+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my


The 3rd Malaysia-Japan Tribology Symposium, was held on 12-14 November 2014 as part of MJIIT-JUC Joint International Symposium 2014 (MJJIS 2014).


12th November 2014
8.30am Registration Dewan Jumaah
9.30am – 10.00am Opening ceremony Dewan Jumaah
10.00am – 10.30am Industrial talk Dewan Jumaah
10.30am – 11.10am Coffee break Dewan Besar
11.10am – 12.50pm Tribo session 1: Materials 1 Bilik Kuliah 14
12.50pm – 2.00pm Lunch Dewan Besar
2.00pm – 3.40pm Tribo session 2: Lubrication 1 Bilik Kuliah 14
3.40pm – 4.00pm Tea break IBS Banquet Hall, Level 12, Razak Tower
4.00pm – 5.40pm Tribo session 3: Fundamentals and Applications Bilik Kuliah 14
8.00pm – 10.00pm MJIIT Dinner Intercontinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur
13th November 2014
8.30am Registration Dewan Jumaah
9.40am – 10.40am Keynote speech Dewan Jumaah
10.40am – 11.00am Coffee break Dewan Besar
11.00am – 12.50pm Special Symposium: Education of Tribology Bilik Kuliah 14
12.50pm – 2.00pm Lunch Dewan Besar
2.00pm – 3.40pm Tribo session 4: Materials 2 Bilik Kuliah 14
3.40pm – 4.00pm Tea break IBS Banquet Hall, Level 12, Razak Tower
4.00pm – 5.40pm Tribo session 5: Lubrication 2 Bilik Kuliah 14
14th November 2014
2.30pm – 3.30pm Bus ride to Palm Oil Miling Technology Center (POMTEC) Corus Hotel – POMTEC, Labu, Negeri Sembilan
3.30pm – 5.00pm POMTEC visit POMTEC, Labu, Negeri Sembilan
5.00pm – 6.00pm Bus ride to Kuala Lumpur POMTEC, Labu, Negeri Sembilan – Corus Hotel

For the complete program (including the scheduled events for both MJJIS 2014 and MJTS 2014), please download the program (.pdf format). The file also contains valuable information, such as the map of Razak Tower, general map of the UTMKL campus and a region map highlighting the location of UTMKL campus and KLCC.


“Education of Tribology”, brought to you by invited speakers

1. “Introduction to MYTRIBOS” by Assoc Prof Dr Mariyam Jameelah bt Ghazali

2. “Educational activities in the Japanese Society of Tribologists” by Prof Dr Shinya Sasaki

3. “Tribology Education in Malaysia” by Assoc Prof Dr Salmiah Kasolang

4. “Innovative experience learning event through problem-solving game ‘Science of Friction & Puzzles: Can You Save the Earth?'” by Dr Alan Hase


Session 1 – Materials 1
Noel Lo Cavitation erosion of diamond like carbon coating tested in deionized water Tokyo University of Science
Moinuddin Quazi Adhesion of PVD multilayer ceramic coating on AA7075-T6 aerospace alloy University of Malaya
Masatoshi Arai
Realization of low frictional property of TiB2-MoS2 composite films with low MoS2 content
Tokai University
Mubashir Gulzar Effect of piston material on piston skirt lubrication at initial engine start-up speed University of Malaya
Hatsuhiko Usami
Tribological properties of molybdenum di-sulfide dispersed stainless steel using surface plastic flow process
Meijo University
Session 2 – Lubrication 1
Syahrullail Samion The evaluation of modified surface curvature cup lubricated with palm kernel Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Tomoaki Iwai
Relation between tribological propertiesof rubber and surface roughness parameters under oil lubrication
Kanazawa University
Diyar I. Ahmed Friction evaluation of eco-friendly bio lubricant Universiti Teknologi MARA
N.W.M. Zulkifli Biobased lubricants: gearing up as engine oil for a green world University of Malaya
Session 3 – Fundamentals and Applications
Yasuo Matsuzaki
In-situ observation of plastic flow behaviour during scuffing by long time and short interval observation system
Kyushu University
Mariyam Jameelah Ghazali Effect of second phase morphology on wear resistance of Fe-TiC composites Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Kenji Kuraishi Personal authentication by comparison of ground reaction forces during walkin Kanazawa University
S.A. Adeleke
Thin surface layers of iron-based alloys deposited by TIG hardfacing
International Islamic University of Malaysia
Zaid Subhi
Analysis on the mechanism of humidity to influence the very early stage of sliding under different load
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology
Session 4 – Materials 2
Hikaru Okubo Frictional properties of DLC films in hydrogen conditions Tokyo University of Science
Kanae Yamamoto
Friction properties of laminated composite materials of α-TCP-filled poly (vinyl alcohol) hydrogels
Kanazawa University
Noor Ayuma Mat Tahir
The effect on friction coefficient and wear rate of palm kernel activated carbon-epoxy (PKAC-E) composite at different temperatures
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
H.A. Hassan
Potentials of bio-adhesive effects on banana leaves for elevated temperature applications
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Lei Zhang
Investigation of wear and wear particles from shelf-aged crosslinked UHMWPE under different contact pressures
Kyushu University
Session 5 – Lubrication 2
M. Kamel Wan Ibrahim
The tribological properties of Leucaena leucocephala seed oil as bio-lubricant
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Kazuyuki Yagi Hydrodynamic lubrication mechanism of textured surfaces based on moment balance Kyushu University
Arslan Ahmed
Effects of cam shaft speed and lubricant temperature on lubricant film thickness between cam/tappet contact
University of Malaya
Syahrullail Samion
Alternating metal forming lubricant: mineral oil-based to palm oil-based lubricant
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Mohd Zulfadhli b Shaari
Tribological characteristic of palm oil bio-lubricant modified of titanium oxide nanoadditives
Universiti Teknologi MARA


Excellent Research Student Award Recipients

1. Moinuddin Quazi, University of Malaya, “Adhesion of PVD multilayer ceramic coating on AA7075-T6 aerospace alloy”

2. Kanae Yamamoto, Kanazawa University, “Friction properties of laminated composite materials of α-TCP-filled poly (vinyl alcohol) hydrogels”

3. Zaid Ali Subhi, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, “Analysis on the mechanism of humidity to influence the very early stage of sliding under different load”


Tribology and Precision Machining Research Laboratory (TriPreM), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), University Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (UTMKL)

Participating organizations

Malaysian Tribology Society (MYTRIBOS) (http://www.mytribos.org/)

Japanese Society of Tribologists (JAST) (http://www.tribology.jp/indexe.htm)