by hazfarahin | Feb 22, 2019 | Latest Updates, Lectures, News, Slider, Symposium
On 22 February 2019, Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda was invited to give a lecture titled “Introduction to Tribology and How It Contributes to Industries” at PROTON Research & Development, Shah Alam. The lecture was assisted by the PROTON’s Head of Advanced Engineering, Ir. Azmi bin Osman and was attended by PROTON’S engineers. Fruitful discussion was made between PROTON R&D and TriPreM members.

by hazfarahin | Jan 29, 2019 | Latest Updates, Lectures, News, Slider, Symposium
On 29 January 2019, our Head of iKohza, Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda was invited to give a speech for for Tokai tribology workshop at Meijyo University, Nagoya. His speech was entitled “Relationship between water in environmental gases and friction and wear phenomena”.

by hazfarahin | Jan 2, 2019 | Latest Updates, Lectures, News, Slider, Symposium

Wishing every day of the new year to be filled with success, happiness and prosperity.
Quoting the 2019 NEW YEAR ADDRESS BY THE VICE CHANCELLOR of UTM, Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wahid Omar, “What is needed is a continuous effort that is persistent and sincere that will lead us to more successes. This is the opportunity that we need to seize while stepping into the new year 2019.”
by hazfarahin | Jan 2, 2019 | Latest Updates, Lectures, News, Slider, Symposium, Uncategorized
TriPreM is pleased to welcome 3 Professors of their respective field to the laboratory on 18 December 2018.
The distinguished guests are:
- Professor Ir. Dr. Masjuki Bin Haji Hassan – University of Malaya
- Prof. Dr. Mohd Hasbullah B Hj. Idris – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Prof. Dr. Izman Bin Sudin – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

by hazfarahin | Jul 18, 2018 | Latest Updates, News, Slider, Symposium
TriPreM is honored to welcome the respective delegates, Mr. Taro Kono,Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan accompanied by Ambassador Miyagawa and Dean of MJIIT, Prof. Dr. Ali Selamat on July 11, 2018