+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my


What is unique about MJIIT is that every week, there will be a Rin-koh session which is a mandatory activity for each of i-kohza. Rin-koh is one of the Japanese’s cultures that have been practicing in the university.

Rin-koh (輪講) has a meaning of “each person taking turns reading and explaining a book“. The original term, rin-doku (輪読), which literally means “reading in a circle“, originates from the activity Japanese engineers perform when first reading instruction manuals and technical reference books in a foreign language. The engineers attempt to understand the material and explain the content to their fellow engineers back in Japanese. It is an activity that not only benefited Japanese engineers in such a way that knowledge only available in a language that was hardly understood was made available for everyone, but also everyone participating in the rin-koh sessions contributes to a steady stream of new information every week.

Rin-koh sessions are held every Friday, from 3.00p.m to 4.00p.m, taking place at level 8 Tribology and Precision Machining i-Kohza.



Session Date (2020) Presentation title
17th Jan Sliding Effect at High-Temperature Environment Yap Kian Kun


Session Date (2019) Presentation title
15th March Dopant Effect on Structural and Optical Pure Zinc Oxide and Silver Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Film
Syidah bt Rusli
23rd March FYP students 2019 second evaluation Choo Tze Eu

Muhammad Saifulnizam B. Mohd Yunus

12th April FYP students 2019 second evaluation Amirul Asyraff B. Mat Noh

Syafreena Ezzany Bt. Ismail

19th April FYP students 2019 second evaluation Nuratika Shaheera Bt. Rahama

Ikmal Alif B. Ahmad Sukri

26th April FYP students 2019 second evaluation Alif Omar B. Elias

Sie Leeh Sheng

3rd May Tribological Characterization for Polyoxymethylene (POM) Reinforced by Oilpalm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB) Shukri Nazri
10th May Multiple Lubricants with Ultrasonic Excitation Amirul Adha
17th May Experience Sharing: Attachment at Kyushu University Nur Hidayah bt Shahemi
21st June  Tribological Characteristics of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB) Fibre Reinforced Polyoxymethylene (POM) Composite Material. Nur Amanina Damira bt Muhalim
28th June Effect of Oxide Layer of Polymer Using Surface Modification Toward Improving Tribological Properties. Sharifah Khadijah
5th July Introduction to HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk Control)  Syidah Rusli & Syahputera
12th July Development of Textured Surface Rotational Tribo-electric Nanogenerator as Power Source for Air Filter Application Nur Farhana Bt Mat Isa
18th July Raman Spectroscopy in Identifying Hydrolysis Reaction of Silicone Rubber Tube Afiqah bt Abdul Rahman
2nd Aug Introduction to CNC Turning Machine and Milling Machine Dr. Jun Ishimatsu
9th Aug  Strengthening the Mechanical and Tribological Graphite Flake  Syazwani bt. Mohamad
16th Aug Influence of Graphene Oxide & Graphite Flakes as Filler in UHMWPE on Its Wear Behavior in Bovine Serum Environment Nur Hidayah bt. Shahemi
23rd Aug Forcedly Synchronized Differential Phase Transmission (FSDPT) Syahputera b. Mazlan
30th Aug Chemical Dispose And UTM Smart Nur Rasyidah Bt. Rusli
12th September Poster Presentation for International Tribology Conference (ITC), Japan  Afiqah bt Abdul Rahman

Nur Hidayah bt. Shahemi

Syazwani bt. Mohamad

20th Sep General Rules in TriPreM Nur Rasyidah Bt. Rusli
18th Oct Influence of Sliding Speed on the Friction Force due to Adsorbed Water Hong Wei Chee
25th Oct Enhancing The Voltage Output of Triboelectric Nanogenerator (TENG) by Implementing Surface Modification on the Tri-bo dielectric surface Bock Eu Sin
8th Nov Wear Properties of Ultrahigh Molecular Weight polyethylene filled with Graphene Oxide and Graphite Flakes in a Lubricated Condition Nur Hidayah bt. Shahemi
15th Nov Development of Textured Surface Rotating Triboelectric Nanogenerator (R-TENG) as A Power Source for Air Filter Application. Nur Farhana Bt Mat Isa
22nd Nov New Algorithm for Automatic Lapping Machine of Ball Screw Shaft

Development of Ultrasonic Effector

Haziq (FYP 2019/2020)

Tan Chai Beng (FYP 2019/2020)

29th Nov Effect of Environmental humidity on the difference between static and Kinetic Coefficient of Friction

Assembly of High-Temperature Tribotester 

Loo Kun Zin (FYP 2019/2020)


Jeevan Rao (FYP 2019/2020)

5th Dec Forcedly Synchronized Differential Phase Transmitter

Permeation Tube Method Humidifier

Effect of interval time on The Friction Force of a light Load Bearing

Tan Eng Joo (FYP 2019/2020)

Tan Jiin Kuen (FYP 2019/2020)

Illianie (FYP 2019/2020) 

13th Dec FYP Proposal presentation  Izzaire (FYP 2019/2020)

Ridwan (FYP 2019/2020)

Zakir (FYP 2019/2020)

20th Dec Surface Modification by Machining Hiroki Kawaguchi (Exchange Student from Japan)


Session Date (2018) Presentation title Presenter
17th August Resin Material Used for Permeation Tube Method Humidifier Afiqah bt Abdul Rahman
24th August Failure Analysis of Retrieved UHMWPE Acetabular Liner for Hip Replacement and Modification & Biotribological Behavior of UHMWPE Composite for Biomedical Applications Nur Hidayah bt Shahemi
7th September Fabrication and Tribological Characterization of Hard Composite Anodic Films on Aluminium Alloy Syazwani bt Mohamad
Session Date (2017) Presentation title Presenter
14th April Development of a Lubricant Screening Test
for Open Gear Lubricants
Nurhazfarahin bt Md Ali
7th April Influences of Humidity on Tribological Properties of Non-lubricated Miniature Ball Bearing Muhammad Faidhi b Mohd Radzi
Session Date (2016) Presentation title Presenter
22nd January Dry Bearings: A Survey of Materials and Factors Affecting Their Performance Muhammad Faidhi b Mohd Radzi
15th January Effect of Relative Humidity on the Unlubricated Wear of metals Zaid Ali Subhi
Session Date (2015) Presentation title Presenter
18th December Progress report on LAPES Ammar Hossam Aboubakrelseddik Abouelezz
11th December Presentation practice for Research Methodology Muhammad Faidhi b Mohd Radzi

Noor Dalilah A Manaf

4th December Introduction to FYP topic Muhammad Hisyam b Rai

Muhammad Ainurrasyid b Mohd Syukri

Abdul Hafiz b Hassan

27th November Introduction to FYP topic Ahmad Kamal

Azuwin bt Ibrahim

Muhammad Firdaus b Hapizan

20th November Introduction to FYP topic Patrick Lim Sheng Yi

Lai Wei Hang

Nor Sazrin bt Nor Azman

16th October Quantitative Estimation on Adsorbed Water Layer on Austenitic Stainless Steel (Research Article) Zaid Ali Subhi
9th October Measurement of Water Adsorption Layers on Metal Surface (Research Article) Muhammad Faidhi b Mohd Radzi
2nd October Progress report on LAPES Ammar Hossam Aboubakrelseddik Abouelezz
18th September Introduction to “rin-koh” to FYP students batch 2015/2016  
11th September Progress report on Flat Surface Lapping of SKD1 Steel Ahmad Aizuddin b Abd Aziz
4th September Contact Rubbing of Flat Surfaces Zaid Ali Subhi
28th August Progress report on flat surface lapping of BK7 glass cylinder Muhammad Faiz b Wahab
14th August Progress Report on Water Adsorption of Mild Steel, Copper and Gold Muhammad Faidhi b Mohd Radzi
7th August Flat surface lapping of BK7 glass cylinder Muhammad Faiz b Wahab
31st July Development of intelligent lapping system estimation of finished surface roughness and improved lapping speed Ammar Hossam Aboubakrelseddik Abouelezz
10th July SKD1 Flat Surface Lapping Ahmad Aizuddin b Abd Aziz
3rd July Wear Elements Generated in the Elementary Process of Wear Zaid Ali Subhi
26th June Introduction of research skills ~Usage of Interface board~ Dr Jun Ishimatsu
19th June Introduction to research topic – Influence of Humidity on Tribological Properties of Fabric Material Muhammad Faidhi b Mohd Radzi
8th May Self-introduction Dr Jun Ishimatsu
24th April  Introduction to research interest – Quantum Mathematics Dr Zahriddin Muminov
3rd April FYP students 2015 second evaluation Muhammad Fitri b Yahya

Muhammad Hakim b Jaffar

Ahmad Syahmi b Abd Aziz


The Rin-koh session encourage students to be more confident which is good for practicing their presentation’s skills. Besides that, it exposes students to the real working environment especially when attending meeting or presenting their ideas in the future. It is also a platform for students to gain more knowledge and sharing ideas.

The Rin-koh is mainly attended by i-kohza group’s members which are lecturers and students, however guests lecturers are sometimes invited. Students from other faculties are also welcome to attend. Content of presentation slides can be from research paper, progress report, to demonstrate research skills or sharing research input.