For More Details, please click this link: https://mjiit.utm.my/icatas2020/

A total of eight undergraduate students from 3rd year Bachelor of Chemical Process Engineering (SMJC) MJIIT UTM were selected to join the winter school program organised by Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Tokyo, Japan for two weeks starting from 16th February to 29th February 2020.
Two weeks in TUAT was filled with knowledgeable and interesting activities. Every day, these students had attended the Japanese Language & Culture class in the morning and the Environmental & Energy Engineering lecture in the afternoon. Both classes were conducted by experienced and expert lecturer from TUAT. Apart from that, they also joined laboratory visit to their lecturer group research in TUAT.
Besides classes, they also were involved in Industrial visit to Fuji Film in Odawara, Kanagawa site. They learned on the film making and were introduced to other Fuji Film products. They also went to Cultural visit to Fuchu City Forest Museum in Fuchu city to experienced the Fuchu history and sightseeing the beautiful plum tree flower (Ume).
Thank you MJIIT and TUAT for giving them the opportunity to join this memorable and precious program.
おめでとうございます Omedetō gozaimasu! Thank you!

おはようございます Ohayougozaimasu and greetings!
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) Three Minute Thesis (UTM 3MT) 2020 was successfully organized for undergraduate (UG) students on 27th February 2020 (Thursday) at Dewan Azman Hashim, UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus. Menanwhile, Dr Uswah Khairuddin, the head of MJIIT Final Year Project (FYP) coordinator explained the course information, assessments and procedures for Final Year Project 2 to the students.Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland, Australia. The exercise challenges UG students to present a compelling oration on their thesis topic and its significance in just three minutes. This competition develops academic, presentation and research communication skills and supports the development of research students’ capacity to effectively explain their research in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.
Finally, Ms. Teoh Sit Yee from Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (ChEE) crowned the best presenter with title ‘EFFECT OF SURFACTANT AND POLYMERS CONCENTRATION IN ELECTROSPINNING’ under supervision by Dr. Khairunnisa binti Mohd. Pa’ad. In her 3MT presentation, she had emphasized on the consequences faced by current electrospinning research by using surfactant and polymers. Hence, we hope Ms. Teoh’s method could solve the problems faced by industry specifically in electrospinning.
Ms. Nuraina Syafika binti Jeffery from ChEE had also won the best presenter with her 3MT title on ‘CYTOTOXICITY EVALUATION OF E-CIGAR FLAVOURINGS SOLD IN MALAYSIA’ under supervision by Dr Fazrena Nadia Md Akhir (MEMO-Bio). Ms. Nuraina was very ambitious in finding the cytotoxicity evaluation of e-cigar flavourings, in which annually increasing in Malaysia.
Congratulations to all the winners and the supervisors. Thank you to all MJIIT fourth year students and FYP coordinators for supporting and attending the event. We wish all the best and make UTM proud with soaring upwards. I AM UTM!!
おめでとうございます Omedetō gozaimasu, Thank you!