by CSN Lab | Jun 17, 2022 | News 2019-2022
Big and the warmest congratulations, Dear Mrs. Ayuni, for passing Viva for Master of Philosophy (MPhil).
Your compassion and perseverance are truly fascinating!
Keep doing the things that make you happy, and follow your passions.

by CSN Lab | Jun 3, 2022 | News 2019-2022
The members of CSN Lab would like to thank the MJWRT committee members from the depths of our hearts for joining the magnificent lunch today.
It was a pleasure to have had it with you, and we hope we’ll have more in the future.

by CSN Lab | May 19, 2022 | News 2019-2022
On May 18th, 2022, Dr. Hamara, a member of the JICA, MJIIT team, visited Communication Systems & Network Research Lab as well as the Antenna Laboratory.
Professor Yamada, Dr. Kamilia, Dr. Izni, and Ms. Ngu War Hlaing attended the meeting with Dr. Hamara.
During the discussion, they presented Dr. Hamara with information about the material and equipment that was purchased using JICA Grant money for joint research.

by CSN Lab | Apr 7, 2022 | News 2019-2022
Antenna Laboratory for 5G Mobile Communication MJIIT and WCC Lab at MJIIT-UTM-KL hosted the “Measurement Training for Comrel Sdn Bhd” event on Thursday (7th April 2022).
In the morning section, Professor Yamada presented “Antenna Measurement Theory” and “Practical Antenna Measurement,” while in the afternoon, Ir. Dr. Kamilia demonstrated and explained how to measure the dielectric constant of materials.
by CSN Lab | Mar 24, 2022 | News 2019-2022
IEEE Malaysia Antenna Propagation / Microwave Theory Technique / Electromagnetic Compatibility (AP/MTT/EMC) Joint Chapter in collaboration with the Faculty of Electronic Engineering Technology (FTKEN), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), IEEE UniMAP Student Branch, and IEEE UTM Student Branch successfully held the AP/MTT/EMC Webinar Series 4/2022 with the topic of “Fundamental Knowledge and Facilities for Antenna Measurement”.
Thanks to all of the participants who joined this event.