Tel G Training Session |
On the 27th and 28th of June 2013, 5 members of CSN’s lab attended Tel G Training Session with COE-MIMOS, UTM JB. The session was held at Material Lab, MJIIT Building, UTM KL. Mr.Ishtiak Al Mamoon, Mr.Ahmad Sharizal Sani, Mr.Mahdi Zareei, Ms.Rosdiana Sharil and Ms.NurSyazwani Ghazali attended the session lead by Mr.Rozaini and 3 other members from COE-MIMOS, UTM JB. It was a two days training session that run several experiments using Tel G kit. The training was very much beneficial for Wireless Sensor Networks and its application. |
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Prof Dr. Shozo Komaki as an Invited Speaker for ICIEV 2013 in Dhaka, Bangladesh |

Prof Dr. Shozo Komaki as an Invited Speaker for ICIEV 2013 in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 16th-17th of May 2013. Dr.Muzahidul Islam and Lalitha Bhavani Jivanadham were also joining in ICIEV 2013. |
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Dr. A. K. M. Muzahidul Islam of UTM Speaks at EEE Seminar |
Dr. A. K. M. Muzahidul Islam of Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), University Technology Malaysia (UTM) speaks at EEE seminar organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) on 16 May, 2013 held at the Lecture Gallery, Level 5 of academic block at the Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). Dr.Muzahidul Islam also been accompanied by Lalitha Bhavani Jivanadham, phd student in UTM. The tittle of his speech was “Architectures and Communication Protocols on Dynamic Wireless Sensor Network”. Dr. M. Rokonuzzaman, Head of the EEE department did welcome the invited speaker and formally inaugurated the seminar. Their visit were published on news paper there in Bangladesh, dated 20th May by Daily Samakal local newspaper.
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Intelligent Wireless Robot Demonstration |

On 9th of May 2013, Mutiara Synergy Solution Sdn Bhd and the team came to CSN lab to run demonstration on Intelligent Wireless Robot. There were about 15 set of kits were demonstrated to academicians and students.
NIT Visitation |
Dr. A. K.M. Muzahidul Islam has visited Nagoya Institute of Technology (N), Aichi, Japan in mid January 2013 in-connection with possible research collaboration between MJIIT and TUT, and possible exchange of UG students.
Visitation From Tokai University |

Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Ishii presented his topic regarding Low Power Consumption Mobile Ad Hoc Network System