Dr Zahriddin Muminov
PhD of Mathematics (Samarkand State University), 2008
Master of Science in Mathematics (Samarkand State University) 1994-1999
Senior Lecturer
Email: zimuminov@gmail.com
Tel: +60 (0)3 2203 1365
Handphone: (6)01-0791-4595
Research Interests
- Mathematical Physics
- Functional Analysis
- Operator Theory
- Spectral analysis of Energy operators
- Hamiltonians
- Schrödinger operators
- Integral Equations Problems
Employment History
- 2014–present Senior Lecturer, MJIIT, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia KL, Malaysia
- 2012–2014 Post Doctoral Researcher, Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM, Malaysia
- 2009–2012 Associated Professor, Samarkand State University
- 2003-2012 Research Assistantships, Samarkand Division of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
- 2006-2008 Assistant Professor, Samarkand State University
- 2005-2006 Assistant Professor, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service
- 2003-2005 Assistant Professor, Samarkand State University
Teaching Experience
No |
Name of Subject |
Degrees |
Institution |
1 |
Differential geometry
and topology |
Bachelors students |
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan |
2 |
Linear algebra |
Bachelors students |
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan |
3 |
Analytic geometry |
Bachelors students |
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan |
4 |
Courses of topology
and manifold |
Masters students |
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan |
5 |
Topological algebra |
Masters students |
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan |
6 |
Algebraic topology |
Masters students |
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan |
7 |
Finsler geometry |
Masters students |
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan |
8 |
Functional analysis |
Bachelors students |
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan |
9 |
Mathematic physics |
Bachelors students |
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan |
10 |
Operator theory |
Masters students |
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan |
11 |
Computer and Information
(including office program:
MSWord, MS
Excel, MS Power Point,
Latex) |
Bachelors students |
Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service,
Uzbekistan |
12 |
MS DOS system,
Turbo basic, Pascal
languages |
Bachelors students |
Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service,
Uzbekistan |
13 |
Engineering Mathematics |
Bachelors students |
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, KL |
14 |
Engineering Statistics |
Bachelors students |
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, KL |
Research Experience |
- Member of Tribology and Precision Machining i-Kohza (TriPreM), Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
- Collaborating with Assoc. Prof. Dr. N.M.A. Nik Long and Puan Yong Faezah Binti Rahim (Department of mathematics, University Putra, Malaysia).
- Collaborated with Professor Gianfausto Dell’Antonio (SISSA – Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Italy) during visit at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy–2011
- Collaborated with Professor S. Albeverio (Bonn University, Germany) on projects DFG 436 USB 113/3, 3DFG 436 USB 113/4, DFG 436 USB 113/6, Bonn University (Bonn, Germany)
- Collaborating with Professor K.A Makarov (University of Missouri – Columbia, US) present days and also collaborated on project DFG 436 USB 113/4, Bonn University (Bonn, Germany)
- Worked with Professor S.N Lakaev (Samarkand State university) on projects DFG 436 USB 113/3, 3DFG 436 USB 113/4, DFG 436 USB 113/6, Bonn University (Bonn, Germany) and grants of the Fundamental Science Foundation of Uzbekistan
Awards |
- Supreme Attestation Committee of Uzbekistan hereby awarded the scientific title Docent of Algebra and Geometry department of Samarkand State university.
- I was awarded by certificate ”Information and Information technology” by Samarkand State university.
- I was awarded by grant ”Istedod” foundations of Uzbekistan in 2011.
Selected Publications |
- Submitted
1. Z. Muminov, Sh. Kholmatov. The spectrum of Non-local Schrodinger Operators on lattice. Submitted to Journal of Physics A.
2. S.N. Lakaev, K.A. Makarov, Z.I. Muminov. The threshold resonance of discrete Schrödinger Operators. Submitted to Commun. Math. Phys.
3. Z. Muminov, F. Ismail. Note on the spectrum of Schr¨odinger Operators on lattice. Submitted to Report on Mathematical Physics.
4. G. Dell’Antonio, Z. Muminov, Sh. Kholmatov The HVZ theorem for N-particle Schrödinger operators on lattice. Submitted to Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical.
5. Z. Muminov, F. Ismail, Kuljanov U. On the multiplicity of the ground state of two particle discrete Schrödinger operators. Submitted to Abstract and Applied Analysis.
- In progress.
6. Z. Muminov, F. Ismail, On the number of the discrete spectrum of two-particle discrete Schrödinger operators. Submitted to Commun. Math. Phys.. In progress.
7. Z.K. Eshkuvatov, N.M.A. Nik Long, Z. Muminov, and R. Aloev. Projection method and error bound for hypersingular integral equation of the first kind. Submitted to Journal of Integral Equations and Applications. In progress.
8. F.S. Zulkarnain, Z.K. Eshkuvatov, Z.I. Muminov, and N.M.A. Nik Long. Convergence and Error Estimation for Homotopy Perturbation Method for the Fredholm- Volterra Integro-Differential Equations. Submitted to Applied Mathematics and Computation.
9. Z.I. Muminov, Y.M. Shermatova. On the Number of Eigenvalues of Three-Particle Model Schrödinger operators on lattices. Submitted to Sbornik: Mathematics.
- Accepted
1. Z.I. Muminov, Fudziah Ismail. Threshold resonances and eigenvalues of some Schrödinger operators on lattices. Accepted to Malaysian journal of mathematical sciences.
2. Z.I. Muminov, Fudziah Ismail, Utkir Kuljanov. Note on the Multiplicity of the Lower State of Schrödinger Operators on Lattices. The 3rd International Conference on Computer Science & Computational Mathematics (ICCSCM 2014). pp. 242-245. Selected to ScienceAsia (Journal of Science Society of Thailand).
3. Z.K. Eshkuvatov, N.M.A. Nik Long, Z.I. Muminov, A. Khadjigitiv. Mixed Method for the Product Integral on the Infinite Interval. ICMSS 2013: International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics. Accepted Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences
- Published
A) In journals:
1. G. Yodgorov, F. Isamail, Z.I. Muminov. Investigations of the location and structure of the essential Spectrum of Hamiltonian in the Fermionic Fock Space. Sbornik: Mathematics. 205:12 (2014), 85-98
2. Z. Muminov, F. Ismail, J. Rasulov. The Faddeev equation and the essential spectrum of a model operator associated with the hamiltonian of a non conserved number of particles. Advances in Mathematical Physics. Volume 2014, Article ID 943868, 10 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/943868
3. F. S. Zulkarnain, Z.K. Eshkuvatov, Z.I. Muminov and N. M. A. Nik Long. Modified Decomposition Method for Solving Nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra Integral Equations. ICMSS 2013: International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics. Springer-Verlag Proceeding Series. 2014, pp. 103-110
4. Z.I. Muminov, F. Ismail and Z.Eshkuvatov. On the structure of the essential spectrum of four-particle Schrodinger operators on a lattice. ICMSS 2013: International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics. Springer-Verlag Proceeding Series. 2014. pp. 187-194
5. Z.I. Muminov, U. Kuljanov. CLR-estimates for two-particle discrete Schrödinger operator on Zd (d 3) (Russian), Uzbek Mathematical Journal, no.1 (2014) pp. 46-56.
6. Z.I. Muminov, U. Kuljanov. Lower bound-states of the one particle discrete Hamiltonian (Russian), Mathematical journal of Uzbekistan, no.4 (2013) pp 47-59.
7. Z. Muminov, F. Ismail, Z. Eshkuvatov, J. Rasulov. On the discrete spectrum of a model operator in fermionic Fock space. Abstract and Applied Analysis. Volume 2013, Article ID 875194, 12 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/875194.
8. Z.I. Muminov, F. Ismail, Z. Eshkuvatov. On the number of eigenvalues of a model operator in fermionic Fock space. 2012 iCAST: Contemporary Mathematics, Mathematical Physics and their Applications. IOP Publishing. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 435 (2013) 012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/435/1/012036
9. Z.I. Muminov, U. Kuljanov. Lower bound states of one-particle Hamiltonians on integer lattices. Siberian Advances in Mathematic. 15, no. 1 (2012) pp 129140.
10. G. Dell’Antonio, Z.I. Muminov, Y.M. Shermatova. On the number of eigenvalues of a model operator related to a system of three-particles on lattices. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. no. 44 (2011) 315302 doi: 10.1088/1751-8113/44/31/315302.
11. Z.I. Muminov, U. Kuljanov. Lower bound states of one-particle Hamiltonians on lattices. (Russian), Mathematical journal of Uzbekistan, no.3-4 (2011) pp 3-11.
12. S. Albeverio, S.N. Lakaev, Z.I. Muminov. On the structure of the essential spectrum for the three-particle Schrödinger operators on lattices. Mathematische Nachrichten 280, No. 7 (2007), pp 1-18.
13. S. Albeverio, S.N. Lakaev, Z.I. Muminov. On the Number of Eigenvalues of a Model Operator Associated to a System of Three-Particles on Lattices. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. 14, no. 4 (2007) pp 377-387.
14. S. Albeverio, S.N. Lakaev, Z.I. Muminov. The threshold effects for a family of Friedrichs models under rank one perturbations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 330, Issue 2, 15 June 2007, pp. 1152-1168.
15. J.I. Abdullaev, Z.I. Muminov. Infinite number of the eigenvalues of two-particle Schrödinger operator on the lattice.(Russian), Dokl. Ak. nauk. Resp. Uzbekistan, No 2 (2007) pp 9-13.
16. S. Albeverio, S.N. Lakaev and K.A. Makarov, Z.I. Muminov. The Threshold Effects for the Two-Particle Hamiltonians on Lattices. Commun. Math. Phys. 262 (2006) pp 91-115;
17. S. Albeverio, S.N. Lakaev, Z.I. Muminov. Schrödinger Operators on Lattices. The Efimov Effect and Discrete Spectrum Asymptotics. Ann. Henri Poincare 5 (2004), pp 743-772.
18. S.N.Lakaev, Z.I. Muminov. The asymptotics for the number of eigenvalues of Schr¨odinger operators on lattice.(Russian) Funkcionalnii analiz i ego priloj. Vol 37, no 3, pp 85-88, 2003.
19. Z.I. Muminov. On the number of eigenvalues of the two-particle Schr¨odinger operator, (Russian) Dokl. Ak. nauk. Resp. Uzbekistan, No 1 (2003), pp 7-10.
20. J.I. Abdullaev, Z.I. Muminov, The essential spectrum of the three particle operator (Russian), Mathematical journal of Uzbekistan, no.3-4 (2002) pp 3-8.
Book/Book Chapters |
- J.Abdullaev, Z.Muminov. Collection of exercises on arithmetics for college entrants. (Uzbek) “Turan” Tashkent, 2012, p.1-140.
- J.Abdullaev, Z.Muminov. Collection of exercises on primary algebras for college entrants. (Uzbek) “Turan” Tashkent, 2012, p.1-145.
- (B.R. Zaynalov, Q. Ostonov, Z.Muminov, Mathematica 1. BINARY operation algebraic systems and their applications. (Uzbek), – Samarkand, Samarkand State University, 2009, p 1–160.