+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my


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  1. Prof. Madya Dr. Nur’Azah Abdul Manaf, “Darjah Kebesaran Johan Mahkota Wilayah (J.M.W) by KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta’in Billah”, Hari Wilayah Persekutuan 2022.


  1. Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda, “High Achievement in Industrial and High Achievement in a Research Grant”, MJIIT Appreciation Day 2022, Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
  2. Dr. Shahira Liza Khamis, “Young Researcher “,  MJIIT Appreciation Day 2022, Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur.


  1. Zaid Ali Subhi (PhD student) and Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda (Lecturer), ”The Best Paper Award 2020”, award in The Organizing Committee of International Tribology Research Symposium (ITRS) 2020, Virtually in India.
  2. Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda (Lecturer), “High Achievement in Research Grants” Award in MJIIT Appreciation Day 2020, Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
  3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur’azah Abdul Manaf ( Lecturer), “Most Inspiring Lecturer” Award in MJIIT Appreciation Day 2020, Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
  4. Dr. Shahira Liza Khamis (Lecturer), “Best Master Project Supervisor” Award in MJIIT Appreciation Day 2020, Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur.


  1. Dr. Shaira Liza Binti Khamis (Lecturer), Hitachi Research Support Program The award, “Effect of biological constituents of synovial fluid on the tribological performance of hydrogenated and non-hydrogenated DLC coatings” 1st Nov 2019 to 30 April 2020 (6 months).
  2. Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda (Lecturer), Second Prize (Mechanical Field) in Technology Seeds Competition 2019, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
  3. Nur Farhana Binti Mat Isa (PhD Student), The Best Poster Award in  7th International Symposium on Applied Engineering and Science, SAES 2019 at Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM for her research title “Surface Texturing Overcomes the Humidity Limitation of Triboelectric Nanogenerator Performance”
  4. Nur Hidayah Binti Shahemi (Master Student), The Best Poster Award in International Tribology Conference, ITC Sendai 2019, Japan for her research titled “Effect of Modifying UHMWPE Using Graphene Oxide and Graphite Flakes as Fillers on Protein Adsorption and Wear Behaviour”.
  5. Muhammad Saifulnizam B. Mohd Yunus (FYP Student 2018/2019), the Best Manufacturing Project Award in MJIIT FINAL YEAR PROJECT SYMPOSIUM 2019 for his research titled “Tribological Characterization of Anodic Composite Film Reinforced with Fly Ash Particles“.
  6. Shukri Nazri (FYP Student 2018/2019), The Best Manufacturing Project Award in MJIIT FINAL YEAR PROJECT SYMPOSIUM 2019 for his research titled “Tribological Characterization for Polyoxymethylene (POM) Reinforced by Oilpalm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB)”.
  7. Muhammad Amirul Adha Bin Mohd Khalid, The Best Final Year Project Award in MJIIT FINAL YEAR PROJECT SYMPOSIUM 2019 for his research titled “Multiple Lubricant with Ultrasonic Excitation”.
  8. Syazwani Mohamad (Master Student), Golden Award in Materials Technology Challenges (MTC2019) for her research titled “Strengthening of Mechanical Properties of Oxide Films Formed on Aluminium Alloy with the Addition of Graphite“.


  1. Dr. Shahira Liza Binti Khami, Won Competitive research funds International collaborative research at the School of Engineering Tokyo Tech. “Effect of biological constituents of synovial fluid on the tribological performance of diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings. 28th October 2018 until 6th November 2018.
  2. Afiqah Abdul Rahman (Master Student), 3rd Prize in JACTIM Research Proposal Competition 2018 – Master Category for her research titled “Resin Material Used for Permeation Tube Method Humidifier (PTMH)
  3. Ikmal Danial Musa (2017/2018 FYP Student), 3rd Prize in Best Poster Award for MPE Final Year Project Poster Presentation for his project titled “Wear Particle Generation in Adhesive Wear Mechanism”. Awarded by MJIIT, UTM.
  4. Dr. Shahira Liza Kamis (Senior Lecturer),  Best Poster Award at the 5th Mechanical Engineering Research Day for the “Fabrication of Hard Composite Anodic Films Aluminium Alloy” poster. Awarded by Universiti Teknikal Malaysia.
  5. Yap Kian Kun (Assistant Research Officer), Anugerah Tan Sri Hj Yusoff Ibrahim as the Best Final Year Project OVERALL WINNER at The 59th Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) Annual General Meeting on 21 April 2018 for “Influences of Adsorbed Water on Adhesive Wear” Final Year Project. Awarded by IEM and delivered by IR. DR. Tan Yean Chin.
  6. Nur Hidayah Shahemi (Master Student), Publish a Journal Paper TitleLong-term Wear Failure Analysis of UHMWPE acetabular Cup in Total Hip Replacement” in Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Material, Q1 with 3.485 impact factor (2018)


  1. Lim Chin Yee (Undergraduate students, Supervisor: Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda), Best Poster Award at the Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium (MJTS2017) for “Influencing Factors of Relative Humidity on Bearing Systems in the Piano” poster. Awarded by MJIIT.
  2. Muhammad Faidhi Radzi (Undergraduate student, Supervisor: Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda), Excellent Poster Award at the Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium 2017 (MJTS2017) for “Influences of Humidity on Tribological Properties of Non-Lubricated Ball Bearings” poster. Awarded by MJIIT.
  3. Yap Kian Kun (Undergraduate students, Supervisor: Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda), Excellent Poster Award at the Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium (MJTS2017) for “Influences of Laplace Force due to Adsorbed Water on Ball-on-ball Micro-sliding Test” poster. Awarded by MJIIT.


  1. Chai Chee Yike, Lim Chinn Yee, Sri Prakatiswaran Mohana Dass, Yap Kian Kun (Undergraduate students, Supervisor: Prof Dr Kanao Fukuda), Best Proposal Award at the JACTIM Research Proposal Competition 2016 for “Application of Triboelectric Nano-Generator into Braking System” project. Awarded by MJIIT.


  1. Sangeeth Suresh (PhD student, supervised by Dr. Aung Lwin Moe), Best Paper Award for “Optimization of Electrode Material for EDM Die Sinking of Titanium Alloy Grade-5 Ti6A14V”, Science and Engineering Technology National Conference 2015, 26 to 27 October 2015, Bangi-Putrajaya, Selangor, Malaysia.


  1. Dr Aung Lwin Moe: ASEAN Engineers Register (AER-ID 5196), awarded title of ASEAN Engineer. Awarded by Conference of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO) Committee.
  2. Zaid Ali Subhi (PhD student, Supervisor: Prof Dr Kanao Fukuda) : Excellent Student Research Award at the 3rd Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium (MJTS 2014). Awarded by MJIIT.
  3. Sangeeth Suresh (PhD student, Supervisor: Dr Aung Lwin Moe) : Best Presenter Award at the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2014). Awarded by the ICIEA committee.


  1. Prof Dr Kanao Fukuda: Tribology Online Best Paper Award 2012 for “Influences of Trace Water in a Hydrogen Environment on the Tribological Properties of Pure Iron” research paper. Awarded by Japanese Society of Tribologists. Link to paper abstract and Link to photo gallery.
  2. Assoc Prof Nur’azah Abdul Manaf: Best Presentation Award of International Conference on Science and Engineering 2013. Awarded by ICSE Committee.
  3. Zaid Ali Subhi (PhD student, Supervisor: Prof Dr Kanao Fukuda) : TTRF (Taiho Kogyo Tribology Foundation) Grant Award. Awarded by TAIHO KOGYO CO.,LTD. (大豊工業株式会社).


  1. Prof Dr Kanao Fukuda: Distinguished Presentation Award of International HYDROGENIUS and I2CNER Joint Symposium. Awarded by International HYDROGENIUS and I2CNER Joint Symposium Committee.


Keynote speeches/Invited talks

  1. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), Engineering and culture in Malaysia and Japan”, International Workshop, Seminar & Innovations (IWSI) – Japanese Meet Malays, UiTM Penang, 7 Jan 2021
  2. Kanao Fukuda (Keynote), “Importance of the Study in Fundamental Wear Mechanism and Data Analysis – Spatiotemporal Mapping Analysis -” TRIBOINDIA 2020, 9-11 Dec. 2020.
  3. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), “Importance of environmental humidity measurement and control on tribology research,” JAPAN MEASURING INSTRUMENTS FEDERATION, 24 Sep. 2019
  4. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), “Introduction to Tribology and How It Contributes to Industries”, PROTON R&D, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 22 February 2019.
  5. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), “Relationship between water in environmental gases and friction and wear phenomena”, Tokai Tribology Workshop, Meijyo University, Nagoya, 29 January 2019.
  6. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), “Mechanisms how water in environmental gases influence friction and wear phenomena”, Meijo University, Japan, 29 January 2019.
  7. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), “Influences of Atmospheric Humidity on Adhesion of Sliding Bodies in Contact” 2017 HYDROGENIUS & I2CNER Tribology Symposium, Kyushu University, Ito Campus, Fukuoka, Japan.
  8. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), 「凝着摩耗機構解明にむけて」, ADEKA Corporation, Japan, 24th Jun. 2016.
  9. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), ”Tribology and Machining Process,” ROHM-WAKO ELECTRONICS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD., 17th Apr. 2016.
  10. Kanao Fukuda (Keynote speech), “The influences of Atmospheric Gas Environments on the Tribological Properties of Materials,” Advancement on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology (ADMMET 2015), Bandung, Indonesia, 24-26 Nov. 2015.
  11. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk),「トライボロジー研究と雰囲気制御」,東京都市大学, 28th Jan. 2014.
  12. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), “Tribology and influencing factors,” International Conference on Science and Engineering 2013, Yangon, Myanmar, , 9-10 Dec. 2013.
  13. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), トライボロジーオンライン論文賞受賞講演 “Friction and Wear of Ferrous Materials in a Hydrogen Gas Environment,” Japanese Society of Tribologists, 21st May 2013.
  14. Kanao Fukuda (Keynote speech), “Hydrogen Energy System and Tribology,” Proceedings of WRICET2012 (World Research &Innovation Convention on Engineering & Technology), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, K07, ISBN 978-967-960-329-3 ©2012 MySET, 3-5 Dec. 2012.
  15. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), ”Tribology Fundamentals and Hydrogen Energy.” Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 19th Apr. 2012.
  16. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), ”Tribology and Environmental Gases, ” International Islam Universiti Malaysia, 24th Mar. 2012.
  17. Kanao Fukuda (Invited talk), 「摩擦摩耗特性の研究における微量水分測定の重要性」,第12回温度湿度クラブ, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 7th Feb. 2012.
  18. Kanao Fukuda (Keynote speech), “Influences of Trace Water in a Hydrogen Environment on the Tribological Properties of Pure Iron,” ITC2011 Hiroshima, 2nd Nov. 2011.


Intellectual Properties

  1. Shahira Liza Kamis, Syazwani binti Mohammad, Noor Ayuma Binti Mat Tahir, & Yazid bin Yaakob, “Development of Carbon Based Material Reinforced Oxide Film on Aluminium alloy“. filed as copyright, IP/CR/02302, 2021.
  2. Kanao Fukuda and Kian Kun Yap, “Transmission,” filed as Malaysian patent, Jun 2018.



  1. Dr. Jun Ishimatsu: Development of Prototype Waveplate System In TriPreM,  1 May 2022 – 30 April 2023, Industry-International Incentive Grant (IIG Grant)


  1. Dr. Shahira Liza Binti Khamis: Tribological evaluation of self-lubricating composite coating, Taiho Kogyo Tribology Research Foundation (TTRF), Dec. 2021 –Nov 2021, International Funding– Grant.
  2. Dr. Shahira Liza Binti Khamis: Composite oxide coating, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Apr. 2021 – Mac 2023, International Funding– Grant.
  3. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda: NSK Ltd, Feb. 2021 – Jan. 2024, International Funding/Contract Research – Grant.


      1. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda: NSK Ltd, Jan. 2021 – Jan. 2021, International Funding/Contract Research – Grant


  1. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda:  NSK Ltd, Jan 2019 – Dec 2019, International Funding/Contract Research
  2. Dr. Shahira Liza Kamis: “Photochemical Texturing of Metal Surfaces For Tribological Optimization“, Grant received from UTM. Grant name: FRGS


  1. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda: IHI Corporation, 2018-2020, International Funding/Contract Research
  2. Dr. Shahira Liza Kamis: “Fabrication of Hard Composite Anodic Films on Aluminium Alloy“, Grant received from UTM. Grant name: TIER 2


  1. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda: IHI Corporation, 2017-2018, International Funding/Contract Research
  2. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda: Daiichi Kagaku Inc., Japan, 2017-2019, International Funding/Contract Research


  1. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda: 「ピアノアクションにおける摩擦に及ぼす材質と湿度の影響」, Kawai Foundation For Sound Technology & Music, International Funding/a grant-in-aid of research
  2. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda: IHI Corporation, International Funding/Contract Research


  1. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda: “Influence of Atmospheric Humidity on Various Tribological Phenomena”, Grant received from UTM. Award Name: Matching Grant
  2. Dr. Jun Ishimatsu: “Development of Ultrasonically Exciter”, Grant received from UTM. Award Name: PAS


  1. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda: 「多元情報の客観的複合解析を応用したしゅう動初期不安定要因の解析」Award name: 科学研究費補助金基盤 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Foundation)
  2. Dr. Aung Lwin Moe: “Development of New Lapping Technology for Aspherical Lens Mold Using CNC Machine” grant received from UTM. Award Name: GUP Grant


  1. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda: Grant received from Seagate Technologies LCC. Award Name: International Funding/Contract Research
  2. Prof Dr. Kanao Fukuda: “Innovative Data Collection and Numerical Data Analysis to Reveal Fundamental Wear Mechanisms” grant received from Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). Award Name: FRGS
  3. Dr. Aung Lwin Moe: “Development of High-Speed Lapping Technology for Aspherical Lens by Using a CNC Machine” grant received from MJIIT UTM. Award Name: MJIIT Research Grant


  1. Prof Dr Kanao Fukuda: “Fundamental Research in Tribological Phenomena” grant received from MJIIT UTM. Award name: MJIIT Research Grant


  1. Prof Dr Kanao Fukuda: 「摩擦摩耗における多元情報の客観的複合解析技術の開発」 grant received from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 23560163. Award name: 科学研究費補助金基盤 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Foundation)




  1. Kian Kun Yap, Kanao Fukuda, Jenifer Renee Vail, Janet wong, Marc Arthur Masen. Spatiotemporal Mapping for in-situ and Real-time tribological Analysis in Polymer-Metal Contact. Tribology International, Volume 171, 107533.
  2. Afiqah A. Rahman, Kanao fukuda. Dependence of Humidification by Permeation tube Method on Internal Gas Pressure. International Journal of Engineering Advanced Research / Vol 4 No. 1 (2022): March 2022.
  3. Nur Hidayah Shahemi, Shahiraliza, Yoshinori Sawae, Takahiro Morita, hinori Shinmori, Yazid Yaakob. Effect of Surface Wettability and Thermal conductivity on The Wear Performance of Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene/Graphite and Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene/Graphene Oxide Composites. Polymers for Advanced Technologies – Volume 33, Issue 6 / p. 1916-1932.
  4. Noor Ayuma Mat Tahir, Shahira Liza, kanao Fukuda, Syazwani Muhammad, Mohammad Zakir Fathi Hashimi, Mohd Saifulnizam Mohd Yunus, Yazid Yaakob, Intan Sharhida Othman. Surface Tribological Properties of Oxide Films on Aluminium Alloy Through Fly-Ash Reinforcement. Journal / Coating / Volume 12 / Issue 2 / 10.3390.


  1. N Shahemi, S Liza, Y Sawae, T Morita, K Fukuda, Yyaakob. The Relations Between Wear Behaviour And Basic Material Properties of Graphene-Based Materials Reinforced Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 1-19
  2. KF Chan, MHM Zaid, MS Mamat, S Liza, M Tanemura, Y Yaakob. Recent Developments in Carbon Nanotubes-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites: A Review on Dispersion and Densification Techniques. Crystals 11 (5), 457
  3. KF Chan, MHM Zaid, S Liza, MS Mamat, KA Matori, NA Endot. Tuning the Optical Bandgap of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Modified Zinc Silicate Glass-Ceramic Composites. Ceramics International 47(14) 20108-20116
  4. Frantisek Lofaj, Hiroyoshi Tanaka, Radovan Bures, Yoshinori Sawae, Margita Kabatova, Kanao Fukuda. The Effect of Humidity on Friction Behavior of Hydrogenated HIPIMS W-C:H Coatings. Surface and Coating Technology – Volume 428, November 2021, 127899.
  5. Mohd Adib Azan, Kar Fei Chan, Khairun Afiqa Jofri, Md Shuhazlly Mamat, Nor Azam Endot, Shhaira Liza, Ismayadi Ismail, Mohd Zobir Hussien, Masaki Tanemura, Yazid Yaakob. Waste NR Latex Based-Precursors as Carbon Source for CNTs Eco-Fabrications. Journal / Polymers / Volume 13 / Issue 19.
  6. Shahira Liza, Nur Hidayah Shahemi, Tan Mean Yee, Sharifah Khadijah Syed Mud Puad.  Book Chapter – Biomedical Tribology. 1st Edition-202-CRC Press – 25 Pages- ebook ISBN 9781003092162.
  7. Kar Fei Chan, Mohd Hafiz Mohd Zaid, Shahira Liza, Md Suhazlly Mamat, Khamirul Amin Matori, Nor Azam Endot, Masaki Tanemura, Yazid Yaakob.  Turning the Optical BandGap of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Modified Zinc Silicate Glass-Ceramic Composites. Ceramics International – Volume 47, Issue 14, 15 July 2021, Pages 20108-20116.
  8. Kar Fei Chan, Mohd Hafiz Mohd Zaid, Md Shuhazlly Mamat, Shahira Liza, Masaki Tanemura, Yazid Yaakob. Recent Developments in Carbon Nanotubes-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites: A review on Dispersion and Densification techniques. Journals / Crystals / Volume 11 / Issue 5.
  9. Nur Hidayah Shahemi, Shahira Liza Kamis, Yoshinori Sawae, Takehiro Morita.  Effect of Protein Interactions on the UHMWPE Composites After the Multidirectional Wear Test. 
  10. Mohd Adib Hazan, Kar Fei Chan, Khairun Afiqa Jofri, Md Shuhazlly Mamat, Nor Azam Endot, Shahira Liza, Ismayadi Ismail, Mohd Zobir Hussien, Masaki Tanemura, Yazis Yaakob. Waste NR Latex Based-Precursors as Carbon Sorce for CNTs Eco-Fabrications. Polymers 2021,1313409.
  11. Shahira Liza Kamis, Mohd Amirul Che Lah, Nuratika Shaheera Rahama, Nor Ashwani Abd Rahim.  Fabrication and Tribological Characterization of Aluminium Alloy by using Photochemical Machining. Jurnal Tribologi 28 (2021) 82-95.
  12. Shahira Liza Khamis, Nur Hidayah Shahemi. Carbon-Based MAterial Reinforced Ultrahigh Molecular Weight polyethylene and Biocomposites. Biocomposite Material / pp229-250


  1. KF Chan, MHM Zaid, S Liza, KA Matori, MS Mamat, MA Hazan, Y Yaakob. Effect of CNT on microstructural properties of Zn2SiO4/CNT composite via dry powder processing. Materials Research Express, 2020, 7(10), 105601
  2. S. Mohamad, S. Liza, Y. Yaakob. Strengthening of the mechanical and tribological properties of composite oxide film formed on aluminum alloy with the addition of graphite. Surface and Coatings Technology 403. 126435 (Corresponding Author)
  3. N.A. Mat Tahir, M.F.B. Abdollah, N. Tamaldin, H. Amiruddin, M.R.B. Mohamad Zin, S. Liza. Tribological performance of the graphene synthesized from fruit cover plastic waste and oil palm fiber using a CVD method. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 72(6), 771-777
  4. M.Y. Tan, S. Liza, Khadijah S.M.P, A.A. Abbas, A.M. Merican, K.A. Ayob, N.W.M. Zulkifli, H.H. Masjuki. ”Surface analysis of early retrieved polyethylene tibial inserts for both knees in total knee replacement”. Engineering Failure Analysis 109, January 2020, 104279 IF 2.897.
  5. Khadijah S.M.P, S. Liza, A.A. Abbas, A.M. Merican, K.A. Ayob. “Surface analysis of retrieved bilateral UHMWPE tibial inserts under varus malalignment condition”. Engineering Failure Analysis 118, December 2020, 104850 IF 2.897.
  6. S. Mohamad, S. Liza, Y. Yaakob. “Strengthening of the mechanical and tribological properties of composite oxide film formed on aluminum alloy with the addition of graphite”. Surface and Coatings Technology 403, December 2020, 126435 IF 3.784.
  7. Lofaj, F., Tanaka, H., Bureš, R., Sawae, Y., Kabátová, M., Fukuda, K., “The effect of humidity on friction behavior of hydrogenated HIPIMS W-C:H coatings,” Surface and Coatings Technology, 2021, 428, 127899, [ISSN: 0257-8972, SCOPUS 2020 SJR=0.904 SNIP =1.380, Web of Science 2020 IF=4.158, Q1]
  8. Fukuda, K., “Influences of trace water derived from an atmospheric environment on the sliding of solid materials,” Toraibarojisuto/Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists, 2020, 63(10)603-609 (ISSN: 0915-1168, SCOPUS 2019 SJR=0.119, SNIP =0.102)


  1. Noor Dalilah A Manaf, Kanao Fukuda, Zaid Ali Subhi and Muhammad Faidhi Mohd Radzi, “Influences of Surface Roughness on the Water Adsorption on Austenitic Stainless Steel, ” Journal of Tribology International, Volume 136, Pages 75-81,  ISI Q1 IF 3.246 (2018), (ISSN:0301-679X) .
  2.  Kanao Fukuda, Sie Leeh Sheng and Zaid Ali Subhi, “Tribological Behavior of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Surfaces in Atmosphere with Different Relative Humidity,” Tribology Online, Accepted.


  1. Nur Hidayah Shahemi, Shahira Liza Kamis, Azlina Amir Abbas, Azhar Mahmood Merican “Long-term Wear Failure Analysis of UHMWPE Acetabular Cup in Total Hip Replacement,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volumes 87, Pages 1-9, (ISSN: 1751-6161)


  1. Kanao Fukuda and Takehiro Morita, “Physical model of adhesive wear in early stage of sliding,” Wear, Volumes 376–377, Part B, Pages 1528–1533, DOI information: 10.1016, ISI Q1 IF 2.323 (2017), (ISSN: 0043-1648)
  2. Gafurjan Ibragimov, Anvarjon Akhmedov, Puteri Nur Izzati, Nur’azah Abdul Manaf. “Pursuit Differential Game Described by Infinite First Order 2-Systems of Differential Equations” Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, MJMS, 2017
  3. Sabariah bt Baharub, Nur’azah bt Abdul Manaf, Mohd Naz’ri bin Mahrin,”Mapping Skills Education Through Social Media Platform for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Malaysia “Social Sciences Postgraduate International Seminar (SSPIS) 2017


  1. Zahriddin Muminov, Nur’Azah Abdul Manaf and Utkir Kuljanov. Spectral properties of the discrete Schrödinger operator with non-local potential” AIP Conf. Proc. 1739, 020013 (2016) doi:10.1063/1.4952493


  1. Zaid Ali Subhi, Kanao Fukuda, Takehiro Morita and Joichi Sugimura, “Analysis on the Mechanism of Humidity to Influence the Very Early Stage of Sliding under Different Load” Tribology Online, 10, 6 (2015) 420-427. (ISSN: 1881-218X, SCOPUS SJR (2014)=0.265)
  2. Kanao Fukuda, “Influences of a Hydrogen Environment on the Friction and Wear of Metallic Materials”, J. Japanese Society of Tribologists, 60, 10 (2015) 632-637. (ISSN: 0915-1168, SCOPUS SJR (2014) =0.110)
  3. Zaid Ali Subhi, Kanao Fukuda, Takehiro Morita and Joichi Sugimura, “Quantitative Estimation of Adsorbed Water Layer on Austenitic Stainless Steel,” Tribology Online, 10, 5 (2015) 314-319. (ISSN: 1881-218X, SCOPUS SJR(2014)=0.265)
  4. Kanao Fukuda and Takehiro Morita, “Objective and Combinational Analysis of Multiple Kinds of Data Obtained from Severe-Mild Wear Transition”, Advanced Materials Research, 1112 (2015) 345-348. (ISSN: 1022-6680)
  5. Kanao Fukuda, Zaid Ali Subhi and Takehiro Morita, “Analytical Study on the Growth and Transfer of Adhesive Substance Generated on the Surface in the Early Stage of Sliding”,  Wear (2015), pp. 64-69, DOI information: 10.1016/j.wear.2014.11.009(ISSN: 0043-1648, SCOPUS SJR (2013) =1.596, ISI 5-Year IF (2013)=2.243)
  6. Muhammad Faiz Bin WAHAB, Aung Lwin MOE, Aminudin Bin ABU, Zulkifli Bin Yaacob, Ari Legowo, “Development of Automated Parallel Parking System in Small Mobile Vehicle”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 16, September 2015.pp 7107-7112 (ISSN 1819-6608), SCOPUS SNIP (2014) =0.66
  7. Oo Kyaw Nyein, Aung Lwin MOE, Aminudin Bin ABU, “Numerical Analysis of vehicle Exhaust System to Determine Hanger Location Using Root Mean Square Value”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 15, August 2015, pp 6209-6213 . (ISSN 1819-6608), SCOPUS SNIP (2014) =0.66
  8. N.M.R Raihan, Aminudin B. Abu, Aung L. Moe, H.M.Y Norfazrina, A.W. Azella, and R.M.S Zetty, “Modal Investigation Based on Aluminum Alloy Mass Modification”,  Advances in Applied Plasma Science, Vol.10, 2015, pp-79
  9. Aung Lwin Moe, Aminudin Bin AB, Yin Thu Win, Sanda Pyae Sone, “Experimental Modal Analysis of Self-excited Vibration in Developed Lapping Tool” Advances in Applied Plasma Science, Vol.10, 2015, pp-76
  10. Zetty R.M.S, Aminudin B.A., Aung L.M., Khalid, M.K., Norfazrina H.M.Y and Raihan N.M.R, Investigation of Sensitivity Effect Based on Mass and Stiffness Modification in Automobile Crankshaft”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 752-753 (2015) pp 839-844 (ISSN: 1662-8985) doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.752-753.839, SCOPUS Indexed
  11. Aung Lwin MOE, Ahmad Aizuddin Abd AZIZ and Muhammad Fitri YAHYA, Prediction of Surface Roughness Improvement and its Limitation in Automated Precision Mold Lapping”, Plasma Application & Hybrid Functionally Materials, Vol.24, March 2015, pp51-52 (ISSN 1340-9557)
  12. Ahmad Aizuddin Abd AZIZ, Aung Lwin MOE, Aminudin ABU and Shamsuddin Bin SULAIMAN, “Analysis of Complex Plastics Shell Injection Molding Processes by Mold-flow Insight”, Plasma Application & Hybrid Functionally Materials, Vol.24, March 2015, pp 85-86 (ISSN 1340-9557)
  13. Myintzu Phyo AUNG and Aung Lwin MOE, Extraction of Myanmar Noun Phrase Using Maximum Matching Approach”, Plasma Application & Hybrid Functionally Materials, Vol.24, March 2015, pp 87-88 (ISSN 1340-9557)
  14. Siti Aminah Mohamad SAPAWI, Aminudin ABU and Aung Lwin MOE, “Mechanical Behavior of Hybrid Jute/Flax Epoxy Composite”, Plasma Application & Hybrid Functionally Materials, Vol.24, March 2015, pp 43-44 (ISSN 1340-9557)
  15. Ahmad Aizuddin Abd Aziz, Shamsuddin Sulaiman, Aung Lwin Moe and Aminuddin Bin Abu, “Investigation of Plastic Injecting Moulding Process Optimization in Complex Shape Product”, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 695 (2015) pp 260-264, © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland , doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.695.260, SCOPUS Indexed
  16. Yin Thu Win, Aung Lwin Moe and Aung Ko Ko Thet, “Design and Implementation of Shift Frequency Measurement System for Metal Detect”, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 695 (2015) pp 844-849, © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland , doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.695.844, SCOPUS Indexed
  17. Myintzu Phyo Aung and Aung Lwin Moe, “New Phrase Chunking Algorithm for Myanmar Natural Language Processing”, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 695 (2015) pp 548-552, © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland , doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.695.548, SCOPUS Indexed
  18. Sangeeth Suresh, Aung Lwin Moe, and Aminuddin bin Abu, “Defects Reduction in Manufacturing of Automobile Piston Ring Using Six Sigma,” Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 32-38, March 2015. doi: 10.12720/jiii.3.1.32-3
  19. Aminudin Bin ABU, Aung Lwin MOE, Asnizah SAHEKHAINI, Zetty Rohaiza MOHD SAHAK and Sanda Pyae SONE, “On the Improvement of Vibration Level of Crankshaft System Using Design of Experiment”, Journal of Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 41-46 (2015) January. (ISSN 1883-5589)
  20. N. Abdul Manaf, G. Ibragimov, M.R. Abu Bakar, “Utilization of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Method on the Survival Data of Leukemia Patients”,
    International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol 53, Issue 6, 2015 (ISSN: 0973-7545)


  1. N. Abdul Manaf, G. Ibragimov, M. R. Abu Bakar, “Utilization of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Method on the Survival Data of Leukemia Patients”, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 53, 6 (2015) 167-172. (ISSN: 0973-1377, SCOPUS SJR (2014) =0.118)
  2. Sangeeth Suresh, Aung Lwin Moe, Noor Shahfinas binti Ahmad and Suaidatun Najwa binti Sulaiman, “Experimental Study on the Determinants of Surface Finish in Automated Polishing of Moulds”, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 664 (2014) pp 122-127 Submitted: 27.08.2014 © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.664.122, SCOPUS Indexed
  3. Kanao Fukuda, “Tribology in Malaysia”, J. Japanese Society of Tribologists, 59, 9 (2014) 529-534. (ISSN: 0915-1168, SCOPUS SJR (2013) =0.122)
  4. Hsu Myat Shwe Sin, Aung Lwin Moe, Kanao Fukuda and Aminudin bin Abu,“Investigation of Severe Plastics Deformation in Commercially Pure Copper”,  Plasma Application and Hybrid Functionally Materials, Vol. 23, 2014, pp-41-42 (ISSN 1340-9557)
  5. Aminudin bin Abu and Aung Lwin Moe“Vibration Engineering and its Application in Malaysia” , Plasma Application and Hybrid Functionally Materials, Vol. 23, 2014, pp- 55-56 (ISSN 1340-9557)
  6. Aung Lwin Moe, Kanao Fukuda, Aminudin Bin Abu and Raihan Radzi, “An Investigation of Lapping Characteristics for Mirror-like Finish using a Lathe with Linear Motor”, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 564 (2014) pp 469-474 © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.564.469, SCOPUS Indexed
  7. Nur’azah Abdul Manaf, Ibragimov Gafurjan and Mohd. Rizam Abu Bakar, “Minimization of Negative Log Partial Likelihood Function Using Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space”, Modern Applied Science, Vol. 7, No. 12, p 140-146, 2014 (ISSN 1913-1844)


  1. Kanao Fukuda and Takehiro Morita, “Analytical method for temporal changes in repeated sliding phenomena,” Procedia Engineering, 68 (2013) 213-218. (ISSN: 1877-7058, SCOPUS SNIP =0.314)
  2. Zaid Ali Subhi, Takehiro Morita and Kanao Fukuda, “Analysis of Humidity Effects on Early Stage of Sliding,” Procedia Engineering, 68 (2013) 199-204. (ISSN: 1877-7058, SCOPUS SNIP =0.314)
  3. Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Influences of Trace Water in a Hydrogen Environment on the Tribological Properties of Pure Iron”, Tribology Online, 8, 1 (2013) 22-27.


  1. Kanao Fukuda, “Influencing Factors on the Wear of Materials”, J. Japanese Society of Tribologists, 57, 5 (2012) 327-332, SJR (2012) = 0.102
  2. Kanao Fukuda and Hisashi Abe, “Moisture controlling method and moisture controller”, Japanese patent filling No. 2012-176057.


  1. Kanao Fukuda, Masaaki Hashimoto and Joichi Sugimura, “Friction and Wear of Ferrous Materials in a Hydrogen Gas Environment”, Tribology Online, 6, 2 (2011) 142-147.


  1. Kanao Fukuda, Masaaki Hashimoto and Joichi Sugimura, “Effects of Trace Impurities in Hydrogen Environment on Tribological Properties of Steels”, J. Japanese Society of Tribologists, 55, 1 (2010) 53-61.
  2. Kanao Fukuda, Yoshie Kurono, Naoshi Izumi and Joichi Sugimura, “Influence of Trace Water and Oxygen in a Hydrogen Environment on Pure Fe Friction and Wear”, Tribology Online, 5, 2 (2010) 80-86.
  3. Ikuo Tanabe,  Tetsuro Iyama, Aung Lwin Moe, and Ryuichi Kondo, “High Speed polishing for Large Die and Mold”, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, Series C, Vol. 76, No. 772, 2010 (12) pp. 640-645.
  4. Aung Lwin Moe, Ikuo Tanabe, Tetsuro Iyama, and Fumiaki Nasu, “Lapping for Mirror-like Finish on Cylindrical Inner and End Surfaces using the Lathe with Linear Motor”, Journal of Machine Engineering. Vol.10, No.1, 2010 pp.13-25.
  5. Aung Lwin Moe, Ikuo Tanabe, Tetsuro Iyama, Fumiaki Nasu, “High Speed   Lapping for Mirror-like Finish using the Lathe with Linear Motor”, Journal of  Machine  Engineering. Vol. 10, No. 1, 2010 pp. 26-38.
  6. Tetsuro Iyama, Ikuo Tanabe, Aung Lwin Moe, Fumiaki Nasu, “Development of Lapping System Estimation of Finished Surface Roughness and its improvement Speed”, Journal of Machine Engineering. Vol. 10, No. 1, 2010 pp. 5-12


  1. Hiroyoshi Tanaka, Yoshinori Sawae, Kanao Fukuda, Shigemasa Yamagami, Takehiro Morita, Naoshi Izumi and Joichi Sugimura, “New Experiment System for Sliding Tests in Hydrogen and Surface Analysis with Transfer Vessel”, Tribology Online, 4, 4(2009) 82-87.


  1. Kanao Fukuda, “Combinational analysis of multi-data obtained in a repeated sliding system”, Wear, 264 (2008) 499-504.




  1. N.D.A. Manaf, K. Fukuda, Z.A. Subhi, M.F.M. Radzi, “Influences of surface roughness on water adsorption on austenitic stainless steel” Proceedings of Asia International Conference on Tribology 2018, pp. 453-454, September 2018.
  2. N. Md Ali, K. Fukuda, C. Y. Chai, T. Yamazaki, “Spatiotemporal mapping analysis on the sliding behavior of steels with different hardness,” Proceedings of Asia International Conference on Tribology 2018, pp. 480-481, September 2018.
  3. K. Fukuda, T. Morita, “Fundamental physical mechanisms of adhesive wear identified with spatiotemporal mapping analysis,” Proceedings of Asia International Conference on Tribology 2018, pp. 398-399, September 2018.
  4. K.K. Yap, K. Fukuda, Z.A. Subhi, “Effects of adsorbed water due to atmospheric humidity on ball-on-ball sliding contact” Proceedings of Asia International Conference on Tribology 2018, pp. 169-170, September 2018.


  1. N. Md Ali, K. Fukuda, T. Morita, and Z.A. Subhi, “Spatiotemporal Mapping Analysis on Tribo-Data in Boundary Lubrication”, 5th Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium 2017 (MJTS 2017), Aug. 28-29 2017, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 8-9.
  2. Shahira Liza Kamis, Tan Mean Yee, Nurin Wahidah Mohd Zulkifli, and Masjuki Hj. Hassan, “Tribological Performance of Textured Diamond Like Carbon Coating”, 5th Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium 2017 (MJTS 2017), Aug. 28-29 2017, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18-19.
  3. Z. A. Subhi and K. Fukuda, “Adhesion of Polyte-trafluoroethylene (PTFE) on SUS316 during the Initial State of Sliding at Different Atmospheric Humidity”, 5th Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium 2017 (MJTS 2017), Aug. 28-29 2017, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 32-33
  4. C.Y. Lim and K. Fukuda, “Influencing Factors of Relative Humidity on Bearing Systems in the Piano”, 5th Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium 2017 (MJTS 2017), Aug. 28-29 2017, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 48.
  5. K.K. Yap, K. Fukuda, and Z.A. Subhi, “Influences of Laplace Force due to Adsorbed Water on Ball-on-ball Micro-sliding Test”, 5th Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium 2017 (MJTS 2017), Aug. 28-29 2017, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 49.
  6. N.D.A. Manaf, K. Fukuda, Z.A. Subhi, and M.F.M. Radzi, “Influence of Humidity Level on Water Adsorption-Humidity Ratio”, 5th Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium 2017 (MJTS 2017), Aug. 28-29 2017, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 50.
  7. M.F.M. Radzi, K. Fukuda, and Z.A. Subhi, “Influences of Humidity on Tribological Properties of Non-Lubricated Ball Bearings”, 5th Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium 2017 (MJTS 2017), Aug. 28-29 2017, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 51.


  1. Zaid Ali Subhi and Kanao Fukuda, “Analysis on the Early Stage of Contact Adhesion in Different Relative Humidity,” Malaysia-Japan Joint International Conference (MJJIC 2016), Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-7 Sep. 2016.
  2. Ahmad Aizuddin Abd Aziz, Kanao Fukuda, Muhammad Faiz Wahab, Aminudin Abu, and Jun Ishimatsu, “An investigation of lapping characteristics of mirror-like surface finish for mold steel using developed lapping system,” Malaysia-Japan Joint International Conference (MJJIC 2016), Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-7 Sep. 2016.
  3. Z. A. Subhi and K. Fukuda, “Analysis on the Early Stage of Contact Adhesion in Different Relative Humidity,” 4th Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium 2016 (MJTS 2016), Aug. 25-26m 2016 Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 37-38.
  4. N. D. Manaf, K. Fukuda, Z. A. Subhi and M. F. M. Radzi, “Time Dependent Change of Water Adsorption on Austenitic Stainless Steel,” 4th Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium 2016 (MJTS 2016), Aug. 25-26m 2016 Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 41-42.
  1. Kanao Fukuda and Takehiro Morita, “Differences in Growth and Transfer of Adhesive Substance in Early Stage of Sliding between Austenitic Stainless Steel and Pure Cu,” International Tribology Conference, ITC TOKYO 2015 September 16th-20th, 2015, Tokyo, Japan.
  2. Zaid Ali Subhi, Kanao Fukuda, Takehiro Morita and Joichi Sugimura, “Interpretation of Adhesive Wear Mechanism Based on Findings in the Very Early Stage of Sliding”, WOM 2015, 20th International Conference on Wear of Materials, 12-16 April 2015, Toronto, Canada.
  3. Kanao Fukuda, Zaid Ali Subhi and Takehiro Morita, “Analytical Study on the Growth and Transfer of Adhesive Substances Generated on the Surface in the Early Stage of Sliding”, WOM 2015, 20th International Conference on Wear of Materials, 12-16 April 2015, Toronto, Canada.


  1. Aung Lwin Moe, Rory Padfield and Aminudin Bin Abu, “A Role of Engineering Education and the Infrastructure Development within Asean Region- Reviews”, Proceeding of the 32nd Conference of Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations, CAFEO 32 , 10-13 November , 2014, Yangon Myanmar.
  2. Kanao Fukuda and Takehiro Morita, “An Attempt at Analyzing Chronological Changes in Adhesive Wear -3,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May. 2014


  1. Zaid Ali Subhi, Kanao Fukuda, Takehiro Morita and Joichi Sugimura, “Tribological Behaviours of Austenitic Stainless Steel and OFHC Cu in the Earliest Stage of Sliding,” MJJIS 2013 Proceedings, 2013 November, Tokai University Shonan Campus.
  2. Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “The Influences of a Hydrogen Environment on the Tribological Properties of Pure Metals,” World Tribology Congress 2013 Torino, Italy, Sep.8-13, 2013.
  3. Kanao Fukuda and Takahiro Morita, “Influences of Material Properties on Adhesive Wear Mechanism,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May. 2013, A16. (Japanese)
  4. Zaid Ali Subhi, Kanao Fukuda and Takehiro Morita, “Influences of humidity on the early stage of sliding contact,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May. 2013, A31.
  5. Kanao Fukuda, Masaaki Hashimoto and Joichi Sugimura, “Friction and Wear of Ferrous Materials in a Hydrogen Gas Environment,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May. 2013, A30. (Japanese)
  6. Takahiro Morita, Takurou Konishi, Eiichi Miyakoshi, Hiroyoshi Tanaka, Kanao Fukuda, Yoshinori Sawae and Joichi Sugimura, “Effect of exposure to high pressure hydrogen on friction and wear of SUS316,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May. 2013, B17. (Japanese)
  7. Kanao Fukuda and Takahiro Morita, “Analysis of a Tribo-data Distribution on a Sliding Surface under Boundary Lubrication,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Fukuoka, Oct. 2013, C29. (Japanese)
  8. Zaid Ali Subhi, Kanao Fukuda, Takehiro Morita and Joichi Sugimura, “A Study on the mechanism of humidity to influence sliding phenomena,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Fukuoka, Oct. 2013, C30.
  9. Aung Lwin Moe, Kanao Fukuda and Aminudin Bin Abu , “Influences of Orthogonal Lapping and Its Angle Effect on Mirror-like Surface Finishing Process,” MJJIS 2013 Proceedings, 2013 November, Tokai University Shonan Campus.
  10. Aung Lwin Moe, Aminudin Bin Abu, Kyaw Myat Moe, Khin Aung Lin and Hanida Abdullah, “Performance Evaluation of Jeep Suspension using Quarter and Half Car Model”, Proceeding of the ICSE 2013, Myanmar, 2013 December.
  11. Hanida Abdullah, Aminudin Abu, Pauziah Muhamad, Aung Lwin Moe, Asnizah Sahekhaini and Lee Kee Q , “A Prediction of Noise Reduction of Exhaust Muffler System”, Proceeding of the ICSE 2013, Myanmar, 2013 December.
  12. Nur’azah Abdul Manaf and Ibragimov Gafurjan, “Application of Reproducing Kernels to Analyze the Survival Data of HIV Positive Patients”, Proceeding of The Fourth International Conference  on Science and Engineering, 2013.


  1. Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “The Influences of a Hydrogen Environment on the Tribological Properties of Pure Metals,” World Tribology Congress 2013 Torino, Italy, Sep. 8-13, 2013.
  2. Kanao Fukuda, Masaaki Hashimoto and Joichi Sugimura, “Influences of Trace Water in Hydrogen and Argon on the Tribological Properties of Pure Iron,” Proceedings of STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, IJTC2012-61204.
  3. Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Hydrogen Energy System and Tribology,” Proceedings of WRICET2012 (World Research & Innovation Convention on Engineering & Technology), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 3-5 Dec. 2012, K07, ISBN 978-967-960-329-3 ©2012 MySET (Keynote).
  4. Kanao Fukuda, Masaaki Hashimoto, Hiroyoshi Tanaka, Yoshie Kurono and Joichi Sugimura, “Influences of Trace Impurities in Hydrogen on Tribological Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2012, E3, pp.287-288, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  5. Kanao Fukuda, Eiichi Miyakoshi, Hideki Watanabe, Shunichiro Doi, Masaaki Hashimoto and Joichi Sugimura, “Friction and Wear of Austenitic Stainless Steels in High Pressure Hydrogen,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2012, E4, pp.289-290, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  6. Kanao Fukuda and Takehiro Morita, “An Attempt at Analyzing Chronological Changes in Adhesive Wear,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2012, A21, pp.41-42, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  7. Kanao Fukuda and Takehiro Morita, “An Attempt at Analyzing Chronological Changes in Adhesive Wear -2,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Muroran, Sep. 2012, C6, pp.165-166, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  8. Kanao Fukuda, Masaaki Hashimoto and Joichi Sugimura, “Friction and Wear of Pure Iron in Hydrogen Environment -3,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Muroran, Sep. 2012, C16, pp.185-186, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  9. Takahiro Morita, Yoshinori Sawae and Kanao Fukuda, “An Attempt at Analyzing Chronological Changes of Wear Particles on Pin-on-disk apparatus,” Proceedings of the Conference of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, No.128-3 [’12-9-29 Fukuoka], Sep. 28-29, 2012, pp.9-10. (Japanese)


  1. Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Influences of Gases on the Tribological Properties of Pure Iron,” Proceedings of STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, Los Angeles, California, USA, IJTC2011-61205.
  2. Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Influences of Trace Water in a Hydrogen Environment on the Tribological Properties of Pure Iron,” ITC2011 Hiroshima (Keynote).
  3. Joichi Sugimura, Yoshinori Sawae, Kazuhiro Nakashima, Takehiro Morita and Kanao Fukuda, “Friction and Wear of Polymeric Sealing Materials in Hydrogen,” 第2回日中トライボロジー先端フォーラム2011
  4. Kanao Fukuda, Hiroyoshi Tanaka, Yoshie Kurono and Joichi Sugimura, “Friction and Wear of Pure Iron in Hydrogen Environment – 2,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2011, A29, pp.57-58, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  5. Kanao Fukuda, Shinsuke Akiyoshi and Joichi Sugimura, “Tribo-chemical reaction in hydrogen environment – 2,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2011, A30, pp.59-60, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  6. Nur’azah Abdul Manaf, Mohd. Rizam Abu Bakar, Ibragimov Gafurjan, “Understanding Reproducing Kernels in Hilbert Space and their Applications in Survival Analysis”, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics, 2011.


  1. Kanao Fukuda, Yoshinori Sawae, Eiichi Miyakoshi, Masaaki Hashimoto, Hiroyoshi Tanaka, Hideki Watanabe, Shunichiro Doi and Joichi Sugimura, “Tribological Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel in Pressurized Hydrogen up to 40 MPa,” Proceedings of STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, IJTC2010-41234.
  2. Yoshinori Sawae, Kanao Fukuda, Eiichi Miyakoshi, Shunichiro Doi, Hideki Watanabe, Kzuhiro Nakashima and Joichi Sugimura, “Tribological Characterization of Polymeric Sealing Materials in High Pressure Hydrogen Gas,” Proceedings of STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, IJTC2010-41238.
  3. Yoshinori Sawae, Eiichi Miyakoshi, Kanao Fukuda, Shunichiro Doi, Hideki Watanabe, Yoshie Kurono and Joichi Sugimura, “Friction and Wear of PTFE and PTFE Composites in High Pressure Hydrogen Gas”, Int. Tribology Congress- ASIATRIB 2010, Perth, Australia 5-9 Dec. 2010.
  4. Yoshinori Sawae, Eiichi Miyakoshi, Kanao Fukuda, Shunichiro Doi, Hideki Watanabe, Yoshie Kurono and Joichi Sugimura, “Tribological Characteristics of PTFE and PTFE Composite in High Pressure Hydrogen Gas”, JAST Tribology Conference Fukui, Sep. 2010, 477-478.
  5. Kanao Fukuda, Yukihiro Matsuo, Yoshie Kurono and Joichi Sugimura, “Rubber sliding on austenitic stainless steel in some atmospheric environments,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2010, C6, pp.171-172, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  6. Kanao Fukuda, Takehiro Morita, Hiroyoshi Tanaka, Masaaki Hashimoto, Nichiro Mimuro and Joichi Sugimura, “Tribological data of various metallic materials in a simulated practical hydrogen environment,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2010, C7, pp.173-174, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  7. Kanao Fukuda, Yoshinori Sawae, Hiroyoshi Tanaka, Eiichi Miyakoshi, Hideki Watanabe, Shunichiro Doi and Joichi Sugimura, “Tribological properties of hardened chromium steel in a highpressure hydrogen environment,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2010, A30, pp.59-60, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  8. Yoshinori Sawae, Kanao Fukuda, Eiichi Miyakoshi, Shunichiro Doi, Hideki Watanabe, Yoshie Kurono and Joichi Sugimura, “Characterization of Friction and Wear of Polymeric Sealing Materials,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2010, A29, pp.57-58, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  9. Hiroyoshi Tanaka, Nobuo Sakai, Yoshie Kurono, Kanao Fukuda, Yoshinori Sawae and Joichi Sugimura, “Effects of high pressure hydrogen gas on surface properties of steels,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2010, C23, pp.205-206, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  10. Kanao Fukuda, Takehiro Morita and Joichi Sugimura, “Effects of hydrogen environment on the friction and wear of some metals – 4,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Fukui, Sep. 2010, A9, pp.17-18, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  11. Kanao Fukuda, Shinsuke Akiyoshi and Joichi Sugimura, “Tribo-chemical reaction in hydrogen environment,” Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Fukui, Sep. 2010, A10, pp.19-20, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)


  1. Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Tribological Properties and Trace Impurities in Gaseous Environment”, 36th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, 3rd Oct. (2009), Lyon, France.
  2. Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Friction and Wear of Ferrous Materials in Hydrogen Gas Environment”, World Tribology Congress 2009 Kyoto, Sep. 6-11, 2009.
  3. Takehiro Morita, Takuya IWAO, Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Influence of water vapor in hydrogen gas on the friction and wear of cobalt-based alloy”, World Tribology Congress 2009 Kyoto, Sep. 6-11, 2009.
  4. Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Friction and Wear of Pure Iron in Hydrogen Environment”, Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2009, A24, pp. 47-48, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  5. Masaaki Hashimoto, Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Friction and Wear of Some Steels in Hydrogen Environment”, Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2009, A23, pp. 45-46, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  6. Takehiro Morita, Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Influence of gas environments on friction and wear of cobalt-based alloy”, Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2009, A27, pp. 53-54, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  7. Kanao Fukuda, Yukihiro Matsuo, Nichiro Mimuro and Joichi Sugimura, “Influence of trace impurities in hydrogen environment on friction and wear of SUS316L”, Proceedings of JSME Conference No.098-3 (’09-10-10 Nagasaki), F11, pp.193-194. (Japanese)
  8. Nur’azah Abdul Manaf, Mohd. Rizam Abu Bakar, Ibragimov Gafurjan, “Reproducing Kernel Method for Estimating the Hazard Functions of Survival Data”, Proceeding of the 7th Mathematical Science National Symposium, 2009.


  1. Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Sliding Properties of Pure Metals in Hydrogen Environment”, Proceedings of STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, Miami, Florida, USA, IJTC2008-71210.
  2. Kanao Fukuda, Seisho Nagano and Joichi Sugimura, “Effects of hydrogen environment on the friction and wear of some metals – 2″, Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May. 2008, A31, pp.61-62, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  3. Kanao Fukuda, Takehiro Morita and Joichi Sugimura, “Analysis of friction and wear in hydrogen environment using friction force and specimen displacement maps”, Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2008, A11, pp.21-22, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  4. Kanao Fukuda, Seisho Nagano, Hiroyoshi Tanaka, Masaaki Hashimoto and Joichi Sugimura, “Effects of hydrogen environment and its purity on the tribological properties of steel”, Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2008, B3, pp.77-78, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  5. Hiroyoshi Tanaka, Yoshinori Sawae, Kanao Fukuda, Shigemasa Yamagami, Takehiro Morita, Naoshi Izumi and Joichi Sugimura, “Friction test and analysis system with transfer vessel”, Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Tokyo, May 2008, A30, pp.59-60, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)
  6. Kanao Fukuda and Joichi Sugimura, “Effects of hydrogen environment on the friction and wear of some metals – 3″, Proceedings of JAST Tribology Conference Nagoya, Sep. 2008, C27, pp.213-214, ISSN0919-6005. (Japanese)