About Us
The Department of Envinronmental and Green Technology (EGT) was established in September 2012 headed by Prof Datin Dr Zuriati as the Head of Department. In 2017, the chemical engineering division is splitted from the EGT department to form the Department of Chemical Process Engineering (CPE). Later in 2019, the departments were merged again and renamed as Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (ChEE). The department offers the undergraduate programme, which awards the degree of Bachelor of Chemical Process Engineering. There are three postgraduate taught course programme offered under the department: Master of Sustainable Systems, Master of Sustainable and Environmental Sciences (joint degree with Tsukuba University) and Master of Disaster Risk Management.
Currently, the department has 31 academic staff members, 1 Assistant Vocational Training Officer and 2 Engineers. The academic staff members have diversified backgrounds such as chemical engineering, bio-chemical engineering, civil engineer, chemistry, agriculture and environment. In future, additional local and international academic staff members will be recruited.