by syidah | Nov 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
As usual, we had Rinkoh (輪講) on Friday afternoon. This week (8 November 2019), we have a special guest Prof. Sawae from Kyushu University Japan joining our Rinkoh. Since Prof Sawae expert in Biotribology, Hidayah presenting her research work and receive a valuable comment from him. After the Rinkoh, 5S activity was done as our routine work to maintain our laboratory neat.

by syidah | Aug 26, 2019 | Journal & Conference, Latest Updates, News, Symposium, Uncategorized
On 19th Aug., an emeritus professor from Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT), Dr. Toshiharu Kagawa visited TriPreM. He is still working actively even after his retirement from TIT. We are looking forward for more visit from him.

by hazfarahin | Apr 2, 2019 | Latest Updates, News, Uncategorized
Congratulations to our Masters student, Syazwani Mohamad on winning Gold Award at Materials Technology Challenges (MTC2019). The competition was organized by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang on 27 March 2019. Syazwani presented her research on “Strengthening of Mechanical Properties of Oxide Films Formed on Aluminium Alloy with the Addition of Graphite”. Congrats!!

by hazfarahin | Jan 2, 2019 | Latest Updates, Lectures, News, Slider, Symposium, Uncategorized
TriPreM is pleased to welcome 3 Professors of their respective field to the laboratory on 18 December 2018.
The distinguished guests are:
- Professor Ir. Dr. Masjuki Bin Haji Hassan – University of Malaya
- Prof. Dr. Mohd Hasbullah B Hj. Idris – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Prof. Dr. Izman Bin Sudin – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

by hazfarahin | Mar 12, 2018 | Latest Updates, News, Symposium, Uncategorized
TriPreM members enjoyed weekend gateaway at Port Dickson for 1 night. We visited Army Museum, lighthouse, beaches and etc. The lakehouse that we stayed was great and we did lots of activities there such as BBQ and kayaking.

by hazfarahin | Mar 8, 2018 | Latest Updates, News, Uncategorized
TriPreM honoured to received visit from Senior Vice President of Kyushu University, Prof. Ogata on March 7, 2018.