+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my

Link to event’s report: MJTS2017 Report

Proceeding Book may be downloaded at the following link: Program-Proceedings-Book


The 5th Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium(MJTS) will be held on 28th–30th August 2017, at Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (UTM-KL) Malaysia.

MJTS has been held since 2012 by MJIIT UTM KL with collaborations from the Malaysian Tribology Society (MYTRIBOS) and Japanese Society of Tribologists (JAST). This symposium helps in enhancing communication between researchers, engineers, and students in the Tribology field from Malaysia and Japan.

It will highlight all aspects in the field of Tribology and Manufacturing.

To provide the opportunity for participants to display the results of their research, as well as enhancing presentation skills of young researchers / students.
In addition, industries will be able to showcase their products and latest technologies to researchers in Tribology field.

General Information:

Keynote Speech Theme : Machining and Tribology
Keynote Speakers : Prof. Dr. Hatsuhiko Usami (Meijo University, Japan)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erween Abd Rahim (UTHM, Malaysia)
Chairperson : Dr. Jun Ishimatsu (UTM MJIIT)
Co-Chairpersons : Prof. Yoshinori Sawae (Kyushu University) &
Prof. Kanao Fukuda (UTM MJIIT)
Secretariats : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur’azah Abdul Manaf (UTM MJIIT) &
Dr. Shahira Liza Kamis (UTM MJIIT)
Date : 28th-30th August 2017
Venue : MJIIT UTMKL, Malaysia
Fee : None
Important Date BY 31st JULY 2017:
  • Submission of Abstract (1 page) for Poster Presentation (Students only)
  • Submission of Abstract (2 pages) for Oral Presentation

Link to: Call for papers mjts17
Guideline for authors and template for abstract: Format Abstract

Poster Awards Conditions:

  • Author must be present at the symposium for presentating poster and throughout the event.
  • Announcement of award winners will be made during the symposium lunch on 29th Aug 2017

Tentative Program (link):

28th Aug 2017 (Monday) 29th Aug 2017
30th Aug 2017 (Wednesday)

(9.00 am – 12.00 pm)


Keynote speech: Prof. Dr. Hatsuhiko Usami (Surface Modification Process Based on Combined Mechanical Means)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erween Abd Rahim(Tribological Performance of Vegetable-Based Lubricant as a Sustainable Metalworking Fluid for Machining Application)


General Session



Industrial Visit(for foreign visitors)



Symposium Lunch & Poster award ceremony

Photo session


(2.00 pm – 4.00 pm)

Poster Session General Session

(4.00 pm – 6.00 pm)

MYTRIBOS Annual General Meeting TriPrem Lab Tour

*All activities will be held at Dewan Ilmuwan 2, Menara Razak, UTM KL.

Organized by:
Tribology and Precision Machining i-Kohza (TriPrem), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)

Sponsored by:

Taat Bestari
Sdn Bhd
IHI Corporation RGS Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Shinkawa (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.






We are welcoming all sorts of sponsorship from any companies or institutions