoeia such as ぺこぺこ、わくわく、 にこにこ etc. Thank you Sophia san!Ms. Sophia, MJIIT PhD student
JLCC received UTM Alumni visitors today (PPKTJ, batch 2000), Mr. Andrew and Ms. Yin. Ms. Yin is currently working at Daiso Industries (Malaysia office) and Mr. Andrew is working at GE, Atlanta USA. They shared about working life, interview tips, future careers etc. with students who came to JLCC today. Thank you Andrew san and Yin san for your sharing! We wish you success and happiness always. . JLCC always welcome alumni! Come to meet your kohais. Your experience and advice will always be appreciated!JLCC received UTM Alumni visitors
On April 14, we invited Mr. KYUMA, a senior JICA volunteer, for Guest Session 2. The topic wasMalaysia’s IT industry could be amazing! The near future of the IT industry -ASEAN countries and Japan-Mr. Kyuma, A senior JICA volunteer, for Guest Session 2
In conjunction with “Kodomo no Hi” (Children’s Day) which is celebrated on 5th May in Japan, we introduced about the celebration today to the students. We started with checking and comparing annual events celebrated in both Malaysia and Japan. After that there were quizzes about Kodomo no Hi, to check the background history and the meanings of Kabuto (Samurai Helmet), Koi Nobori (Carp Kite) and Kashiwa Mochi (a type of mochi, eaten on Kodomo no Hi). After that we held a workshop for Kabuto and Koinobori Making. Thank you to all students who participated. We hope you understand about the Kodomo no Hi celebration and enjoyed the workshop.Kodomo no Hi
Thank you very much for joining Nihongo Cafe today, everyone! ゲストのみなさん、今日はどうもありがとうございました We are so happy if this became the good chance for all of you to speak Japanese and also to make connections each other. We are planning the same event, volume 2 in June. Jom jom!! Nihongo Cafe Vol.1
ありがとうMJIIT! Mr. Tong Bao Cheng, 2nd year of MPE, passed JLPT N4 (December 2022). We asked him about his feelings and this is his reply: (he wrote it in Japanese) 「嬉しいです。これは成績が出たとたん、直ぐに思った気持ちです。でも、これが当然だろうと思いました。なぜなら、MJIITのJLCCを通じて、サポートをもらっていたからです。JLCCでJLPT対策の授業とか、会話の練習とか、また面接の授業もあります。これからもN3、N2、そしてN1レベルの日本語能力試験を受けるつもりです~~ だから、後輩たち、大学はたくさんサポートをくれているので、サポートがあるうちに一緒に日本語を学びましょう!」 Tong san is currently taking N3 course. Tong san, we wish you success always!Mr. Tong Bao Cheng, Passed JLPT N4
ありがとうMJIIT! Mr. Ahmad Aiman (MPE, 4th year) passed JLPT N3 (December 2022). We asked him about his learning journey and suggestions for juniors and this is his answer: “Learning Japanese was not easy at first for me, when I learned it in high school. I always failed the Japanese test because I did not have enough willingness, or 「やる気」in Japanese language. I realized that having a new language to be mastered is one of the advantages when applying for a job where ever it is, either in Malaysia or other countries. 2 years before finishing high school, I struggled to learn the Japanese Language from 0. Thankfully, my hard work paid off by passing the JLPT N5 before graduating high school.” “Fast forward until today, at MJIIT, learning the Japanese language has been my daily habit, whether it be by watching anime, or listening to Japanese songs or books. I believe, learning a language is a continuous learning process, which needs to be polished daily or weekly. I also want to express my gratitude to JLCC which has provided me with support in the Japanese language such as JLPT classes, Job Hunting class, and Help Desk. These initiatives made by JLCC helped me to pass JLPT N3 in December last year. “ “Lastly, I suggest if you want to improve your listening and comprehension skills, come to JLCC every day as you can yourself to immerse yourself in a Japanese language-speaking environment. When I did my internship in Japan, listening has been a good tool for me to improve my Japanese language. Keep learning the Japanese language and improving yourself.” アイマンさん、おめでとうございます!そしてこれからもベストを尽くしてください!私たちはアイマンさんの味方です!Mr.Ahmad Aiman, Passed JLPT Result N3
ありがとうMJIIT! Mr. WAN DZAFIRUL HAKIMI (4th year of ESE) passed JLPT N1 in December 2022. 素晴らしいです!おめでとうございます! Wan san shared a message with us. It is written in Japanese: 「やっとN1まで辿り着きました。JLCCの先生方とMJIITのご尽力に感謝いたします。N5からN1、全てのレベルのJLPTコースとJLCCの色々な活動などで語学に役に立ち、MJIITのリファンドの経済的なサポートが大変役助かりました。後輩たちにもこの機会を利用していただきたいです。」 Thank you Wan san. And we wish you success always!Mr.Wan Dzafirul Hakimi, Passed JLPT N1
Friendly Exchange Session with Mr. Sugasawa (President STT Inc. Japan), Mr. Yonezawa (STT Inc. Japan), Mr. Takada (President SunnyHose Company Ltd. Hong Kong) and Mr. Kimura (SunnyHose Company Ltd. Hong Kong). Mr. Sugasawa answered “Anime!” when a student asked about his inspiration when starting his company. He mentioned about how Japanese Anime Creators usually doing research thoroughly for their stories. So the idea from the anime became the inspiration for Mr. Sugasawa to start his own product and establish his company. That was among other things that were shared today. Thank you for meeting our students and thank you to all students who participated today!
Friendly Exchange Session with Mr.Sugasawa
Ikebana Workshop was held. Look at the smiles on the participants’ faces! There were some problems. The tap water was too hot and the flowers wilted quickly. The day before the workshop, our instructor received a call from the florist that the flowers she had reserved two weeks earlier were not available, and the vases she had ordered from Shoppe did not arrive. Anyway, she did her best for us. Thanks Mrs. Hirayama! We would like to do it again next semester based on this reflection. Ikebana Workshop
Today, May 27th is “Karuta Day”. Because it is said “Ogura Hyakunin Isshu” was completed by Fujiwara no Teika on May 27, 1235. MJIIT held the 2nd karuta tournament yesterday. The contestants have improved their skills since the first tournament, and the competition was fierce.Karuta Day
Thank you very much for joining Nihongo Café today! We will organize this event every month so stay tuned. We hope that Nihongo Café can become a place for students to practice their Japanese with Japanese people. ゲストのみなさん、またのご来店をお待ちしていまNihongo Cafe Vol.2
A quote learnt by students who participated the Tea Ceremony WS. The spirit of tea ceremony is not just about making tea, but instead a unique art of being and developing oneself. 「茶道」Workshop was held on 1st June, where some students took this opportunity to wear Yukata to enjoy the unique Japanese culture to its fullest. Throughout the 2 hours program, participants were being exposed to the history of Japanese Tea and its making, Sado Demonstration (Omotesenke Style) and lastly having the opportunity to whisk their own matcha under professional sensei’s guidance. 「9 out of 10」was the evaluation given by one of our participants. These are some comments from the participants: “The best part is trying to make (the tea) by ourselves.” “茶道だけでなく、いろいろ人生に関することも考えることができます。Be the road!” “He (the Tea Master) makes us very comfortable (we are beginners), very supportive and encouraging.” Your encouragement is our motivation to make more events for you in the near future and we hope that every participant understands the mindset of reasoning from this Tea Ceremony Workshop. Thank you very much to Mr. Alan and Ms. Penny from Chabashira Tea Roastery for coming to MJIIT and sharing your knowledge with our students. Last but not least, our students; Mr. Lim Ming Jun and Ms. Mok Wenyi (both 3rd year ESE) were the ones who had done the whole arrangement for this event. Thank you very much and bravos to them! また、会いましょう!Tea Ceremony 2023
We had fun taking Quiz related to “Tanabata” and writing our wishes on tanzaku strips. Thank you for joining! Tanzaku strips are still available at JLCC. If you want to write your wishes, please feel free to do so!Tanabata( The Star Festival)
On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, a short introduction on “Kendo” took place at JLCC. We were delighted to welcome two special guests: Mr. Abul Hasan Johari from Harimau Kendo Club (4 Dan) and Mr. Ken Matsukawa, Consultant of Malaysia Kendo Association (MKA) (7 Dan). It was a great honor to have Mr. Matsukawa join us at MJIIT for this event. The program began with Abul-san providing an insightful introduction to the history of Kendo. He followed it with a simple explanation of the equipment used in Kendo, highlighting what makes Kendo interesting and showcasing its beauty. Additionally, he gave a simplified explanation of Kendo tournament rules and how points are scored. Afterward, Matsukawa-sensei demonstrated basic Kendo striking techniques with Abul-san, who was clad in Kendo armor. The audience had the opportunity to witness Men uchi (head strike) and Kote uchi (forearm cut) in action. Inspired by the demonstration, all participants were then invited to try these techniques on Abul-san themselves. They were given the chance to hold a shinai (bamboo sword) and practice Men uchi and Kote uchi. We extend our sincere gratitude to Abul-san and Matsukawa-sensei for their enthusiastic and knowledgeable sharing of Kendo. Their presence greatly enriched the event. To all the participants, we hope you thoroughly enjoyed this immersive Kendo experience!. Kendo Workshop
Sharing a great news! Congratulations to Mr. Ryan Lau Juen Tsun, 1st year student of MPE, for being selected by the Kamenori Foundation to participate in the Kamenori College 2023 Summer program. Ryan san is invited to visit Japan between 28th August and 3rd September 2023, sponsored by the Kamenori Foundation. Ryan san was one of the 4 members from MJIIT team ‘e-Poster Presentation Competition for University & College Students’ at JLFest 2023 last 2 weeks, organized by The Japanese Language Society of Malaysia (JLSM). Though MJIIT team was not awarded the top three in the competition, MJIIT representative was selected as one of the candidates for the summer program together with 2 students from other universities. There was a selection process and finally the result was announced yesterday. Our Ryan is the one who passed the process and awarded the summer program! We would like to thank the Kamenori Foundation for the selection and Mr. Edward Lee from JLFest for the recommendation. “ He has a very good family upbringing and access to a great education at MJIIT. He would be one great engineer one day.” is a comment about Ryan san by Mr. Edward Lee. Congratulations again and we hope this will encourage other students to participate in the competition next year! For the record, Mr. Lim Ming Jun (3rd year ESE) was awarded the same program last year. It means MJIIT students were selected for two years in a row! We couldn’t be prouder! Congratulations, Mr. Ryan Lau Juen Tsun!
Delegation of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) lead by the minister herself; H.E Nagaoka Keiko visited MJIIT today. There was a “meet and greet” session between Minister and our students. The students’ representatives were Izzaty san (4th year ESE), Lim san (3rd year ESE), Mok san (3rd year ESE), Yaw Huei san (2nd year CPE), Aliff san (1st year ESE), Ryan san (1st year MPE) and Henry san (1st year ESE). They did self-introduction in Japanese language and answered questions by the Minister also using Japanese language. We couldn’t be prouder! We hope today has become a memorable experience for them. We also hope that this experience will motivate them to excel in their studies. Delegation of (MEXT) of Japan, H.E Nagaoka Keiko
27 June 2023 (Tue) 9:30 – 12:00, “Japanese Language Education Sharing Session & Nihongo Cafe” with NIHONGO Partners from The Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur. NIHONGO Partners Program in Malaysia was launched in 2015 and as of 2022, a total of 153 NIHONGO Partners had been dispatched (each 7-8 months stay in Malaysia) to 120 secondary schools in Malaysia. The program is implemented under close mutual cooperation between JFKL and Ministry of Education Malaysia (School Management Division as main secretariat). For the program today, the first one hour was Japanese language education sharing session with JLCC lecturers followed by 1 hour 30 minutes of Nihongo Cafe with 12 MJIIT students. To all NIHONGO Partners who came today, Thank you for visiting us and meeting with our students. We wish that you enjoy your stay in Malaysia. To JFKL, thank you for arranging this meeting! It was a great opportunity for us (the lecturers and students). Japanese Language Education Sharing Session & Nihongo Cafe
Today, we held a karuta workshop. While we usually use traditional Japanese karuta, this time we tried the English version. The students were moved as they understood the meaning of the Waka poems for the first time. It was a great opportunity for students to learn about what ancient Japanese people were thinking through Waka poems. To everyone who participated, thank you so much for coming. Karuta Workshop
Nihongo Cafe Vol.5
Today we invited Japanese students from Akita University.Thank you very much for coming!!
I hope this event was a good occasion for both students.
25 Oct 2023, Career Guideline Seminar by Mr. Sanpei, CEO of ASIA To Japan. According to Mr Sanpei, in 2023, 300 students have secured jobs in Japan through ASIA to Japan. Thank you Mr. Sanpei for the sharing and we hope it has inspired our students to prepare for their future careers. Thank you Mr. Sanpei.Career Guideline Seminar by Mr.Sanpei, CEO of ASIA to Japan
おにぎり、おいしかったですね! The onigiri workshop was a great success. Everyone enjoyed it, and the miso soup was delicious too. Everyone made onigiri very well! 上手でしたよ. We’re planning to have another onigiri workshop next month! JLCC Kitchen: Onigiri Workshop Vol.1
3 Nov 2023, Wagashi Workshop. “I am so surprised that the registration was full just 30mins after the event is announced. What is even more surprising is that many people who passed by today actually asked if it’s possible for walk-in. I cannot thank everyone enough your interest in participating in this event! [This is too cute to be eaten!!!」is the most heard phrase from the participants. Big credits to yuwagashi for their expert guidance to our participants and even demonstrated the crafting of 4 Wagashi(s) based on different seasons. [What can be better than seeing the smile on everyone face is what’s in my mind throughout the workshop. 皆さん、ぜひまた会いましょう!” (comment by Mr Lim Ming Jun, our manager for this event. Thank you Lim san and also Mok san for the arrangement. Thank you all participants for joining. We hope you had a great time. Last but not least, thank you Kelsey sensei for sharing your knowledge and skills with our participants.Wagashi Workshop
Guest Session 3 on November 17;The guest was Mr. Tanaka, a JICA volunteer. First, students asked him questions to clarify his profile. Next, Mr. Tanaka gave a presentation on “JICA Volunteer’s Activities” and “Japanese Traditional Festival”. For MJIIT students interested in 敬語表現 (honorific expressions), this was a good opportunity to practice and improve their skills. We appreciate Mr. Tanaka, the students, and the audience for their participation.Guest Session 3
We made Onigiri for the second JLCC kitchen event. Last time we ran out of rice quickly, so this time we cooked 15 cups of rice, but it ran out quickly again today. Everyone’s appetite was like Doraemon’s pocket! Most of the participants made onigiri for the first time, but they were very good at it. Gochisoosama deshita.JLCC Kitchen: Onigiri Workshop Volume 2
6 Dec 2023, the 7th Japanese Language and Culture Contest. During the break before the closing ceremony a student from PENTAS MJIIT performed one Japanese song for the audience. We could see many students sang along with the singer. It was nice. After that MJIIT Yosakoi Club members performed Yosakoi Soran Bushi which they had been practicing for two months. After the performance they invited the audience to try Bon Odori at the same area. We enjoyed all the performances and we thank the students for their support. It was fun!MJIIT 2023 Japanese Language and Culture Contest
MJIIT 2023 The 7th Japanese Language & Cultural Contest – The 3rd Karuta Contest – 百人一首かるた Date: 6 Dec 2023 (Wed) Venue: JLCC 12 participants from MJIIT joined the contest. The preliminary stage was held on the 4th, and 6 contestants proceeded to the second round which was held on the 6th. Winners: がんばったで賞:YAT YAW HUEI, 3rd year CPE Congratulations to all winners and ALL contestants! Thank you for participating. We hope you continue to enjoy Karuta and look forward to our next contest. We also hopes many students will try Karuta.MJIIT 2023 Japanese Language & Cultural Contest – Karuta Contest
MJIIT 2023 The 7th Japanese Language & Cultural Contest – The 5th Senryu Contest Date: 6 Dec 2023 (Wed) Theme: おかね(Money) The 12 participants from UTMKL students joined the contest. They created senryuu in Japanese language in preliminary session and created their own senryuu in the theme of おかね/Money. We fully enjoyed all of works which are full of humor, uniqueness and creativity. Winners: 1:MOK WENYI “札束 数え切れない 夢の中” 2:JACOB LEE NING ZHI “財布様 これを買いたい ごめんなさい” 3:YAT YAW HUEI”世の中は お金が福か 罪なのか” 4:SYAHMI HARITH HAKIM BIN HAMZIRI “これほしい おかねないから 「またあした」” 5:KAMIL HAFIZUDIN BIN KAMAL AZAM “たくさんの おかねあるひと しあわせか” Congratulations to all winners and ALL contestants! We would like to share all participants’ senryuu works here. Please enjoy their brilliant creativity seen in the senryuu works. Thank you to all judges; Mr. Edward Lee (head of judge) from JLSM, Prof.Dr. Yamada Yoshihide from MJIIT, Hasparina sensei, Takano sensei, Ishimatsu sensei and Mari sensei from JLCC. Thank you for the supportMJIIT 2023 Japanese Language & Cultural Contest – Senryuu Contest
MJIIT 2023 The 7th Japanese Language & Cultural Contest – Speech Contest Date: 6 Dec 2023 (Wed) Venue: Seminar Room 2, Level 9, MJIIT Participants: 13 of 2nd, 3rd, 4th year of undergraduate students and 1 postgraduate student Theme: 努力(どりょく、effort) Time: 4 minutes Winners: Congratulations to all winners and not to forget all contestants who had taken the challenge given to them. Preparing a speech in Japanese language, memorizing and practicing are not an easy task to MJIIT students especially because of their limited knowledge in Japanese language. Nevertheless, all 13 students didn’t give up and tried their very best in the two months given to them. We are very proud of them all! Thank you to all judges; Mr. Tsukamoto Norihisa (head of judge) from The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, Mr. Saito Yukiyoshi from The Embassy of Japan in Malaysia (在マレーシア日本国大使館), Ms. Sarah Rashiqah from Alumni Look East Policy Society – ALEPS, Mr. Ohi Toshiaki from JICA and our very own UTM-MJIIT Deputy Dean Prof. Dr. Fukuda Kanao for listening to all speeches. Thank you for the support! Last but not least, thank you to ASIA To Japan for supporting this contest this year, and JFKL and ALEPS for the gifts for the winners.MJIIT 2023 Japanese Language & Cultural Contest – Speech Contest
JLCC Kitchen Volume 3– Takoyaki
We held JLCC Kitchen vol. 3 “Takoyaki” yesterday! The registration was full in 3 minutes, the shortest registration ever recorded in JLCC history
I was worried about whether the participants would be satisfied with this event, but it was successful thanks to the support of the students.
Traditional Clothes Exchange Program with Hokkaido International Foundation (HIF)
On 13 January 2022 (Thu) 2 pm, a program of Traditional Clothes Exchange Program with Hokkaido International Foundation (HIF) was held via Zoom..
The program was initiated by Mr. Phoon, a Malaysian working at HIF and discussion on the implementation had been held since 2021..
For the event, JLCC received 15 sets of used kimono (and some Japanese snacks) and in exchange, sent 15 sets of Malaysian used traditional clothes and some snacks too to HIF. Both parties were able to try wearing each other’s clothes though Malaysian clothes are very easy to wear..
A Japanese high school student was interviewed and she said “Malaysian cloth is easy to wear and feels comfortable in summer. Thank you for the precious experience.”, according to the article in Hakodate Newspaper published today (17 January 2022)..
Here are some comments from MJIIT students:
“Otsukaresama deshita~~ Really enjoyed the experience today. Just realized the Japanese kimono doesn’t need any zipper or pins to fasten it. All fabric.” (Z san).“It’s a very exciting experience for us. First time wearing kimono and helping each other wearing it. Haha ” (S san).
Thank you HIF for all the kimonos and the opportunity. Thank you to the donors of our Malaysian clothes too!
Sharing a good news!
おめでとうございます!Congratulations to Ms. Siti Nur Izzati Binti Sanosi, 2nd year student of MJIIT Electronic System Engineering for her great achievement!.
She passed the N2 of JLPT December 2021. The result was announced on 24 Jan 2022.
Sharing a good news!
Congratulation Ms. Ooi Wei Ling, MJIIT graduates of 2021 who is continuing to PhD program in MJIIT from this semester..
She passed JLPT N2 December 2021. The result was announced on 24 Jan 2022.
Sharing a good news!
おめでとうございます!Congratulations to Mr. Heimrih Lim Meng Kee, MJIIT graduates of 2021.He passed JLPT N2 which he took on December 2021. The result was announced on 24 Jan 2022.
Sharing a good news!
おめでとうございます!Congratulations to Mr. Wan Dzafirul Hakimi Bin Wan Mazri, MJIIT 3rd Year student of Electronic System Engineering for successfully passing JLPT N2 December 2021. Another 7 points to get the Full Mark! The result was announced on 24/1/2022.
Sharing a good news!
おめでとうございます!Congratulations Mr. Aimisyahmi Harith, MJIIT Chemical Process Engineering graduates of 2020, for successfully passed JLPT N2 December 2021! The result was announced on 24 Jan 2022.
Basic Japanese Language and Culture for Postgraduate
“Basic Japanese Language and Culture” for postgraduate students for Semester 1 21/22 has ended..
Thank you for signing up with the course. There were 52 students from UTMKL or JB were joining this course..
It was quite an intense course with quizzes, assignments and projects but all students had put their extra efforts in fulfilling the requirements..
It was really nice to get to know them all and we hope they had many great times too! We wish them all the best in their masters/PhD journey!
Let’s welcome Ms. Takano!
JLCC is welcoming Ms. Takano Mayako from JICA to MJIIT!.
Ms. Takano will be teaching Japanese language at MJIIT from this semester, particularly JLPT course and postgraduate course..
She may also hold some culture activities in JLCC.
Thank you very much Shakira san for taking care of JLCC for the past years. シャキラさん、どうもありがとうございました!
Welcome to JLCC Azila san, the new caretaker of JLCC. アジラさん、よろしくお願いします!
Congratulations to the winners in JLfest 2022
Sharing two good news!おめでとうございます!
The first one, congratulations to the students below for their achievement of Silver Award in the e-Poster Presentation Competition of JLfest 2022!
Mr. Lim Ming Jun, ESE 2nd year;Ms. Mok Wenyi, ESE 2nd year;Ms. Ooi Xin Yin, MPE 2nd year;Mr. Willi Tien Yee Hong, ESE 2nd year.
The second one, congratulations to the students below for their achievement in scoring the First and Third Place respectively in the 4コマShibai Competition (Impromptu Speaking in Japanese), under the category of JLPT N3 and above.
1st Prize Winner:Wan Dzafirul Hakimi bin Wan NazriUNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY OF MALAYSIA / MJIIT
JLFest is an annual Japanese Language Festival event that is held on national level, and marks their 15th year of celebration in 2022.
MJIIT- ITC - Sophia Exchange Session
On 14 & 21 June 2022, MJIIT – Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) – Sophia University Exchange Session were held via Zoom.
A total of about 200 students from all three institutions participated in the program. 3 presentations were presented by each institution and discussion sessions were held in more than 20 breakout rooms. Each rooms had around 8 participants.
This is the 3rd times MJIIT participated in the program but this time was the biggest in terms of number of participants and the first time ITC joined in.
These are some feedback from MJIIT students:
“Great to know some information about Japanese Higher Education and culture. Really appreciate it.” (Mr. B)
“I had a very nice time interacting with new students from different universities. It was a very informative event in regards to different countries cultures and other aspects.” (Ms. A)
“Interesting. I can get to talk with Japanese and Cambodian ppl even I’m not there. Keep the program going even one day we might not in the situation where everyone can meet f2f.” (Mr. F)
“its a very exciting program where i can interact with student from different country and different language. All the participants are very open when sharing their culture and their own opinions.” (Ms. N).
“I learnt a lot about the pandemic’s impact on different countries and how each country implement an online class system, and about the students’ reaction to the online classes.” (Mr. K)
“It was fun and very insightful. I was able to bond with my Japanese groupmates and learn a lot about them, their lifestyles and education in Japan pre and post Covid-19. ” (Mr. N)
Thank you Prof. Umemiya from Sophia University for the invitation, thank you to MjiitJapaneseculture Club for the excellent support and thank you to all students; those who volunteered to be the presenters, facilitators and of course the participants!
Exchange Session with Japanese Students
Exchange Session with Japanese students on 4th August 2022. Thank you all 12 MJIIT students who were willing to come to MJIIT during semester break, to join the program.
24 Japanese students from junior high schools, high schools and universities came to MJIIT yesterday. They are the winners of a national essay contest in Japan, organized by JICA.
One of MJIIT students, Wan san from 3rd year, was the emcee of the session. Thank you Wan san for your willingness to challenge yourself to try emceeing in Japanese language.
We hope all participants enjoyed the session.
Thank you JICA for the opportunity!
Welcome Ms.Lakinur Faezah
Ms. Lakinur Faezah (you can call her Faezah san) is our new admin staff!
She is taking care of JLCC, Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
JLCC received a visit from the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia
On 15th August, JLCC received a visit from the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia. That was the first time we got to meet Ambassador Takahashi.
Thank you Ambassador Takahashi for the visit. It was our pleasure to introduce JLCC and our students to you.
Sharing a good news!
Sharing a good news about one of MJIIT graduates; Mr. Salehuddin Bin Abd Latif, graduates of 2021 from Mechanical Precision Engineering (MPE).
We call him Din san and he was one of the students whom always participated in our programs; cultural and academic, when he was studying in MJIIT.
And Din san said he will be pursuing his master degree in Japan this October. He has been awarded a MEXT scholarship from the government of Japan! Congratulations Din san! We are very happy for you! .
We asked him a few questions and these are his answers:
- Why do you think you were selected?
All bless to Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful, for giving me the opportunity to be MEXT Scholarship receipient. There are few factors that can be attributed to:
- MEXT Scholarship 2022 selection is not conducted the usual way. Usually, there will be a written exam before the interview. For 2022, Japan embassy selected 100 participants straight away for the interview. Alhamdulillah, I manage to get a spot.
- I managed to present to the interviewer a good master proposal, in which I got compliment from one of the interviewers for my proposal. All thanks to my prospective supervisor (Prof Gentiane Venture) for her input and suggestion that I can produce such a good proposal.
- I recieved alot of support from my family, friends and lecturer during the application. For example Dr Uswah (FYP Supervisor) conducted a mock interview for me to help prepare for the interview, friends who help drive to Japan embassy to submit application, and lots of moral supports and advices from family, friend, lecturer, and senior. I really appreciate all the helps I got.
- What are you looking forward to?
I never been to Japan before, thus I’m looking forward to experience to the max various Japanese life, nuances and culture as foreign student. As student, I hope I will have enjoyable experience to study postgraduate in Japan.
- Any advice to kohai?
– Help others if possible and be nice to others, because the benefits will come later in many forms.
– Help your friends that struggle in studies. But, if you the one that struggle, politely ask others to help you. Never let the academic struggle continue as it will be too late once in exam hall.
– Have a goal/plan, as it will guide you through your life journey.
Thank you Din san! We love the advices for your kohai! Very good advices indeed.
How to get employed In Japan?
25 August 2022 (Thu), 9 pm – 10 pm, “How to get employed in Japan – 先輩に聞きましょうLet’s ask Senpai”.
Speaker: Mr. Tan Cheng Siong, MJIIT Alumni 2021 cohort of MPE.
Siong san shared about his experiences of getting a job in Japan. He introduced a few common ways to find jobs and the pros and cons, what kind of preparation are needed etc., all based on his own experiences. Siong san received many questions from the participants.
Number of participants recorded was 55; 60% from MPE and 22% from ESE, 37% were UG 2nd year and 27% were UG 1st year.
These are some of the comments from the participants:
“Really compact and impactful. I’m really proud and inspired by senpai’s motivation and never give up. Thank you so much.”
“I found the senior introduce the ways to look for jobs in Japan. Now it motivates me to make better and perform the best for JLPT lesson that I took. I never know that in Japan, there are many procedures to apply while looking for a job in Japan’s company.”
“Excellent sharing & connecting session with the seniors. I’m grateful for the information shared by the experienced seniors regarding working in Japan. Thank you very much, I do really appreciate it!”
“It was insightful and gave me a deeper insight into the experience of getting employment in Japan. The program helped me to learn to prepare myself in obtaining future employment opportunities.”
Thank you again Siong san. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Thank you Haziq san (Moderator) and all the participants.
See you again at the next session soon!
How To Get Employed In Japan?
8 September 2022 (Thu), 9 pm – 10 pm, “How to get employed in Japan – 先輩に聞きましょうLet’s ask senpai”.
Speaker: Mr. Henry Sim, MJIIT Alumni 2021 cohort of MPE..
Henry san shared about his experiences of getting a job in Japan. He introduced some strategies to be used during an interview..
Number of participants recorded was 42. 58% from MPE, 20% from CPE and 17% from ESE. 33% were UG 2nd year and 30% were UG 3rd year. There were a few from Foundation Program and Alumni as well..
These are some of the comments from the participants:.
“The program was very informative. I liked how senpai shared what worked for him and also gave us extra references for us to explore on our own. Thank you for sharing!”.
“This kind of series/session never disappoints me. As I’m currently job hunting, this kind of session is really helpful to motivate me by hearing from other successful people. Please do moreee! Thank you for the great program. Been following this kind of program since last year ;)”.
“Excellent sharing session by Henry senpai regarding tips & tricks for Japanese interviewing preparation. Thank you very much for the effort, I do really appreciate it!”.
And some requests on future events:.
“Please make it as series, in depth explanation on certain area eg living in Japanese, how to overcome culture shock/barrier.”
“I would like to know some more tips on how interviews are going and preparation before and after. Like company research, what are the important point that had to take note.”.
Maybe we can arrange other events according to these requests. Thank you for the requests!
Thank you again Henry san. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Thank you Raj san (Moderator) and all the participants.
See you again someday!
Received some photos from Japan
Received some photos from Japan.
Ms. Izzaty Syahirah, MJIIT graduates of 2017 (CPE), is currently in Japan to pursue her dreams.
She is attending Japanese Language school to enhance her language skill, and currently doing apprenticeship with a Japanese floral designer to improve her design skill and experience the Japanese floral scene first hand.
Her flower arrangements are exquisite. You can follow her at
Pursuing one’s dreams is cool. We support the courage!
Izzaty san, Thank you for sharing with us. All the best to you!
Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs Paid a Courtesy Visit to MJIIT
On 9th October, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Hayashi, paid a courtesy visit to MJIIT.
Hasparina sensee explained the JLCC and three students had a conversation with the Minister.
It was very nerve-wracking, wasn’t it?
But it will be a great memory for the students!
H.E Mr.Hayashi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan
We received a visit from H.E Mr. Hayashi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
3 students were selected to have a small talk with the minister. Later we asked them about the experience and these are their answers. The answers are originally in Japanese so we just paste them here:
「すごく緊張しましたが、私にとってはいい経験だと思います。大臣と話ができたら、これから誰とでも話ができる気がします。」(ヘルビンさん、CPE 1年生)
「大臣との話は緊張しましたが、なかなかできない良い経験だと思います。学生の代表に選ばれて光栄です。緊張している状態で話す練習にもなったと思います。」(ワンさん、ESE 3年生)
We are thankful for this opportunity. Thank you Embassy of Japan in Malaysia for the arrangement and thank you UTM-MJIIT!
Nihongo for Foundation Program
Nihongo for Foundation Program for this semester has ended.
We invited students from Akita University, Tsukuba University and The Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, to let our students practice what they have learned in class.
We hope our students enjoyed the experience.
Thank you very much to Japanese students for the cooperation. We hope you enjoyed the session too.
Last but not least Thank you Dr. Jun Ishimatsu for the arrangement!.
MJIIT 2022 Japanese Language & Cultural Contest – Video Contest
MJIIT 2022 Japanese Language & Cultural Contest – Video Contest.
Date: 15 Nov 2022 (Tue)
Contestants: 4 groups of PG student, 4th year of UG student and student from Foundation Program
Theme: 大学生活(だいがくせいかつ、College Life)
Time: 5 minutes.
Contestants were asked to make a not-more-than 5 minutes VLOG about their college life in Japanese language.
We received 12 applications and we gave them about 1 month to create their videos. Unfortunately, only 4 submitted but lucky for them because all contestants received their prizes since we prepared 5 prizes for this contest!
- BAKHIT IRFAN BIN YUSOFF, PG Master Degree (TriPrem)
Congratulations to all winners who had taken the challenge given to them. We enjoyed watching all videos. All contestants creatively sharing about their college life. On the contest day, we showed all videos at MJIIT Lobby and after that we shared the video of the first winner during the closing ceremony. We will share all videos at JLCC Facebook soon too!
Thank you to all judges; Mr. Choo Tze Eu a Mechanical Design Engineer at Oshikiri Corporation in Japan @ MJIIT Alumni, Ms. Sueoka Yukino MJIIT ex-Japanese language teacher (2018-2020), and Ms. Lew Boon Lay from JFKL. Thank you for the support!
MJIIT 2022 Japanese Language & Cultural Contest – Origami Art Contest
MJIIT 2022 Japanese Language & Cultural Contest – Origami Art Contest.
Date: 15 Nov 2022 (Tue)
Venue: MJIIT Lobby
Participants: 5 groups of 2nd, 3rd, 4th year of undergraduate students and students from Foundation Program
Theme: 日本とマレーシア(にほんとマレーシア、Japan and Malaysia).
For this contest, contestants were given 1 workshop session and 2 creation sessions in 3 weeks to complete their Origami art. Most of them had zero knowledge in Origami. We watched them learning by themselves through YouTube and we applauded their hard work. The “Durian” origami with its “yellow flesh” inside it was a surprise to us!
Congratulations to all winners and all contestants who had taken the challenge given to them. We hope they enjoyed their origami making moments in JLCC. We certainly enjoyed watching them!
Thank you to all judges; Mr Suzool from ALEPS, Mr.Ohi from JICA and Ms. Umeeda from JFKL. Thank you for the support!
MJIIT 2022 Japanese Language & Cultural Contest - Speech Contest
MJIIT 2022 Japanese Language & Cultural Contest – Speech Contest
Date: 15 Nov 2022 (Tue)
Venue: JLCC
Participants: 11 of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of undergraduate students
Theme: 将来(しょうらい、future)
Time: 4 minutes
- LIM MING JUN, ESE 3rd year
- TSI SHI QI, MPE 3rd year
Congratulations to all winners and not to forget all contestants who had taken the challenge given to them. Preparing a speech in Japanese language, memorizing and practising are not an easy task to MJIIT students especially because of their limited knowledge in Japanese language. Nevertheless, all 11 students didn’t give up and tried their very best in the two months given to them. We are very proud of them all!
Thank you to all judges; Prof. Dr. Kawai from TUAT, Mr. Takahashi from Embassy of Japan in Malaysia, Ms. Osada from JFKL, Mr. Takizawa from JICA and our very own UTM-MJIIT lecturer Dr. Khairunisa for listening to all speeches. Thank you for the support!
Last but not least, thank you to Pai-Net (Professionals’ Net Work in Advanced Instrumentation Society) an NPO in Japan for supporting this contest since 2015 and JFKL for the tokens for the winners.
Guest Session 1
Guest Session 1 was held with Ms SAITO, a JICA volunteer from UTeM on 15 December. The theme was “日本のリサイクル文化と明日からできるエコポイント or Japan’s recycling culture and eco-points we can start from tomorrow”, followed by a presentation and an environmental game. The Q&A session was conducted in Japanese, English and Malay, and was very lively.
MJIIT Japan Day, 27 December 2022
MJIIT Japan Day, 27 December 2022.
JLCC opened 6 booths; (1) Mini JLCC which provided the experience of Japanese style room, and making a New Year Card; (2) Calligraphy booth where visitors could experience calligraphy; (3) Yukata booth where participants could try Yukata for 20 minutes; (4)Furoshiki; (5) Origami and also (6) Japanese Traditional Games booth where visitors could try Kendama, Koma etc.
We were very happy to receive many visitors on that day. Our booths were constantly occupied with visitors that our volunteers couldn’t even rest and had their lunch properly.
To all visitors, thank you for visiting. We hope you had a great time.
To all volunteers, thank you for your commitment! Excellent work by the volunteers!!!
Oh, we also had Karuta Game experience booth!
JLCC received a wedding Kimono (for display) and about 80 Japanese easy reading books, from ROHM-WAKO ELECTRONICS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD.
We actually received it last year during MCO but the students have been away from the campus since then. Now that students have started to return to the campus, we opened the boxes and display the kimono and the books.
The books are very easy reading books which readable by students with very basic Japanese knowledge. JLCC looks forward to seeing students stopping by to check the books.
Thank you ROHM-WAKO ELECTRONICS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD for the contributions and support given for Japanese language and cultural promotion in MJIIT.
Thank you also to Mr Ryotaro Takano (JICA Expert) and Dr Jun Ishimatsu both from MJIIT for introducing us to the company.
Thank you!
We would like to introduce postgraduate students (TA) who will be assisting us in managing JLCC from next week.
Mr. Zack, Mr. Nafiz, Ms. Siti Fatimah, Ms. Dewi, Ms. Alyaa, Ms. Dahlia, Ms. Ain, Ms. Husna and Ms. Nadia (3 are not in the photo).
With their help, we can now open JLCC from 8 am till 4:30 pm every day from Monday till Friday, starting next week.
You are welcome to stop by at JLCC!
Nakajima sensei will be leaving JLCC MJIIT on April 2021. On 28 April, the JLCC team has organized a farewell party for him to convey an appreciation from MJIIT and a message that he surely will be missed and remembered; those attending also wish him luck for his future endeavours. The message of appreciation from MJIIT was given by our Dean, Prof Ts Dr Ali bin Selamat.
When asked to give a few words, Nakajima sensei mentioned that the Japanese appreciate these 3 actions; 1) Aisatsu (Greetings): it’s good to always greet with a big smile whenever we meet others. 2) Sooji (cleaning): always make sure we keep things clean, and 3) Jikan-genshu (punctual): it’s good to always be on time (though sensei said Japanese punctual at starting but not punctual at finishing).
Sensee said that these 3 elements are very important and appreciated in Japanese society.
Thank you Nakajima sensei for your kind words and inspiration.
We wish you the best in your future life. Do come to visit us sometime.
On this day at 9:55 am, a program with Sophia University of Japan was held. 19 students from Sophia Uni and 27 students from MJIIT had participated.
The program started with 3 presentations by MJIIT representatives and followed by 3 presentations by representatives of Sophia University.
After that, the participants were given time to discuss in small groups for about 40 minutes.
The program ended at 11:30 AM.
“Idk how I did but it was a good experience. Thank you very much for this opportunity.” (Ms Izzati, facilitator).
“Thank you so much, you guys are the best, good presentation, nice discussion. Hopefully everyone enjoys it.” (Mr Yap, facilitator).
“It’s a fun experience especially when you can’t meet with anyone during the pandemic.” (Mr Haziq, participant).
“So much fun to join this program during my weekend! Thank you guys and especially for those who organized this! Thank you sensei!” (Ms Shi Qi, presenter).
“Sensei, thank you to you and the whole JLCC society committee for carrying out this programme. Really enjoy it. Well, as an introvert, initially I worried whether I would make some offensive moves that made Seniors from Japan felt unhappy. Instead, I found out that they were all friendly, and helpful while sharing some questions we asked them.” (Mr Yaw Huei, participant).
Those were some comments by the participants today.
JLCC would like to thank Dr Umemiya from JICA for this opportunity (this is the 3rd program with Sophia Uni). We also thank @jcc_utmkl for their commitment and cooperation. The committee members of the Japanese Culture Club have been helpful and proactive.
And last but not least, THANK YOU to all participants!
On 23 June 2021, Mr Koshimoto from Sun * Inc., the Project Leader of Special Japanese Language Program (SJLP) for Job-Hunting met the students who are taking the program for the first time. The session was held in 2 different sessions and Mr Koshimoto gave a briefing about Module 2 of the program which includes 12 weeks Internship in Semester 3. SJLP for MJIIT students has been held since 2019 and a total of 13 students have been offered a job in Japan after joining the program. This is a collaboration program between MJIIT and Sun*. We hope the program will be continued and many students will benefit from it.Briefing on Special Japanese Language Program (SJLP) for Job-Hunting Module 2 by Mr Koshimoto
Briefing on Special Japanese Language Program (SJLP) for Job-Hunting Module 2 by Mr Koshimoto
On the 8th, 9th, 22nd, and 23rd of June 2021, the UMJG6013 Basic Japanese Language and Culture Course (a course for postgraduate) received visitors from Tokushima University (TU). The visitors were undergraduate students from various departments such as Medicine and Integrated Arts and Science. Some are taking “Teaching Method of Japanese Language” and some are taking “English Program” at TU. On the dates, they visited classes for about 1 hour and they had helped MJIIT students in speaking practice. MJIIT students enjoyed having them in the class and this is some feedback from the students: “For me, it’s quite a nice experience to have them around. Boost our confidence to speak even though not sure they can understand or not. All students seem very excited as well. Can’t wait for the next session. Thanks, sensei for the opportunity.” (Adibah) “It was nice to be able to speak with native speakers. We were able to know more about the use of language in conversation. Thank you for this opportunity sensei.” (Naqi) “I think we all are a bit shy during the breakout session. Regardless, whenever we ask her a question, she (Chizu-san) tried her best to answer it.” (Hazirah) Other than the class visit, some of the TU students volunteered to become the interviewee in an Online Interview Project which is a part of an assessment for MJIIT PG students and a casual project for the Foundation Program. Below is some feedback from students of the Foundation Program: “I’m glad that I’ve taken part in this project, I’ve made my first ever Japanese friend. By this interview session, it motivates me to learn more Japanese words and phrases in order to have a complete conversation with her. It was sad that I couldn’t understand some of the sentences, it makes me desire to learn more.” (Gan) “Sumika san is very nice and friendly. I am very glad to meet her and have an interview with her. This interview session is very interesting and let me know that I have to learn the Japanese language more to have a smoother conversation.” (Edwin) Apart from this MJIIT Japanese Language Program, MJIIT students are also supporting The English Project by TU. All of these projects have been made possible after many discussions between myself and Mr. Kiyofuji, Designated Assistant Professor, International Office, Tokushima University. I believe that the collaboration has inspired students from both universities in language learning and intercultural understanding. To quote words from Mr Kiyofuji “This experience, the feeling that difficulty of communication in a foreign language would be also very important for both students.” I certainly agree with that. Thank you Tokushima University for this opportunity. I hope that many more collaborations will be held in the future. Reported by, Hasparina (JLCC, MJIIT)Collaboration with Tokushima University in MJIIT Japanese Language Program
Collaboration with Tokushima University in MJIIT Japanese Language Program
Japanese Cultural Club (JCC) Origami Workshop 2021
Japanese Cultural Club (JCC) Origami Workshop 2021
On 31st of July, JCC held an Origami workshop themed: •??? ???????? ??? ?? ???????• with the president of the esteemed Malaysia Origami Association and Origami Academy, Mr Kenneth.
JCC and the 50+ participants present this very day, had an amazing 3 hour session filled with valuable knowledge and skills such as the History of Origami, Implementations of Origami in Engineering, Medicine, Fashion and Arts, the Fundamental design methodology and so much more! We had a hands-on folding session where our creativity and intellect in the geometry and spatial aspect were especially challenged, as well. 本当にすごいですね?
Besides, we present our warmest gratitude to dean of Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) , Prof. Ts. Dr . Ali Selamat for sparing his time with us to give some words of wisdom during the event.
Special thanks to guest speaker, Mr. Kenneth from Malaysia Origami Academy for sharing with us his accumulated knowledge and insights into origami.
A big thanks to Mdm Hasparina sensei from MJIIT Japanese Language and Cultural Center for her thoughts and suggestions during the preparation stage of the events.
1st series of Coffee Conversation
On 11/8/2021 1st series of Coffee, conversations were held. The topic is “Insight Working In Japan” with our honourable guest Mr Syairir Malek, who live in Fukui, Japan.
We had 92 attendees and 60% of them were MJIIT students. 72 attendees submitted to our questionnaire. To our question about which part of the session that they liked the most, these are among the feedback that we received:
“I love to hear all the experiences from Mr Syairir. I think about how to know the company is safe based on company criteria.”
“Sharing during how works in japan, and the challenging of woman to works in Japan.”
“Sharing on a works culture in Japan.”
“Regarding on nomikai culture in Japan.”
“Hearing true stories from a Malaysian living in Japan.”
“Story of life experiences of En. Eri”
“It is very interesting especially regarding the real experiences as foreign worker dealing with local citizens.”
“Very informative session, especially the replies from Mr Eri was absolutely impressive and very detail with experiences. I would like to join the next session if got la.”
“This program is very recommendable for all MJIIT students, to get an insight of how Japan’s working culture. Shall be setting up another event for sharing about working culture in the engineering industry in Japan.”
And we also received many feedback regarding the arrangement of the program such as these:
“The format of this talk, very casual but informative.”
“If possible, can make this program monthly or once every two months? and with many senpai that from the different occupation in Japan.”
“Everything is very good and well prepared. This talk feels very chill and not boring at all. Keep it up for the next session.”
Thank you for all the feedback. We appreciate it very much and we shall share it with our guests. Our moderators will try to make improvements for the next session.
To all the attendees, this is a message from Mr. Syairir:
“Terima kasih di ucapkan kpd semua yg sudi meluangkan masa mendengar perkongsian saya.Harapnya adalah satu atau dua perkara yg boleh menjadi panduan atau teladan dlm banyak banyak cerita saya. Apa yg dikongsikan hanyalah pengalaman saya sendiri dan orang lain di Jepun akan ada cerita masing masing. Dengarlah juga cerita menarik mereka juga. Saya doakan semua akan berjaya dan dapat meyumbang kpd negara dan masyarakat nanti. Kalau ada rezeki Insyaalah kita aln berjumpa lagi nanti.”
And these are the feedback from our moderators:
“「緊張してるけど、みんなのおかげでスムーズで終わった。エリ先輩いろいろシェアしてくれてありがとう。皆さんも参加してくれてありがとうございました。」” (Khairulanam)
“I enjoyed working with Hasparina sensei being moderator for MJIIT JLCC program. This is our first program working together. Working with sensei allowing us to be ourselves during the whole process and on top of that during the program. I would like to thanks sensei for entrusting me as the moderator and committee for the program. This is my first time being moderator and I also happy that I managed to plan and deliver the program at my best. I found that I can improve my communication and interpersonal skills by doing this program. I believe that this will help me to improve my personality and my employability in searching for my dream career in the future. Wish me luck. Hehe.” (Fahmi)
We have all in Malay, English as well as in Japanese, same with our casual program. Oh, a few did “kecek Kelate” too!
Thank you for joining and our next program will be on 25 August! We will be having equally (if not more) “sugoi” honourable guests!
Stay tuned!
JLCC would like to congratulate Mr. Megat Imran, our “Special Japanese Language Program for Job Hunting (SJLP)” alumni, a graduate of 2021, for getting an offer from Yayasan Peneraju for his career development.
According to Mr. Megat, Yayasan Peneraju is an agency under the Prime Minister’s Department focused on strengthening capacity building towards sustainable Bumiputera talent and those who are offered the training at YP will be offered a job after the training.
When asked “How did your experience in Special Japanese Language Program for Job Hunting (with Sun Asterisk) has helped you to get this offer, he answered:
“Most of the interview practice questions during that program helped me to improvise my answers from time to time as I enter more interview sessions. You kind of get the idea of the context of questions from HR and can anticipate the follow up questions. It gives undergraduates an advantage above others that have yet to experience interview sessions be it for their internship/job positions.”
We proud of our Alumni and we wish him success in his future endeavors!
3rd SERIES OF COFFEE CONVERSATION: Insight Working in Japan
3rd Series of Coffee Conversation: Insight Working in Japan
On 15 September 2021, the 3rd series of Coffee Conversation : Insight Working in Japan was held through Webex platform.
The honourable guests are Ms. Zunita Ramli and Mr. Shahrul Nizam Azman.
Ms. Zunita is a social media influencer with over 100k followers in Facebook and a founder of Tokyo Organic HQ.
Mr. Shahrul Nizal is Customer Success Manager at Equinix Japan.
We had 51 attendees and about 80% were MJIIT students. 35 attendees responded to our Questionaire.
These are some of the comments;
“Nice session, presentations were very interesting. Maybe if possible, sharing contact details or make a longer qna session for any questions that could not be asked in the session.”
“Third time joining this event, and no flaws”
“Hearing experience from the senpai and tips , really help with planning my future !!”
Thank you for all the feedbacks. We appreciate it very much. Thank you for the suggestions for improvement too. Our moderators will try to make improvements for the next session. (Yes there will be a 4th session!)
Ms. Khadijah, a 3rd year MJIIT student was one of the moderators. She paired with Mr. Fahmi, the moderator from the 1st session. This is her comment:
“Pertama sekali, saya memohon maaf atas segala kekurangan dan amat berterima kasih kepada Hasparina sensei yang sudi bagi peluang jadi moderator buat pertama kalinya. Suatu pengalaman yang amat bermakna dan banyak yang dapat saya pelajari. Saya bersyukur program berjalan dengan lancar walaupun saya mengalami beberapa teknikal isu. Thanks to my partner, Fahmi yang sama-sama menjayakan program ini. Thanks to Zafirah and Keio juga yang sudi bantu kami haritu. Hopefully program seperti ini diteruskan dalam jangka masa yang lama kerana banyak info-info bermanfaat yang diperoleh daripada perkongsian daripada senpai yang sudah berjaya kerja di Jepun. So, goodluck for the next moderator.”
4th SERIES OF COFFEE CONVERSATION: Insight Working in Japan
4th Series of Coffee Conversation: Insight Working in Japan
On 22 September 2021, the 4th series of Coffee Conversation : Insight Working in Japan was held through Webex platform.
Mr. Koek Seng Chye, President of SCHUECO Japan has share his impactful sharing.
About 65 participants had attended and 50 have responded to our feedback form.
These are among the responses regarding the interesting part of the session:
“The part where senpai showed his achievements and inspired everyone with his work experience in various countries such as South Africa, USA etc. He also shared tips on interviews and gave bits and pieces of CEO’s expectations.”.
“Senpai is very resourceful and charismatic. He showed me the example of a confident and professional leader.”
“Mr.Koek Seng Chye’s uni lifestyle sharing.”
“The Road of Mr Koek for his journey to be a successful president in a powerful company in the world that located in Japan.”
Thank you for all the feedbacks. We appreciate it very much. Thank you for the suggestions for improvement too.
Last but not least, otsukaresama deshita and thank you to both of our moderators; Mr. Yap Feng Wei and Mr. Muhammad Iskandar.
ENGAGEMENT SESSION: MJIIT Dean & Deputy Dean with Japanese Language Lecturers
Engagement Session: MJIIT Dean & Deputy Dean with Japanese Language Lecturers
On 25 Oct 2021 (Mon) 5 pm, an engagement session with MJIIT Dean & Deputy Dean with Japanese Language Lecturers was held.
Some sharing and discussion on the development of Japanese language education in MJIIT.
We are excited in having many students interested in the language learning and we are glad that MJIIT is giving full support for this.
Thank you for the continuous support.
Thank you MJIIT!
Congratulations Mr. Teoh Chen Keat from Mechanical Precision Engineering, graduates of 2021 on receiving a job offer from a Japanese company in Japan. Mr. Teoh is one of three students who received a job offer from MJIIT recent Job Fair. We are really proud of him! When asked about his feeling now and what he is looking forward to, this is his answer:
“I feel really excited when I received the “Notice of Employment” letter from the company because for me, the effort that I had paid off to work hard on searching for the Japanese company job is not wasted. I always believe that “In order to achieve your dream, whatever chances are offered to you, you must take the opportunity to try it. If the results turned out to be “failed”, It’s not the end of the world since life full with “trials & errors”. Therefore, what you have to do is believe in yourselves, try it once again without giving up. With 10 times of trying, there would definitely be 1 time of success.” So yeah, this is how I get my dream come true.
Regarding the future plan, I actually looking forward to several criteria when I receive the letter.
1. Chances to work together with Japanese colleagues2. Have a chance to fully experience the Japanese culture3. Chances to meet a Japanese girlfriend maybe? Hahahahaha
That’s all from me! See yah!”
Congratulations again Mr. Teoh and this success will surely become an encouragement to your juniors!
Congratulations Ms. Evonne Ng Xin Yi from Mechanical Process Engineering, graduates of 2021 on receiving a job offer from a Japanese company in Japan.
Ms. Evonne is among the three students who received a job offer from MJIIT Job Fair which was held recently. She was also one of the students at our Special Japanese Language for Job Hunting (Oct 2019- Oct 2020). We are really proud of her!
When asked about the interview process and her feeling now, this is her reply:
“The interview process was taken nearly one month. The first interview, aptitude test, and final interview. All interviews were personal interview. And, luckily, interviewers could understand my answers in English, as some questions I was unable to answer in Japanese”.
“So excited after passed the final interview. Looking forward to a new beginning in a new country, meanwhile there are also some worries and confusions for the future. But, just do it. Surprise might await me in Japan.”
Thank you and congratulations again Ms. Evonne! We are happy for you and your words may add some encouragement to your juniors!
Congratulations Ms. Kek Min Er for receiving an offer from a Japanese company in Japan. She is from Mechanical Processing Engineering, graduates of 2021.
She joined the Job Fair by MJIIT last September and she was also one of our students from Special Japanese Language Program for Job Hunting (Oct 2019-Oct 2020). We at JLCC are really proud of her!
When asked about her feeling now, what she is looking forward to, and what is her advice to juniors, these are her answers:
“My feeling right now is super excited. I can’t believe that I had passed the final interview. This is due to the reason that my performance during the interview session wasn’t really good (at least this is what I thought). Thus, I had made the mental preparation that I will fail the interview session and miss the chance to work in Japan. During the time to wait for the company’s response, I even had thought about giving up this chance and figuring out a plan B. However, all my worries and depression had vanished easily at the moment I received an email from the company.”
“Now, I have many things to look forward to, like an independent life in a foreign country, a chance to experience Japanese unique culture and their interesting lifestyle, and maybe some more fascinating vacation plans during the off days.”
“My advice to juniors is don’t give up easily if you really want to work in Japan. Even when you are facing some failures when learning the Japanese language or attending a job interview, all you need is just to give yourself a little bit more confidence and remember back what you had been dreaming of. Keep this in your mind, nothing is impossible to a willing heart.”
Congratulations again and we wish you success in your future endeavors!
Congratulations Mr. Arif Zahiruddin, graduates of 2021 from Chemical Process Engineering!
He attended the Job Fair held by MJIIT in September and he was also one of our students in Special Japanese Language Program for Job Hunting (Oct 2019- Oct 2020). We are really proud of his achievements!
We asked him 3 questions:
1.What was the challenge?
“The main challenge for me was waiting and preparing. I was so nervous, and kept practicing in front of a mirror almost every day after receiving the interview date. Even during the interview itself, I was very, very anxious, which affected my confidence and almost disturbed the way I answered the interview questions. Reviewing usual interview questions, and practising Japanese interview etiquette was quite hard as well, but worth it to give a really good first impression. “
2.How do you describe your feeling now?
“I feel really happy right now, and glad that my efforts paid off. I’m happy that I’ve secured a job position, and am looking forward to exploring new horizons and experiences in the near future. I’ve also been feeling that I need to start meeting up with friends and fully enjoying the time I have before having to go to Japan.”
3.Any advice to juniors?
“Take all the chances you can get while you still receive them in university, and always look out for opportunities. I took my chances with joining a special Japanese language course on top of my usual studies (which was quite hard in the beginning), and I also did my best to join the career fair organized by MJIIT. The events done by JLCC are also particularly interesting if you really are determined to work in Japan, and can help with your own preparations for job hunting with Japanese companies.”
Thank you Mr. Arif and congratulations again! We wish you success in your future endeavors.
We at JLCC (MJIIT) are really proud of our students’ achievements!
A Sport Equipment Gift From Japan High School
20 Dec 2021, JLCC received a set of baseball equipment, a set of Shogi (Japanese chess) and 2 Kendama (ball game), courtesy of Soubetsu Chouritsu Junior High school Student Council, Yokohama Suiryo High School Baseball Club, Ms. Momo Akito, Ms. Miki Ishimura and Mr. Shizuka Ono. All items were delivered by Mr. Watanabe from JICA to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Azwadi, MJIIT Deputy Dean as MJIIT representative..
The items were donation items from “Smile for the world” program initiated by JICA. Thank you very much to all the donators and JICA!.
The baseball equipment will be exhibited at JLCC. Shogi set and Kendama are for students to try out. Come visit JLCC when you are around!
Let’s Make and Eat Mochi
Let’s Make and Eat Mochi
On January 2 2020, the Japanese Language and Cultural Centre has organized a Let’s Make and Eat Mochi event happening at JLCC room. This event is conducted by JICA volunteers. They make a demo on how to make a Japanese signature food Mochi and lets the participants try to make their own too. Then they having a fun session of eating their handmade mochi.
On February 13 2020, an event of Let’s Master Japanese Kana Characters in 1 hour was held at JLCC instructed by Nakajima sensei. This is a special event for students who are taking Japanese Communication 1 in this semester.
There are 3 Japanese characters in Japanese language; Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. Before you learn Kanji, you must know how to read and write Hiragana and Katakana. Both Hiragana and Katakana consists of 46 basic letters and several combination letters. .So, is there any easier way to memorize the 92 characters? (46 times 2)
Let’s Make A 'Hina-Doll' Event
Let’s Make A “Hina-Doll” Event
On 20 feb 2020, an event Let’s Make a “Hina-Doll” was held at JLCC. This event is a symbolic for an event on 3rd March where a Japanese celebrates Hina-festival by decorating Hina-dolls at home. In this event, participants were led and instructed by Riho sensei to make a Hina-doll by using paper cup.
Sharing Session with Student Who Passed JLPT
Sharing Session with Student Who Passed JLPT
On 27 feb 2020, an Sharing Session with student who passed JLPT was held at JLCC. Some tips like “Is JLPT difficult? What level should I take? What should I study to pass the test? How to pass the test? Any tips?” were shared from those who has experienced the test before.
Let’s Learn Kanji in 45 minutes
Let’s Learn Kanji in 45 minutes
On 12 March 2020, an event of Let’s Learn Kanji in 45 minutes was held at JLCC. Unexpected of 25 students has participated in this event, thanks to @mjiit_noborizaka @chemprosoc who helped promoting our program through their IG story. The session was instructed by Hasparina Sensei.
After 30 minutes of introduction and explanation, students were asked to create their original Kanji together with the meaning and explanation. We were impressed by their creativity and originality. Three of them volunteered to present their Kanji; a new Kanji for Carbon Dioxide, Volkswagen and Warrior-calm.
Throughout last April 2020, a contest named jlcconomachallenge was held, organized by JLCC. Total of 38 participations with poster were received.
The result of jlcconomachallenge April award has been announced today, June 18 2020.
The winners are :
Favorite Onomatopoeia Word RM30 e-wallet:PIKA PIKA – Mr. Tan Cheng Siong, 3rd year MPE.
Favorite Onomatopoeia Sentence RM30 e-wallet:DARA DARA – Mr. Heimrih Lim Meng Kee, 3rd year ESE.
Favorite Illustration And Design RM30 e-wallet
Best Poster RM50 e-wallet
Most Popular Poster voted by the public RM30 e-wallet:Ms. Siti Nur Izzati Binti Sanosi, 1st year ESE.
Smart Voter Award RM30 e-wallet:given to the first voter who able to predict the winners for the awards.Ms. Afwaz Hazireen Bt Ahmad Norisham..
おめでとうございます!Congratulations to all the winners and the smarr voter!.
Thank you to all the supporters and voters. Thank you to all participants of #jlcconomachallenge for April 2020.
And, thank you too to the 10 appointed judges whose votes contributed 50% of the total votes.
From the public:Ms. Faizah Abdul RahimMr. Irfan SatriaMr. Mohamad Rizal Abdul Kudus
From UTMMs. Sharifah Radhiah Binti Syed Azman, UTM LibraryMr. Muhamad Syafik Rahmat, MJIITMs. Ruzanna Abd Samad, MJIITMs. Wan Maryam Wan Zulkipli, MJIITMr. Zurik Azaham Aris, MJIITDr. Hafizah Farhah Binti Saipan@Saipol, MJIITDr. Vekes A/L Balasundram, MJIIT
Thank you very much for the support!We are looking forward to receiving many participations from MJIIT as well as from the public.Let’s use onomatopoeia words in your daily life!
Nihongo Cafe Online
Nihongo Cafe Online
On 2nd to 6th May 2020, an event named Nihongo Cafe Online was held. Nihongo Cafe Online during Golden Week in Japan had been successfully conducted by Ms. Mariko Kawamura, Ms. Yukino Sueoka and Ms. Riho Watanabe with the total of 20 students (21 sessions) participated.
They talked about various topics such as working life in Japan and the effects of COVID-19 on the work, homework they are having during MCO, campus’s life, Ramadan, animal cafe in Japan, traumatic experience when they were small etc. Some of them took the opportunity to practice an interview for job with the sensei.
Ms. Mariko has shared the topics and a list of new words used during the sessions at JLCU Facebook.
To the students who participated, thank you and we hope you have gained something good through the program.
To the teachers, thank you very much for the initiative and for spending your valuable time for the students.
On 4th June 2020, a sharing session on “ How To Get Employed In Japan” was held via online platform. A precious 50 minutes was well spent. The most number of participants recorded which is 50. Many questions were received from the participants as well that the panel took an extra 10 minutes to answer all the questions..
“The most important thing is manners because the Japanese take the attitude seriously. Make sure you are practicing the correct attitude and show your respect to the interviewers. Besides, you must have enough patience and passion to go through this whole interview process. You must be patient to learn the Japanese language and must have a passion to draw it into motivation during the interview preparation. Lastly do not forget to maintain good eye contact to show confidence throughout the interview.” (Youn).
“During the interview please try your best to speak Japanese as more as you can. Start and also end with Japanese. This will show your respect to them, your enthusiasm, and your hard work that you did for the job interview. “ (Kuen).
Our 3rd session will be in 2 weeks.
On 18 June 2020, a 3rd sharing session on “How to Get Employed in Japan” was held.A good 50 minutes was well spent between participant, host and speaker. The most number of participants recorded is 51. Many questions received as well that the speaker took an extra 20 minutes (after we closed the session officially) to answer all the questions.
“Preparing answer (in advance) is a process to get to know yourself better including knowing your strength, weaknesses, interested ….” (Chai Beng).
“…my advice will be you should learn everything, speaking, listening, communication, writing and everything and so on. You should learn everything like in a package, if you want to work in Japan, the JLPT is not the only important thing you should focus on; the conversation, the manner, the culture, I think all are very important..” (Chai Beng).
“mindset, skill set, tool set….. for the tool set for job hunting….first is “linkedin”, you guys must update your “linkedin” because nowadays most of companies will search through “linkedin” profile… another one is your resume, print your resume and ask several lecturers, ask their opinion, ….point that I should erase or add-on before attending any job fair. And the last one, use powerful search engine Google and we can use Google to find and type where is a job fair will be held. During my 3rd year, I searched and found out about “Waku Waku Job Fair” that will be held at Taylor University..” (Izzaire)
MJIIT-Sophia University Exchange Session
On 11th July 2020, an event of MJIIT-Sophia University Exchange Session was held via Zoom. The event started at 9.55 and finished at 11.35 am. 19 students from MJIIT and 22 from Sophia University participated in this program.
The contents of the program are : A short lecture by Dr. Umemiya Naoki, Deputy Director General, Human Development Department JICA, on “Higher Education Today”, a presentation by Mr. Aizad, Ms. Iman and Ms. Syahida, all from 3SMJC, on “Country and Culture of Malaysia”, a presentation by Mr. Siong (3SMJM), Mr. Henry (3SMJM) and Ms. Jasmine (2SMJE) on “Higher Education System of Malaysia”, a presentation by Mr. Firdaus (2SMJM), Mr. Wan Syafiq (2SMJM) and Mr. Megat (3SMJM) on “Learning at MJIIT and student life (particularly under the outbreak of COVID-19)”, 3 presentations by SU students on “Learning at Sophia and student life (particularly under the outbreak of COVID-19) and “Engineering Education in SU”. Discussion in small groups was also held before the program ended..
Some comments from MJIIT students:.
“Interesting event! cheer up my weekend! ” (Aizad, 3SMJC).“Very fun sharing session, would love to join another session. I hope we can have more sessions with Japanese students from other universities as well.” (Muhaimin, 2SMJM)“20 mins is a little bit short for our group, we are just getting in the mood, then the countdown show up.” (Mi Zhi, 3SMJM)“I think it’s very interesting to hear different opinions and views in terms of education between Japan and Malaysia. And it’s fun to share about our multicultural lifestyles.” (Wan Syafiq, 2SMJM)“楽しかった, very enjoyable session .” (Eng Joo, 4SMJM)“Really nice session because we get the chance to know about other country. Hope to join other session or other event conduct by JLCC.” (Izzati, 1SMJE)“I had so much fun! The facilitators and other participants were very nice and friendly. We shared so much information such as university life and etc Thank you everyone! .” (Wan Syahida, 3SMJC)“It was an amazing experience, there was a lot of interesting information acknowledged and friendly, lively participants to know. Thank you to all facilitators for this opportunity, hope to join another one of these session in the nearest future .”(Nashita, 1SMJE)“It’s good to know that we’re not only ones demotivated in terms of studying online on a day to day basis. Since we already introduced ourselves to group discussions, I’d suggest that we should communicate with them to improve our spoken languages . But maybe too late because time did not allow us to exchange our social network . It’s okay , there’s always a next time hee. ” (Megat, 3SMJM)“Thanks to facilitators make this great event. I’m happy that I can know lifestyle of students from Sophia University. “(Jasmine Teh, 2SMJE)“It was a great experience to share the different in culture in both Japan and Malaysia. We shared about our study during the pandemic and also the difference in study or work cultures in our country. The students from Sophia university are nice and friendly. “(Wei Ling, 3SMJE)
Thank you Dr. Umemiya (JICA) and Dr. Okano (JICA) for inviting JLCC to co-organize this event..
Thank you to all the participants; the presenters who have made the effort to prepare for the presentations and the other participants who have joined..
Thank you for supporting JLCC!
Working in Japan - Let’s Ask Senpai Session 4
On 12 August 2020, an event of Working in Japan – Let’s Ask Senpai Session 4 was held from 8pm to 9pm. Mr. Mohamad Hilmi Zakaria for sharing about his working and social life in Japan.Mr. Hilmi is MJIIT graduates of 2016. He is currently working in Japan, specifically at ZMP Inc. Tokyo and this year is his 5th years in Japan.
MJIIT-SOPHIA University Exchange SESSION (2)
MJIIT-SOPHIA University Exchange SESSION (2)
Date: 24 November 2020 (Tuesday)
Participants: 37 Students ( 20 MJIIT, 17 SU )
Facilitators: Dr Umemiya & Ms Kuhara (Sophia U), Dr Okano, Mrs Hasparina & Mr Wan Syafiq (MJIIT).
The Program:
1. A presentation by Mr Lakshman and Mr Desmond, both from 1SMJC, on “Country and Culture of Malaysia”.
2. A presentation by Mr Firdaus and Mr Wan Syafiq, both from 3SMJM on “Higher Education System of Malaysia”.
3. A presentation by Mr Hadif from 3SMJE on “Overview of MJIIT and student life (particularly under the outbreak of COVID-19)”.
4. 3 presentations by SU students on the same topics.
5. Discussion in small groups.
6. Reports to the whole class.
7. Comments from MJIIT.
Some comments from MJIIT students:
“Wonderful experience to be able to interact with people overseas despite this pandemic and it feels really great communicating with Japanese I could always feel their effort approaching us. I will be looking forward to the next interaction (but it would be great if we could meet face-to-face ) 楽しみに~” (Lim Min Jung, 1SMJE)
“The session was really fun although it was quite awkward (first 5 minutes ?) in the discussion room …I will like to thank Syafiq since he was very friendly and open some topics for us to discuss.” (Ooi Xin Yin, 1SMJM)
“It was a great time. Even it is short, but it is very beneficial and effective for us to get to know the Japanese culture well.” (Tsi Shi Qi, 1SMJM)
“This kind of session is good for me to learn more about other cultures and lifestyles. Some of the students shared that they have to go work part-time and study. It seems like actually, we are quite alike in our life although we are in a different country.” (Willi Tien Yee Hong, 1SMJE)
“The session this time was really fun though I think that might be thanks to Mizuki-san since she was very friendly and open to chat (especially in English). Though I also have to praise all of the Sophia University students for their English, although there were some hiccups, their English was really good.” (Muhaimin, 3SMJM)
“To the 1st and 2nd-year students, I know it’s kinda awkward to speak because I have, and still experiencing it too (especially in Japanese). But if you join a lot of JLCC events you will surely improve.” (Syafiq, 3SMJM)
Thank you Dr Umemiya and Dr Okano for inviting JLCC to co-organize this event.
Thank you to all the participants; the presenters who have made the effort to prepare for the presentations and the other participants who have joined.
Thank you for supporting JLCC!
An interview session by AfterFIT (Japan) was held online with 11 candidates, all 4th-year students of MJIIT on 12th December 2020.
So these five students are the successful candidates:
Congratulations to all of you and please keep learning and improving yourself!
To other students who didn’t make it today, please don’t give up and please keep improving yourself too. Today’s experience is a good reference for your next challenge!
Thank you very much to Sun Asterisk for arranging this interview for the students.
These students will go to Japan in 2022, after graduating. JLCC is supporting all students from our Special Japanese Language Program for Job Hunting.