+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my
Guest from The Ambassador of Japan

Guest from The Ambassador of Japan

On 15 August 2022, TriPreM (Tribology and Precision Machining i-Khoza) had a special guest, HE Mr. Takahashi Katsuhiko, the ambassador of Japan to Malaysia accompanied by UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) Vice-Chancellor* Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail and MJIIT (Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology) Dean Prof. Dr. Ali Selamat. To HE, we explained our research, education, and relationship with many Japanese organizations.




Congratulation to both Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda and Dr. Shahira Liza for receiving awards during MJIIT Staff Appreciation Day

Congratulation to both Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda and Dr. Shahira Liza for receiving awards during MJIIT Staff Appreciation Day

On 27 May 2022, Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda received two awards for high achievement in industrial and high achievement in a research grant. Both awards were given to Prof Fukuda for his excellent achievement in his research collaboration with the industrial industries. 
On the other hand, Dr. Shahira Liza also received the Young Researcher Award for her outstanding research achievement in MJIIT. 
Congratulations to Zaid on Receiving the Best Paper Award

Congratulations to Zaid on Receiving the Best Paper Award

On 28th November 2020, we`ve got big news where the members of TriPreM (Tribology and Precision Machining), Mr. Zaid under the supervision of Prof dr. Kanao Fukuda, MJIIT (Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology), UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) won the Best Paper Award at ITRS-2020 (International Tribology Symposium 2020) with our fundamental tribology research.