+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my


The Tribology and Precision Machining Research Lab is designed to research fundamentals of tribological phenomena and support related industries through research activities and cultivating students and iKohza members. Basically, the research topic could be devided into 2 different part which consist of the research interest of the fellow academic members of i-Kohza and the list of the research topics for the post-graduates.

Research interest of the fellow I-Kohza members

Prof. Kanao Fukuda

  1. Tribolgy and Precission Machining
  2. Hydrogen Energy

Associate Prof. Dr. Nur’azah Abdul Manaf

  1. Survival Analysis
  2. Reproducing Kernel Method on Survival Data
  3. Hazard/Risk Functions
  4. Partial Differential Equations & Game Theory

Dr. Jun Ishimatsu

  1. Precission Cutting and Grinding
  2. Application of Ultrasonic Vibration in Manifacturing

Dr. Shahira Liza Kamis

  1. Carbon Based Coatings
  2. Surface Modifications
  3. Tribology/Bio-Tribology

Research Topic for Post-Graduates

Research Topics (Post-graduate) Summary
Lubrication of an abrasive grain with ultrasonically vibrated fluid Improvement surface integrity with ultrasonically (>20 kHz) vibrated grinding fluid has been reported on surface grinding. However, mechanism of improvement has not been investigated. In this study, lubricant phenomenon between abrasive grain and material with ultrasonic vibrated fluid will be investigated.
Ultrasonic exciter for cutting/grinding fluid In previous research on ultrasonically excited grinding fluid, shape of ‘effector’ (exciter) has not been mentioned yet. In this study, influence of effector’s shape will be investigated. Simulation model should be constructed with considering interaction between solid body vibration and fluid.
Lubrication assisted by ultrasonic vibration Ultrasonic vibration had been utilized for grinding. For innovative ultrasonic vibration application, lubricant phenomenon between vibrated materials with greater than 20 kHz of frequency will be investigated.
Development of LAPES (Lapping Plate Evaluation System)
Predicting location of adhesion occurrence on the sliding system
Development of Lapping Technology for aspherical lens by using CNC Machine
A fundamental study on the mechanism of lapping in thin film magnetic recording head and its evaluation
Comparison study of the lifetime of materials in machining upon diagnosis of malfunction
Development of a sophisticated friction force sensor
New on-line conditioning monitoring for lapping process using AE signal
Numerical simulations of Tribology
Modelling and analytic methods in Tribology
A Study on the Real Contact in the Initial Stage of Sliding
Study on the Initial Cutting Tool Contact Mechanisms in Precision Machining using ABAQUS
Influences of Humidity on Tribological Properties of Fabric Materials