+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my

Ahmad Ridhwan Bin Kamel

Nurul Illiannie Binti Azman

MJIIT FINAL YEAR PROJECT SYMPOSIUM 2020 is a showcase for undergraduate research across disciplines to present about their final year project. The Symposium includes poster and presentation sessions by students. The symposium was examined by Industrial and Academic panels with different backgrounds to evaluate students’ project.

There are two categories nominated which areThe Best Final Year Project and Final Year Project Special Awards. Congratulations to our TriPreM Undergraduate students,Ahmad Ridhwan Bin Kamel and Nurul Illiannie Binti Azman on winning the Final Year Project Special Award.

Ridhwan and Illiannie presented their project on “Tribological characterization for polyoxymethylene reinforced by oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) natural fiber” and “Effects of Interval Time on Friction Force of Light Load Bearing” respectively.