+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my
Congratulations to Damira on Receiving the Gold Award

Congratulations to Damira on Receiving the Gold Award

On 17th June 2021, we`ve got big news where the members of TriPreM (Tribology and Precision Machining), Ms. Damira under the supervision of Dr. Shahiraliza, MJIIT (Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology), UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) won 2 awards. First, the Gold Award in Graduate Research Exhibition 2021 and second, 3rd Placed in Material Lectures Competition (UTM-MLC) 2021. Congratulations to Damira on receiving the Awards.




Congratulations to Zaid on Receiving the Best Paper Award

Congratulations to Zaid on Receiving the Best Paper Award

On 28th November 2020, we`ve got big news where the members of TriPreM (Tribology and Precision Machining), Mr. Zaid under the supervision of Prof dr. Kanao Fukuda, MJIIT (Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology), UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) won the Best Paper Award at ITRS-2020 (International Tribology Symposium 2020) with our fundamental tribology research.



Congratulations to Ridhwan and Illiannie on Receiving the Final Year Project Special Awards

Congratulations to Ridhwan and Illiannie on Receiving the Final Year Project Special Awards

Ahmad Ridhwan Bin Kamel

Nurul Illiannie Binti Azman

MJIIT FINAL YEAR PROJECT SYMPOSIUM 2020 is a showcase for undergraduate research across disciplines to present about their final year project. The Symposium includes poster and presentation sessions by students. The symposium was examined by Industrial and Academic panels with different backgrounds to evaluate students’ project.

There are two categories nominated which areThe Best Final Year Project and Final Year Project Special Awards. Congratulations to our TriPreM Undergraduate students,Ahmad Ridhwan Bin Kamel and Nurul Illiannie Binti Azman on winning the Final Year Project Special Award.

Ridhwan and Illiannie presented their project on “Tribological characterization for polyoxymethylene reinforced by oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) natural fiber” and “Effects of Interval Time on Friction Force of Light Load Bearing” respectively.

MJIIT Appreciation Day 2020

MJIIT Appreciation Day 2020

On 18th September 2020, The event of MJIIT Appreciation Day 2020 was held at Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur. Good news for TriPreM members because 3 of our members won the prizes. the first award, “Most Inspiring Lecturer” for Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur’azah,  second award, “Best Master Project Supervisor” for Dr. Shahira Liza, and third award “High Achievement in Research Grants” for Prof. Dr. Fukuda. A memorial photograph was taken with Pro-Vice-Chancellor (UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus) Prof. Dr. Shamsul Sahibuddin and MJIIT Dean Prof. Dr. Ali Selamat.