Congratulations to Ikmal Danial on winning 3rd Prize in Poster Presentation

Congratulations to TriPreM 2017/2018 Final Year Student, Ikmal Danial bin Musa on winning the 3rd Prize in MPE (Mechanical Precision Engineering Dep.) at MJIIT Final Year Project poster presentation on 15 May 2018 for project titled “Wear Particle Generation in Adhesive Wear Mechanism“. As quoted by his supervisor, Prof Kanao Fukuda, “His sincere efforts leaded to the award”. Congrats!

Congatulation to Dr. Shahira Liza

TriPreM wishes to congratulate our member Dr. Shahira Liza Kamis for winning Best Poster Award titled Fabrication of Hard Composite Anodic Films on Aluminium Alloy at THE 5TH MECHANICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH DAY organized by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Centre for Advanced Research on Energy on 3rd May 2018