by syidah | Jun 19, 2020 | Awards, Journal & Conference, Latest Updates, Lectures, News, Publication, Symposium
On 30th January 2020, Prof Kanao Fukuda was invited to give a speech about “Effects of trace humidity in atmospheric gas on the tribological behaviors of metallic materials” at Hydrogen Tribology Symposium held by Kyushu University.

On 5th Feb., he visited the facilities of Prof. Ohtake and Assoc. Prof. Akasaka of Tokyo Institute of Technology where Dr. Shahira of TriPreM stays 6 months as a post-doctoral researcher. Their research activities are fabulous. We got an agreement to start PG students exchange and collaborative research. I also saw my long-time acquaintances, Prof. Masuko, and Prof. Kyogoku at the Suzukake-dai campus of Tokyo Tech.

by syidah | Jan 10, 2020 | Awards, Journal & Conference, Latest Updates, News, Publication, Symposium
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On 20 December 2019, we had the last rin-Koh (輪講) for the year 2019 and it was given by our guest student Mr. Kawaguchi from Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan. This is the last day for him in our laboratory. After the rin-Koh, we had a farewell party for him and a year-end celebration party (忘年会). Keep in touch, Mr. Kawaguchi!

by syidah | Dec 20, 2019 | Awards, Journal & Conference, Latest Updates, Lectures, News, Publication, Symposium
On 6th Dec. 2019, TriPreM organized special lectures presented by our guests, Prof. Hanahara and Prof. Mizumoto from Iwate University, Japan. Thanks to the professors for their precious talks. Thank you very much for your valuable lecture and for visiting us. We are looking forward to more visit from them.

by syidah | Dec 20, 2019 | Awards, Journal & Conference, Latest Updates, Lectures, News, Publication, Symposium
On 3rd December, TriPreM had the honor of having a visit by His Excellency Hiroshi OKA, Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia. Thank you for visiting and leaving your signature to TriPreM.

by syidah | Dec 20, 2019 | Awards, Journal & Conference, Latest Updates, Lectures, News, Publication, Symposium
On 29th November, Assoc. Prof. Isobe from the Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan visited TriPreM. We got an agreement to start collaborative research. Their student carried out the tribology tests of their sample under TriPreM research officer instruction and obtained interesting results. We are looking forward to further development of the relationship and more visit from him.

by syidah | Dec 20, 2019 | Awards, Latest Updates, Lectures, News, Publication, Symposium
On November 29, we had a photo session for TriPreM 2019-2020 season members. Again we have many active members in this season.