Assoc Prof Dr Nur’azah Abdul Manaf
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
Master of Science in Applied Mathematics (Western Carolina University,USA)
Bachelor of Science in Pure Mathematics (University of North Carolina, USA)
Associate Professor
Mathematics & Statistics
Tel: 03 2203 1321 |
Research Interest |
- Survival Analysis
- Reproducing Kernel Method on Survival Data
- Hazard/Risk Functions
- Partial Differential Equations & Game Theory
- Researcher: Development of an Analysis Technology for Adhesive Wear Mechanism – Sponsor: IHI Corporation, Japan.
- Researcher: Influence of Atmospheric Humidity on Various Tribological Phenomena – Sponsor: Ministry of Higher Education
- Researcher: Development of Lapping Plate Evaluation System (LAPES) – Sponsor: Seagate Technologies
- Researcher: Innovative Data Collection and Numerical Data Analysis – Sponsor: Ministry of Education Malaysia.
- Principal researcher: Interactive E-Learning for Teaching Statistic1 July 2002 – 1 July 2003) – Sponsor: RMC UTM.
- Researcher: Socialization, Education and Teenage Sub-Tradition: Correlation Study of Teenage Sub-Tradition towards Science and Mathematics Literacy, (January 1995 – December 1996), Sponsor: IRPA. Ministry of Education Malaysia.
Previous Positions
- Deputy Director, Counseling and Career Center, UTM.
- Head of Advanced Education & Career Unit, Program for Diploma Studies, UTM Kuala Lumpur.
Activities |
- Member of Tribology Precision Machining I-Kohza, MJIIT, UTM KL.
- Task Force Committee Member for Mechanical Precision Department
- MJIIT Proof Reader for Abstracts of Postgraduate Thesis
- Member, MJIIT Tender Technical Specification Committee
- Co-ordinator of MJIIT Mathematics Courses September 2011 – February 2016
- Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Mathematical Sciences, conferred by Betty Jones & Sisters Publishing, USA
- Member of Quality Development Committee for Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology
- Member of Undergraduate Committee for MJIIT
- Member of Career Development Committee for MJIIT
- Academic advisor for Bachelor of Mechanical Precision Engineering (MPE), MJIIT, UTM KL
- MJIIT Asset Management Committee for Strength of Material Laboratory of Mechanical Precision Engineering Department.
- EXCO Member of NCWO (National Commonwealth Woman Organization)
- Honorary Treasurer and Board Member National Women PERKIM since May 2007.
- Advisor for Counseling and Career Club, UTM, KL, September 2004 to April 2006.
- Quality Control Supervisor of Math and Science subjects for the Franchise Program, Semester 2 2003/2004, Semester 2 1998/1999, Semester 2 1997/1998.
- Advisor for “Unit Rakan Muda”, UTM KL, June 2003 to May 2005.
- Subject Coordinator for Statistics subject, UTM KL, June 1995 to October 2004.
- Member of Research & Consultation Committee, Science Unit, UTM KL, 15 April 2003 to 14 April 2005.
- Academic advisor for the Diploma of Electrical Engineering (Communication) since Semester 1 2003/2004.
- Panel Member of the Technical Determination, Science Unit, UTM KL, 1 November 2002 to 31 October 2004.
- Committee member for “Seminar Kenegaraan Malaysia” (Malaysian Citizenship Seminar), UTM KL, 26 January 2002.
- Panel Member of Mathematics for the Matriculation Program, Ministry of Education since Semester 2 2002/2003.
- Member of Research Committee, UTM KL, 25 August 2000 to 31 October 2004.
- Coordinator for “Klinik Matematik” later known as “Klinik Akademik” (a learning resource centre especially for students of poor mathematics background), UTM KL, Semester 1 1998/99 to August 1999.
- Academic advisor for Diploma of Electrical Engineering (DEE), , UTM KL, Semester 1 1996/97 to Semester 2 1998/1999.
- Subject Coordinator for Algebra1, Semester 1 1995 / 1996 to Semester 1 1996/1997.
- Mathematics Module Panel, 1996-2004.
- Committee Member of Module Editorial Group, Center for First Year Studies, UTM Skudai, 1995.
- Academic advisor for 1SKJ, Center for First Year Studies 1994 – 1995.
- Member of Statistics Panel, Mathematics Dept., UTM Skudai, July 1994 – 1995.
- Committee Member of Mathematics Dept. Family Day, UTM Skudai, April 1994.
- Editor ‘Utusan UPS’, UTM K.L., February 1993 – July 1994.
- Committee Member of ‘Koperasi UTM K.L.’, 1993.
- Committee Member of UPS Family Day (1991, 1992, 1993).
- Treasurer for the ‘Badan Kebajikan dan Aktiviti UPS’, UTM K.L., July 1992 – July 1994.
- Committee Member of the ‘Badan Kebajikan dan Aktiviti UPS’, UTM K.L., July 1990 – July 1992.
- Committee Member (Protocol) for the “Second Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Science”, August 26 – 30, 1990.
- Member of Work Quality Enhancement Group, UTM Skudai, 1990.
- Member of Pure Mathematics Unit, Math. Dept., UTM Skudai, 1989-1990.
- Member of Education Unit, Math. Dept., UTM Skudai, 1989 – 1990.
Awards |
- Prof. Madya Dr. Nur`Azah Abdul Manaf, “Darjah Kebesaran Johon Mahkota Wilayah (J.M.W) by KDYMM Seri Paduka BAginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri`ayatuddin Almustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta`in Billah“, Hari Wilayah Persekutuan 2022.
- Best Presenter Award, International Conference on Science and Engineering 2013
- Anugerah Kepujian Universiti 2000. (University Acknowledgement Award).
- Text Book Award, “Statistik”, University Publication Day 2001, UTM, 11 August 2001.
- Anugerah Jasa Bakti Universiti 2010.(20 Years Service University Award)
Selected Publications |
- Sabariah bt Baharub, Nur’azah bt Abdul Manaf, Mohd Naz’ri bin Mahrin,”Mapping Skills Education Through Social Media Platform for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Malaysia “Social Sciences Postgraduate International Seminar (SSPIS) 2017
- Gafurjan Ibragimov, Anvarjon Akhmedov, Puteri Nur Izzati, Nur’azah Abdul Manaf. “Pursuit Differential Game Described by Infinite First Order 2-Systems of Differential Equations” Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, MJMS, 2017
- Zahriddin Muminov, Nur’Azah Abdul Manaf and Utkir Kuljanov. “Spectral properties of the discrete Schrödinger operator with non-local potential” AIP Conf. Proc. 1739, 020013 (2016) doi:10.1063/1.4952493
- N. Abdul Manaf, G. Ibragimov, M.R. Abu Bakar, “Utilization of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Method on the Survival Data of Leukemia Patients”, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol 53, Issue 6, 2015 (ISSN: 0973-7545)
- Abdul Manaf, N. et al, Minimization of Negative Log Partial Likelihood Function Using Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space, Modern Applied Science, Vol. 8. No. 1, February 2014.(Scopus)
- Abdul Manaf, N. et al, Exploring Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space and its Application to Survival Data, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(11): 1268-1274, 2011, ISSN 1991-8178.
- Abdul Manaf, N. et al, Understanding Reproducing Kernels in Hilbert Space and their Applications in Survival Analysis, Proceeding of the 5thInternational Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics,2011.
- Abdul Manaf, N. et al, Reproducing Kernel Method for Estimating the Hazard Functions of Survival Data, Proceeding of the 7th Mathematical Science National Symposium, 2009.
- Abdul Manaf,N., Exploring the Reproducing Kernels for Several Spaces, JUTEKS 008/2002, UTM, June 2002
- Abdul Manaf, N. et al, Statistik, Penerbit UTM, 2000.
- Abdul Manaf, N. et al, Matematik Teknologi, Penerbit UTM, 1998. 1213, DDV 1213, DDW 2533, 2nd edition) , Penerbit UTM, 1998.
- Hamed, M., Hashim,.H, Abdul Manaf, N., et al, Kalkulus 2(Module for DDS 2212, 2nd edition), Penerbit UTM, 1998.
- Hamed, M., Sadi, J,, Abdul Manaf,N. et al, Kalkulus 1(Module for DDS 1212, DDS 2032, DDV 2122 – 2nd edition),Penerbit UTM, 1998.
- Abdul Manaf,N. et al, Statistik (Module for DDS 1313, DDG
- Hamed, M., Hashim,.H, Abdul Manaf,N. et al, Kalkulus 2 (Module for DDS 2212) , Penerbit UTM, 1997. Trigonometri (Module for DDS 1032 and DDS 1012),Penerbit
- Hamed, M., Hashim,.H, Abdul Manaf,N. et al, Geometri dan UTM, 1997.
- Hamed, M., , Abdul Manaf,N. Hashim,.H, Aljabar 1(Module for DDS 1042 and DDS 1112, 2nd edition), Penerbit UTM, 1997.
- Hamed, M., Sadi, J,, Abdul Manaf,N. et al, Kalkulus 1(Module for DDS 1212, DDS 2032, DDV 2122 ),Penerbit UTM, 1997.
- Abdul Manaf,N. et al, Statistik (Module for DDS 1313, DDG1213, DDV 1213, DDW 2533, Penerbit UTM, 1997.
- Hamed, M., Abdul Manaf,N. Hashim,.H, Aljabar 1 (Module for DDS 1042 and DDS 1112), Penerbit UTM, 1996.
Other Articles and Working Papers |
- Career and Education Fair 2006 (CEF’06), Working Paper, 8 November 2005.
- “Program Sekolah Angkat Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Paloh, Kluang, Johor Darul Takzim (GEMILANG ’05)”, Working Paper, 28 February 2005.
- “Program Desa Wawasan (Vision Village – VIVA ’05)”, Working Paper, 10 December 2004.
- “Cadangan Pembiayaan Pinjaman MARA untuk Graduan Diploma Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Melanjutkan Pelajaran di Peringkat Sarjana Muda ke Luar Negara”, Working Paper, June 2003.
- “Cadangan Pembiayaan Pinjaman JPA untuk Graduan Diploma Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Melanjutkan Pelajaran di Peringkat Sarjana Muda ke Luar Negara”, Working Paper, May 2003.
- A Proposal to Implement a Twinning Program Between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Japanese Universities, 20 February 2002
- “Klinik Matematik: Ke Arah Kecemerlangan Akademik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia”, Working Paper for “Konvensyen Pendidikan UTM 2001, 7 November 2001.
- “Teknik Lakaran Agar Objek Bermatra Tiga Kelihatan Lebih Bermatra Tiga”, Utusan UPS, UTM, October 1993.
- “Selera UPS”, Utusan UPS, UTM, Feb. 1993.
- “Pendaraban Galley”, Utusan UPS, UTM, October 1992.
- “Sudut Bahasa Jepun”,(Katakana)Utusan UPS, UTM, Part 1-4, (Oct. 1991, Jan.,April, July1992)
- “Pengenalan Kepada Fungsi Gama”, Utusan UPS,UTM, Part 1-4 (Oct. 1991, Jan.,April, July1992)
- “Penentuan Nombor Perdana”, Berita UPS, UTM, July 1991.)
Other Contributions
- Chairperson for “Campus Solidarity Program”, 7 April 2006.
- Chairperson for “Career and Education Fair 2006 (CEF ’06), 17– 20 January 2006).
- Chairperson for “Program Sekolah Angkat” or Adopted School Program, 2005.
- Chairperson for “Program Desa Wawasan” or Vision Village, VIVA’05.
- Chairperson for “Malam Gala Kemerdekaan”,10 Sept. 2004.
- Advisor for Puteri PERKIM Kuala Lumpur, since 9 July 2004.
- Facilitator for Question and Syllabus Moderation Workshop” on Statistics for Franchise Program, 28 June 2003.
- Facilitator for Question and Syllabus Moderation Workshop on Statistics for Franchise Program, 2 January 2003.
- Facilitator for Question and Syllabus Moderation Workshop on Statistics for Franchise Program, 13 June 2002.
- Facilitator for Question and Syllabus Moderation Workshop on Statistics for Franchise Program Franchise Program, 15 March 1999.
- Facilitator for franchise colleges’ lecturers/tutors on Statistics, 7 Dec. 1998.
- Facilitator for Answer Scripts Assessment Moderation Workshop, October 1998.
- Facilitator for franchise colleges’ lecturers/tutors on Statistics, 18 June 1997.
- Facilitator for franchise colleges’ lecturers/tutors on Algebra1 28 Aug.1996.
- Facilitator for SPM Mathematics Questions Answering Technique Workshop SPM”, organized by Non-Academic Staff Union UTM, UTM K.L., Oct. 1995.
- Facilitator for “Program Peningkatan Pelajar”, organized by Center for First Year Studies, UTM Skudai, 4 – 11 December 1994.
- Prepared the Mathematics (Year 1&2) syllabus for Center for Technical Studies Center to Japan (JPA / UTM), June 1992.
- Prepared questions for Inter Varsity Computerized Quiz, organized by the Faculty of Computer Science and Information System, UTM K.L., April 1992.