+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my

Paper Submission Procedure


Step 1: Submission of Abstract

Authors are invited to submit electronically abstract of papers in English not exceeding 400 words. Please include up to 4 keywords. All abstracts will be refereed.

Please use the given template for the abstract submission. Authors should submit a one-page abstract to the conference secretariat before due date in this link.

Step 2: Notification of Abstract Acceptance

Once abstract acceptance is confirmed, a letter of acceptance will be emailed to each registered participant. Thereafter, the participant is required to submit the full paper


Step 3: Submission of Full Paper

Please submit your full paper in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) to allow format editing and review. Paper length should be no more than 8 pages. Please note that submission of full paper is using this link.

The format for full paper preparation can be downloaded here:

Please follow these essential guidelines when preparing your paper:


  • Papers should state clearly and concisely the problem, methodology used, proposed model, experimental results and conclusions.
  • If you have problems about the paper submission, please email the Conference Secretariat at mjjic_icatas@utm.my, with “MJJIC2020 Paper Submission” in the subject line. Also include the paper number, if there is any.

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