National Sustainability Innovation Challenge (NaSIC’24)
April – July 2024 | Online & Kuala Lumpur
“Circular Economy for Solid Waste in Retail Industry Towards
Sustainable Community”
LATEST UPDATES! (18 Jun 2024)
The Virtual Pitching Competition will be held as follows:
Date : 4th July 2024 (Thursday) (NEW DATE!)
Time : 2.00 – 5.00 pm
Venue : Webex Meeting
UPDATES! (14 May 2024)
The Opening Ceremony will be held as follows:
Date : 17 May 2024 (Friday)
Time : 2.30 – 5.00 petang
Venue : Dewan Seminar 2, Level 9, MJIIT, UTM KL
Agenda :
2.30pm – 3.00pm Registration
3.00pm – 4.15pm 1. Opening Ceremony, 2. Keynote Speech (Deputy Director General of the Department of National Solid Waste Management), 3. Announcement of Top 50 Shortlisted Teams
4.15pm – 5.00pm Laboratory Visits in MJIIT, UTM KL
The Opening Ceremony will be live telecast through the official NaSIC’24 Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/nasic2024/. However, there will not be any virtual laboratory visits, and some goodies will be given to the physical attendees.
UPDATES! (3 May 2024)
Due to high demand, we decided on a final registration deadline extension to 10 May 2024 (11.59 pm). This is the final extension. Please grab the chance! Awards and recognitions are ready for you!
UPDATES! (23 April 2024)
1. The submission deadline is extended to 6th May 2024 (5 pm).
2. Each school or college is allowed to register up to FIVE (5) TEAMS.
3. All short-listed teams will receive a newly published hardcopy workbook, which will be posted to the schools.
Complete your registration
before 30th April
10th May 2024 (11.59pm)!
This is the final extension.
Registration is now officially closed!
Number of Teams
Competition Results




About the NaSIC competition
NaSIC’24 is a sustainability education initiative for secondary school and matriculation college students. It builds on the success of NaSIC’23, which was collaboratively developed by Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) and Lotus’s Malaysia (Lotus’s)
The goal of the initiative is to engage and empower the next generation of environmental advocates, providing them with the tools and knowledge to create positive change.
Focused on advancing green technology, engineering, and science-driven solutions, NaSIC ’24 features an innovation pitching competition with three phases. Participants will benefit from virtual workshops led by renowned academics and industry professionals.
The overall theme for this year is “Managing Solid Waste in the Retail Industry” which aligns to a global push for a more circular economy. Embrace the opportunity to make a difference—be part of the solution. Sign up today!

Technical Support


Sport, Co-Curricular and Art Division,
Ministry of Education Malaysia
Strategic Partners
◊ To introduce students to the world of sustainability in the retail industry
◊ To empower students towards becoming innovators for a more sustainable future
◊ To create excitement for the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

The NaSIC’23 was held from April to July 2023, themed “Revolutionising Retail: Embracing Innovation in Addressing Single-Used Plastics.” About 130 teams from 70 schools across the country participated in the competition. The winning idea was presented by Team Blitz from Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) Kubang Pasu, Kedah, on biodegradable and compostable plastic made of rambutan seeds. The idea is currently undergoing validation research by undergraduate student in MJIIT, UTM KL, as his final year project title. More information about NaSIC’23 can be found here.

Teams Registered
National level Achievement Medal Winners
National level Gold Medal Winners
Competition Format &Timeline

Competition Prizes

General Rules and Regulation
- Each team MUST consist of THREE (3) members only, which may include a combination of Form 4 to Form 6 students in the academic year 2024-2025. The event is also open to KPM matriculation students.
- Each student can join only one team. All participating teams must be under the supervision of their respective school teachers. Each school or college can register up to three teams FIVE (5) TEAMS for the competition.
- Each team must complete the registration via the link provided with the submission of infographics and a Consent Form to be verified by the school’s Principal.
- All registering team members must submit the infographic design and attend the hybrid opening ceremony. In addition, the shortlisted teams must attend the two virtual workshops in May and June 2024.
- For the infographic competition:
- During registration, the participating team must also submit a softcopy A4-sized coloured infographic about “Municipal Solid Waste Problems in Malaysia”. The infographic should raise public awareness of the problem and inform people about what can be done in daily life to minimise it.
- The evaluation rubrics are given in the event booklet.
- The participants should design the infographic using computer software or a website, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Canva, Photoshop, etc.
- The infographic should be ORIGINAL by the participants and consist of copyright-free materials.
- Automated design using Artificial Intelligence tools is strictly prohibited.
- The infographic must include the logos of NaSIC ’24, UTM, and Lotus’s
- The file should be in PDF format and not exceeding 150 MB in size.
- The organiser reserved the right to publish the infographic publicly and on social media.
- For the Regional Virtual Pitching Competition and Final Pitching Competition (Grand Finale – Final):
- During the Regional Virtual Pitching Competition, each team will be given 8 minutes for the presentation and 7 minutes for the question-and-answer session. All team members MUST switch on their webcam during the virtual presentation.
- During the Final Pitching Competition in the Grand Finale, each Top-5 Finalist team is given 5 minutes for the pitching and 5 minutes for the question-and-answer session.
- All shortlisted/semi-finalist teams must prepare the presentation slides using software such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Canva, Photoshop, etc. Interactive slides created by online software like Prezi are not allowed.
- The evaluation rubrics will be given to the team when the task is announced.
- The presentation slide cover must include the logos of NaSIC ’24, UTM, and Lotus’s.
- The presentation slide file must be submitted in PPTx format and not exceed 500 MB.
- All team members must present during the session in English and wear appropriate attire. Any absence without prior notice will result in the team’s disqualification.
- Any technical errors should be reported before the presentation or immediately through the WhatsApp channel.
- For the Poster Pitching Competition (Grand Finale – Semi-Final):
- The Top-15 semi-finalist teams must print a hardcopy poster as tarpaulin banting (2″ wide x 6″ height) with eyelet finishing.
- The poster must include the logos of NaSIC ’24, UTM, and Lotus’s.
- The evaluation rubrics will be given to the team when the task is announced.
- A softcopy of the poster should be provided to the organiser in PDF format and should not exceed 500 MB in size.
- The infographic, poster, and presentation slides should only contain copyright-free figures.
- All ideas should be original, and all references must be cited. If plagiarism is found, the teams will be disqualified.
- Any submissions that exceed the due date shall not be entertained and are non-negotiable.
- The organiser has the right to eliminate/annul/disqualify the teams that violate the above rules and regulations. The organiser may take such actions without prior notice.
- The organiser will hold the right to publish submitted infographics, posters, slide presentations, and presentation recordings for future publications without prior notice to the participants.
- The judges’ decision is FINAL.
More detailed information about NaSIC’24 can be found in the event booklet.
(updated on 23 April 2024)